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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-21-2013 23:19)

One Minute to Midnight

We, the Palestinians, despite our lack of armies and resources, have been trying in vain to bring this destructive machine to a halt.

(LONDON) - Palestinian versus Israeli soldier The fast train that has been hurtling through our blighted land for the last hundred years is gathering momentum and reaching its final destination. Palestine. A Jewish state with no place for any Palestinian in it.

This tragic journey has continued unchecked and unhindered despite many UN resolutions over many years calling it illegal and against all known international law and conventions. Yet it thunders on.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2013 00:27)

Jerusalem the Red Line

Hamas chief calls for massive armed resistance to protect it...

(LONDON) - Hamas troops The other day Hamas's political chief, Khaled Meshaal, criticised the Palestinian Authority for "criminalizing armed resistance".

He claimed that, by dropping the armed resistance option, Arab States and the PA had lost the ability to deter Israel and its never-ending violations.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2013 23:53)

The Serpent and the Red Line

“Our only path to liberation is resistance, and saving Jerusalem…We need to take a clear stance, Jerusalem is a Red Line. Jerusalem is the soul of the cause” (Khaled Meshaal, Hamas political bureau chief).

(LAVERNE, CA) - Khaled Mashal The first warning we had concerning the nature of a Red Line came from the Serpent (read Satan) that leered enticingly from Yahweh’s Tree of Good and Evil as Eve sauntered near.

He knew the nature of G-d’s creatures; he knew that if he were to conquer G-d he must open Eve’s and Adam’s eyes to their true nature, the depraved nature that rules by arrogance, treachery, hubris and power.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2013 23:12)

Peace Now: Settlement Construction Surges in First Half of 2013

There was a 70% increase in construction starts (the start of new units) in settlements compared to the same period in 2013.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Israel settlements Today the Israeli Peace Now movement issued a report documenting a surge in settlement construction during the first half of 2013.

The report contradicts the popular narrative that settlement construction in the West Bank slowed during the run-up to the re-start of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. In reality, the period of January-June 2013 saw a huge increase in construction compared to the same period in 2012. The details of the report are summarized below.

Read Full Article (Oct-16-2013 00:10)

Israel Hides Nukes Behind `Ambiguity` Wall

The ambiguity wall has protected Israel’s growing nuclear arsenal from the world’s eyes since the 1950s. In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear technician working in Dimona, breached the wall when he leaked the country’s nuclear secrets to a British newspaper.

(CHICAGO) - Global security This week’s Geneva nuclear table talks pit Iran against the Big Five Security Council members, plus Germany.

Iran sits alone at the table, seeking release from its “sanctions jail” incarceration from its jailers, the Big Five plus one nations.

Read Full Article (Oct-15-2013 15:43)

The Real Sacrificial Lamb

"The ultimate sacrifice we are offering [is] Palestine. Not to God, but to our enemies."

(LONDON) - Al Aqsa Mosque At this time of year, all able-bodied Muslims are expected to travel to Mekka and perform one of the most revered pillars of Islam, Al Hajj (The pilgrimage). Before they celebrate EID AL-ADHA they are required to offer a sacrifice of a lamb in memory of Ibrahim and his son, Ismail.

Although the biblical story differs slightly from the Quoran, saying that the son to be sacrificed was not the first born, Ishamel, but Abraham’s second son, Isaac, the message is the same. The Angel of God stops Ibrahim/Abraham at the last moment saying, “now I know you fear God.” Ibrahim/Abraham releases his son, sees a ram caught in the bushes and sacrifices the ram instead.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2013 11:31)

There Are Hopes for A Breakthrough in Iran-US Talks: Gary Sick

This interview was conducted in the final hours of which he held a historic, 15-minute phone conversation with his American counterpart Barack Obama.

(TEHRAN) - Prof. Gary Sick In less than 3 days, Iran and the six world powers (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States) will be sitting at the negotiating table in Geneva to discuss the controversy over Iran’s nuclear program and find ways for getting out of the stalemate that has marred Iran’s relations with the West for more than one decade.

Following the victory of Dr. Hassan Rouhani in Iran’s June 14 presidential elections, hopes were revitalized that the nuclear standoff can be resolved...

Read Full Article (Oct-12-2013 19:10)

The Fading Valley Film Comes to NY in November as Part of The Other Israel Film Festival

If you know people who might attend, please give this posting wings and bring it to their attention. This is a very special attempt to break the silence around the goings on in the Jordan Valley.

(TEL AVIV) - Other Israel Film Festival The Fading Valley is a poetic film about the Jordan Valley, the Palestinians who live there and the challenges they face as they struggle to survive under the restrictions of the Occupation. I highly recommend this beautiful and thought provoking documentary.

It is aptly chosen to present a view of "The Other Israel". The film was produced by MachsomWatch, please note the screening specified by Other Israel Film Festival in NY in mid-November.

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2013 18:07)

Israeli Soldiers Line Up, Shoot and Kill 3 Young Palestinian Girls

People who ask why this would take place, need to understand that the Israel military is ingrained with the thought that all Palestinian children will someday grow up to be their enemy, and threaten their lives...

(CARLSBAD, NM) - Little girl who survived shooting in Gaza A little Palestinian girl named Summer tells a story from an Egyptian hospital bed that seems too horrible to be true. Her younger sisters, the girls says, were lined up and shot to death by soldiers from the Israeli Defence Forces.

The BBC located the girl's father, he cried as he reviewed the events that led to so much loss. He says the girls were killed shortly before 1:00 in the afternoon, the father said, "We were told to come out of the homes, the women, my three daughters".

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2013 21:49)

Israel`s Reaction to EU Sanctions: `Anti-Semitism,` Comparison to Nazism

"Without. Israel, widespread anti-Semitism in post-Holocaust Europe would most likely not have awakened from its dormancy."
- Hillel Halkin

(WASHINGTON DC) - Misuse of anti-semitism Under guidelines adopted by the executive European Commission in June, Israeli "entities" operating in the West Bank and East Jerusalem will not be eligible for European Union (EU) grants, prizes or loans in the future.

Some 500,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem among 2.5 million Palestinians. Israel captured those territories, along with the Palestinian Gaza Strip and Syrian Golan Heights, in the 1967 war.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
