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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-06-2013 12:07)

Appeasement Dooms Palestinians to Everlasting Misery

UN's precious gift empowering legal action is squandered while Israel, with US/UK/EU acquiescence, continues to seize land and resources with impunity.

(LONDON) - Freedom for Palestine Later this month Palestinians will be celebrating an important anniversary, namely the decision by the UN General Assembly a year ago to recognise Palestine as a non-member observer state. But not with much joy, I suspect.

Its upgraded status enables Palestine to now take part in UN debates and join bodies like the International Criminal Court (ICC). Predictably, Israel flew into a rage at the prospect and said the move pushed the peace process "backwards", while the US said it was "unfortunate".

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 17:19)

Shir Hever on Israel`s Weapons Industry

A lecture by Shir Hever, Jerusalem/Göttingen "Israel's Weapons Industry, Arms Trade and Military and Surveillance Co-operation with the European Union" (in English)

(JERUSALEM) - The European Union is Israel's most important trading partner. An increasingly important part of that trade is in goods and services of the defense and homeland security industries. These have become a pillar of Israel's economy, and also play a big role in a number of EU countries.

Israel touts its "battle-proven" technologies such as electronics and drones used in surveillance and assassinations, as well as the expertise and equipment it uses to repress popular resistance activities in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 17:01)

The Jewish Paradox Arising from The Curse of Zionism

The world always has been anti-Semitic (meaning anti-Jew because Arabs are Semites, too) and always will be.

(LONDON) - Israel I was inspired (perhaps I should say provoked) to write this piece by something U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden said in his speech to the recent J Street National Conference in Washington DC.

He recalled visiting Golda Meir when she was Israel’s prime minister and he was a junior senator. Her parting words to him were, he said, these: “We Jews have a secret weapon in our conflict with the Arabs: We have no place else to go.”

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 20:21)

Do Peace Talks Point to a Carthagenian Peace?

In August of this year, I suggested in Wall Writings that we study the ominous signs that indicate Israel seeks neither fairness nor justice in its dealings with its neighbors in the Middle East region.

(CHICAGO) - The picture at top was taken by Allison Degan in the early morning hours of October 30 On December 24, 2009, the Israeli oil exploration company Givot Olam, posted two media announcements a few hours apart.

Givot Olam’s first announcement revealed that “significant quantities” of oil had been found in the mud of Meged 5, a drill site close to the Palestinian village of Rantis, north west of Ramallah.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 19:43)

News from The OtherSite - Truth? Justice? Peace?

Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared." - Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America in his speech at Cairo University in 2009

(FREIDBURG) - Israel's influence on Obama "...No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point.

But I am convinced that in order to move forward, we must say openly the things we hold in our hearts, and that too often are said only behind closed doors...

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 12:43)

As Israel`s Siege on Gaza Tightens, 4000 People Sign Petition to Simon Cowell in Just 5 Days!

A message from the Causes campaign to tell musicians: Don't entertain apartheid Israel!

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Simon Cowell We're amazed at the coming together of all of you, at such a time of extreme humanitarian crisis. We're growing in unprecedented speed and in only 5 days, our petition passed the 4000 signatory milestone! We’ve managed to raise our voices loudly against Simon Cowell’s $250,000 donation to Haim Saban’s “Friends of the IDF”.

Right now, more than ever, as Israel's siege on Gaza tightens, and 1.7 million people are left without electricity and fuel, it's important to pressure high-profile contributors to Israel's army.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 03:02)

South African Minister: `The Palestinian Struggle is Our Struggle`

Maite Nkoana-Mashabane says ministerial visits stopped, Pretoria ‘curtailing contact’ with Jerusalem ‘regime,’ and ‘losing sleep’ over settlements

(TEL AVIV Times of Israel) - South African International Relations Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane “The struggle of the people of Palestine is our struggle” and South Africa has decided to “slow down” and “curtail senior leadership contact” with the Israeli “regime,” South Africa’s International Relations Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane said on Friday. Already, she said, South Africa’s government ministers do not visit Israel.

“Our Palestinian friends have never asked us to disengage with Israel [through cutting diplomatic relations]. They had asked us in formal meetings to not engage with the regime,” Nkoana-Mashabane was quoted by South African website News24 as telling a Congress of South African Trade Unions international relations committee meeting on Friday.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 01:41)

Anti Zionist Zionist Dror Feiler On The Jewish State And His Right to Return

In an interview with the Israeli Ynet, Feiler produced some very peculiar Judeo-centric arguments that demonstrated a complete dismissal of any ethics, let alone any universal approach to the conflict.

(LONDON) - Dror Feiler, Ynet reported today that “Israeli expat Dror Feiler, who was banned entry to Israel due to his participation several Gaza flotillas, appealed to the Jerusalem District Court to reverse the ban and allow him to visit the country in order to tend to his sick, 90-year-old mother.”

Now, of course I hope that Feiler succeeds in his appeal and manages to reunite with his elderly mother, but the argument that Feiler uses in his appeal exposes the deceptive nature that unfortunately, is intrinsic to the Jewish progressive message in general and to Dror Feiler in particular.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 19:44)

Settlers Attacking Palestinian Volunteers in Smoud Kindergarten

Issa Amro, Palestinian human rights defender, was arrested along with a 15 year old Palestinian boy because of violence toward the settlers as settlers claimed; video recorded of the incident tells a different story.

(HEBRON) - Settlers and IDF soldier at Al Smoud kindergarten Settlers attacked Youth against settlements volunteers whilst they were working in Al Smoud kindergarten located near Shuhada Street and Beit Hadas Colony (Al Dbwieh area).

As usual settlers attempted to prevent us from doing our work in the kindergarten so they entered the kindergarten, a private area, owned by a Palestinian, and stopped YAS volunteers.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 01:54)

The Olive Tree

The still slow life is mine, my days are years.
Tied to the soil, I reach towards the sky,
as men rush by, so driven by their fears,
and with their fears intact pass on and die.

From Plato's Olive Tree

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Vincent van Gogh's Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun This is the olive picking season. Like other harvests, it should be a season of joy. However, the land-grabbing occupiers of Palestine have imbued Israeli youth with the destructive arrogance of conceited, swaggering, self-loving Jews.

“A group of extremist Israeli settlers set ablaze more than 350 Palestinian olive trees” reports the International Middle East Media Centre.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
