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Time to Act Now for the Liberation of Gaza

The Revolution and Palestinian freedom.

(GAZA CITY) - Shot inside Gaza's tunnel Mubarak may have stepped down, but until the Mubarak era Egyptian blockade of Gaza is shattered, the Egyptian revolution is incomplete.

We must end this Zionist/American imperialist blockade once and for all.

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2011 00:13)

Africa: Faces in Words

New weekly update on the breaking stories in the African nations.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Somalia faces Unseen, unheard; no one should be the bearer of these two words. Unfortunately, Africa is often in the forefront of this association.

Our common humanity should change this; we should never look away because it is too distant. Our commitment to one another, to human rights, and the ability to learn should always keep us connected no matter the severity and complexity of problems.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2011 14:03)

Banking on the Harvest

In Niger, many women are taking local food security into their own hands.

(MARADI, Niger) - Woman farming in Niger In the Maradi area in south central Niger, where 70 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, the months before the harvest are called “the hunger season.”

From mid-July to mid-September, food supplies are at their lowest and most families only eat one meal a day.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2011 22:40)

Africa: Faces in Words

New weekly update on the breaking stories in the African nations.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - African face Unseen, unheard; no one should be the bearer of these two words. Unfortunately, Africa is often in the forefront of this association.

Our common humanity should change this; we should never look away because it is too distant. Our commitment to one another, to human rights, and the ability to learn should always keep us connected no matter the severity and complexity of problems.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2011 17:21)

Homeownership Rate Drops to Lowest Since 1998
Black, Latino Rates Drop Faster Than Whites`

“We’re seeing a dangerous trend that’s neatly summarized by these two reports” - Preeti Vissa, Greenlining Institute.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Homeowners According to U.S. Census data released this week, homeownership rates have dropped to their lowest level since 1998.

Homeownership rates for Hispanics, African Americans and Native Americans have dropped more severely than for whites (2010 data for Asian Americans have not yet been reported).

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2011 18:06)

US Policy of Supporting Dictators and Punishing Democracies Continues

Far reaching results may follow the Tunisia revolt with two nations being particularly important.

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - Baby Doc Duvalier The US government continues its policy of supporting dictators and punishing democracies.

Last week Baby Doc Duvalier returned to Haiti and the US government said nothing. For readers who might be too young to remember, he, like Papa Doc, his father who preceded him, was a cruel murdering dictator who looted his country of millions.

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2011 00:40)

Oregon`s Favorites: Insurance Companies and DINK`s

More favor for those who aren't suffering financially, more power to insurance companies...

(SALEM, Ore.) - As the economy worsens, more jobs are lost and more unemployment extensions are granted. But Oregon is proud to announce that the state's new insurance law saved financially sound Oregonians more money.

The law's existence in the first place however, in its initial form, by principle favors people who have more and punishes those who have less. Some of us don't think that is right.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2011 02:03)

The Second American Civil War

The Second American Civil War is not going to be North against South, but is going to be worker against worker; those have a little, against those who have less.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - It’s called whistling past the graveyard—something the majority of Americans are now doing. They think, hope, they can escape the imminent conflagration.

The unraveling of America has begun in earnest. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), 42 percent of American children live in low-income homes and about a fifth live in poverty.

Read Full Article (Dec-23-2010 23:00)

Pilger`s `The War You Don`t See` is a Dose of Mind Numbing Reality

Pilger is right, there is no just excuse for the types of wars the west is waging.

(SALEM, Ore.) - John Pilger Coming to understand my own role in promoting the US wars overseas as a former embedded reporter, John Pilger's: The War You Don't See, shoved me right off of the cliff of ignorance, into a painful valley of understanding.

I used to think it was different for me because the only thing I've shot in a war was my television camera. I increasingly understand that I was part of the problem.

Read Full Article (Dec-21-2010 16:41)

Building Border Food Security

“I think it’s been really positive,” - Youth Organizer, Cristina Dominguez

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Corn array Sprouting up in the Rio Grande Valley, a new organization seeks to reshape the production, distribution and consumption of food.

Called La Semilla Food Center, the New Mexico-based project intends not only to grow and sell organic food, but also expose youth to new careers, inspire value-added industries, get locally-grown produce into large institutions, spin-off small businesses, and encourage nutritional awareness.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
