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Africa: Faces in Words's weekly update from African nations.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Faces of a Burundi family Unseen, unheard; no one should be the bearer of these two words. Unfortunately, Africa is often in the forefront of this association.

Our common humanity should change this; we should never look away because it is too distant. Our commitment to one another, to human rights, and the ability to learn should always keep us connected no matter the severity and complexity of problems.

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2011 15:05)

Shutdown: How Republicans Are Your Friends

Instead of gnashing your teeth, see the Republicans instead as tools of American progress and help them along.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Gov. shut down Looked at logically, from Canada or Europe, America looks increasingly like an insane asylum run by the inmates. It could even be argued that it’s an asylum for the criminally insane.

This sounds like a harsh judgment, but the evidence is irrefutable (about which more in a moment). Republicans are not the actual inmates, but it is the inmates themselves who elect Republicans to govern—supposedly in the inmate’s interests.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2011 15:32)

A Boehner for the Working Class American

GOP plan to rein the deficit will lower Wages? No thanks.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - John Boehner “[A] little-noticed economic report distributed by the office House Speaker John Boehner last week…predicts that cutting the number of public employees would send highly skilled workers job hunting in the private sector, which in turn would lead to lower labor costs and increased unemployment.

But “lowering labor costs” is economist-speak for lowering wages — does the GOP want to be in the position of advocating for lower wages for voters who work in the private sector?”

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2011 15:11)

Oregon Per Capita Personal Income Continues to Rise

The small decline in 2009, a recession year, was the first time since 1982 that Oregon's total personal income had declined year-over-year.

(SILVERTON, Ore.) - Oregon flag Oregon's per capita personal income in 2010 continued its upward trend, rising 2 percent in inflation-adjusted terms over the past decade despite two recessions, according to the Oregon Center for Public Policy's analysis of preliminary data released this week by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

For 2010, Oregon's per capita personal income was $37,095, the BEA said.

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2011 21:15)

A `Revolution of Greens` Needed to Curb Food Price Crisis

Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet team highlights need for innovations in indigenous vegetable production to improve food security and raise incomes in the long term

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - A 'Revolution of Greens' Food prices have soared to record highs and are projected to increase further in the coming decade, pushing millions of people into hunger and fueling political unrest around the world.

The Worldwatch Institute's recently released report shows that diversifying food production can help communities boost their self-sufficiency and protect vulnerable populations from price shocks.

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2011 14:01)

Love, Hate, Forgiveness, Revenge and Bert

Practically speaking, this is a case where retribution has no place. I will have to choose forgiveness or poison myself with anger.

(NAYARIT, Mexico) - 'Bert' the raccoon Bert was a mapache... a raccoon. A couple from a nearby town rescued Bert and his brother after their mother was hit by a car. Their eyes were still closed and they were no bigger than newborn kittens.

Bert was killed two weeks ago. A man who had never seen him before and who could not have known that he was tame and a pet killed him with a rock to the head.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 23:15)

Africa: Faces in Words

New weekly update on the breaking stories in the African nations.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Faces of Namibia Unseen, unheard; no one should be the bearer of these two words. Unfortunately, Africa is often in the forefront of this association.

Our common humanity should change this; we should never look away because it is too distant. Our commitment to one another, to human rights, and the ability to learn should always keep us connected no matter the severity and complexity of problems.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2011 20:11)

10 Million Children Die Each Year

Most of these 10 million deaths have origin in roots that can be easily healed and prevented.

(MADRID) - Infant mortality This is how the infant mortality clock functions: 19 children of 5 years or less die each minute; 1,140 each hour; 27,360 each day; 10 million each year. It is estimated that 99 percent out these 10 million deaths take place in developing countries.

According to Save the Children Foundation, it is possible to reduce 60 percent of these deaths by carrying out simple and inexpensive measures. Such measures range from vaccines, oral rehydration, mosquito nets, to access to health care.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2011 16:31)

The Pirates of the Mediterranean

"We are shot at by Israeli warships almost daily" - Mustafa, a Gaza fisherman

(GAZA) - Palestinian fishermen gather around a fishing boat after it was hit by Israeli army naval fire at Gaza's seaport. Government measures on the sea, even if they are illegal, are not an act of piracy, according to international law.

The actions of the Israeli military are not likely to have been considered in the implementation of this law. The cousins Mustafa, 42, Mahmoud, 30, and Hjazi ElLaham, 27, were on the morning of the 19th February 2011, like every morning, fishing with their boat off the coast of Gaza.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2011 01:11)

McClatchy, the Sacramento Bee, Darrell Steinberg and Islamaphobia

Denying Nazi-Zionist Collusion.

(SACRAMENTO) - In an inversion of journalistic ethics, the Sacramento Bee reported on opposition to an event before and after it took place, but didn’t cover the event itself. It featured an entire report on accusations against a flier, but didn’t include a response from the flier’s authors.

It printed claims by powerful local figures that the flier was “an outrageous lie,” but refused to print information showing that the flier’s statements were factual.

Read Full Article
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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
