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Ullema`s Constitution

Internationally everyone is turning to interfaith dialogue and agreeing to other faiths but you should not impose for this rigid Islamic Jihadist.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistan flag Throughout the Christmas celebration, 2013, Pakistan Peoples Party chairman Bilwal Bhutto Zardari claimed that I want to see some sort of Christian Prime Minister in Pakistan within my lifetime.

He greeted Merry Christmas to every Christian worldwide and particularly to Pakistani Christian believers. With his statement, the roars connected with Pakistani non secular politicians raise at the same time the other people.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 12:38)

Happy New Year, Mr. President, and Help SL Tamils with Two Important Things in 2014, Says Tamils For Obama

Tamils for Obama wishes the president a good 2014 and asks him to get behind an international investigation into war crimes committed by Sri Lankan officials during and since the ethnic war, and to help the Tamil victims in northeastern Sri Lanka to determine their own destiny.

(NEW YORK) - Major General Mahinda Hathurusinghe, Commander, Jaffna Security Forces, laughs openly over credible, verified reports of Tamils being raped and tortured. In a letter sent to President Obama recently, Tamils for Obama wished the president a happy 2014 and asked him to help the SL Tamils in two significant matters.

"We told the president there are two things the Tamils in Sri Lanka need from him in 2014," said the press spokesman for Tamils for Obama.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 17:02)

St. Louis Archdiocese Criticized for Remark on World Religions

Distinguished religious statesman Rajan Zed, stated that we all should be more sensitive and respectful while talking about other religions.

(RENO) - Benedictine Father Michael G. Brunner Series of presentations have been scheduled at a parish under Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Louis (Missouri, USA) about various world religions with the tagline “Learn what they know, so you know what they need to know.”

Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that this “need to know” tagline was highly inappropriate reference to great world religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Islam.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 11:38)

Égalité et Réconciliation: An Interview With Gilad Atzmon

Jewisness, Jewish Power, detractors, history, Khmelnystky, Soros, Palestine and more..

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon Alimuddin Usmani: The French Israeli film maker Esti is making short movies in which she asks some famous Jews and non-Jews to answer her question in one minute : “C'est quoi être juif?” (What does it mean to be a Jew?) How would you answer this question?

Gilad Atzmon: To be a Jew is to evoke animosity in others. Couldn’t be shorter than that I guess…

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 10:07)

BURMA: UN Rights Boss Urges Thailand to Drop Charges Against Journalists

"Criminal prosecution for defamation has a chilling effect on freedom of the press" - Pillay’s spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani

(GENEVA The Irrawaddy) - Thailand Immigration Police van The top UN human rights official urged Thailand on Thursday to drop criminal charges against two journalists accused of defamation for citing a Reuters investigation into the role of Thai naval security forces in smuggling Rohingya asylum seekers.

A Reuters investigation, based on interviews with people smugglers and more than two dozen survivors of boat voyages, revealed in July how some Thai naval security forces work systematically with smugglers to profit from the surge in Rohingya fleeing Myanmar to escape religious persecution.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 09:54)

Dreary Christmas Behind Bars For A Man Accused of Blasphemy

“Every Christian household in this area is being told to immediately vacate their houses. This time you are verbally warned, but the next time you will be burned and killed.” - letter was sent to a Christian colony in Wassanpura, Lahore

(LAHORE) - Pastor Adnan Masih A Christian held captive in a Pakistani prison disclosed an account of his ordeal to an international organization from his prison cell about the trials surrounding his detention and present confinement.

Adnan Prince, a Pakistani Christian 26 years of age who is publicly known as Adnan Masih was accused by his colleague of committing blasphemy. Subsequent to the accusation, Adnan went into hiding, however, returned a month later after police hooked a number of of his family members.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2013 10:44)

COLOMBO TELEGRAPH: Gota Becomes Dog Abductor: Inside Story Of The Cruel Massacre Of Dogs In Sri Lanka

"... we can assume that the dogs were killed as they have disappeared from the Dematagoda slaughterhouse without any trace and there was no transparency on the part of the CMC on what they did to the dogs" - Animal Rights Activist and the Chairperson of the Animal Welfare Trust Mrs. Iranganie de Silva

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Dogs of Sri Lanka Several months prior to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) was held in November 2013 in Colombo, a massive operation to make the city of Colombo look clean and attractive for the event, was implemented by the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development.

Part of this operation was to remove nearly 300 homeless dogs from the streets, and house them in temporary shelters.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2013 11:28)

Occupation, Occupation, Occupation: Religion Isn`t Israel`s Big Problem

Rather, it is the Jewish takeover of the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. A response to Eva Illouz.

(TEL AVIV) -  Naftali Bennett (left) and Yair Lapid: a political alliance of “liberal colonialism.” Photo by Olivier Fitoussi What is the cause of the segregation between groups in Israeli society? How should we cope with this and with the polarization and racism it engenders?

In her soul-searching, riveting article, Prof. Eva Illouz argues that this ostensible regime of separation stems primarily from the distorted importation here of ethno-religious principles that dictated the isolationist, self-defensive Jewish existence in the Diaspora.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2013 11:24)

PRESS TV: Escalating Terror in Burma: Buddhist `969 Movement` Reignites Violence Against Minority Muslims

Hundreds of Rohingya people have been killed; tens of thousands suffer as refugees in camps where disease is rampant and food and shelter are scarce.

(SALEM) - Buddhist armed with gun "Terrorist" groups are frequently the banter of network news anchors and analysts; yet few in America devote time to the terrorists of Burma who have behaved treacherously toward the Muslim population for a year and a half now, due to old simmering hatreds and a desire among the majority population to live in a Buddhist only country.

The Buddhist answer toward their frustration with having to live with Muslims, is most vividly expressed in the "969" movement led by a Buddhist monk named U Wirathu.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2013 10:38)

Walled in by Zionist Ugliness

The grim horror now surrounding our 'Little Town of Bethlehem'.

(LONDON) - Israeli occupation wall London's Christmas was made gloomier this year ­ and rightly so ­ by the appearance in the courtyard of St James’s Church, Piccadilly, of a replica of the hated Israeli annexation Wall that threads its thieving way around the Palestinian West Bank http://bethlehem­

It's a life­size representation of the actual 8­metre high Wall surrounding Bethlehem and imprisoning its inhabitants. The project, called 'Bethlehem Unwrapped' is a response to a call from the united churches of the Holy Land pleading with churches and communities around the world to “help us get our freedom back”.

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