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The Story of Gaza

The stories themselves don't actually take up that debate. Rather they depict the struggle merely to survive, the bravery that we may in fact all need everywhere if the earth's climate goes the way scientists expect.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Gaza Young authors of fiction from Gaza, some of whom say they are finding Palestine on the internet while unable to see it exist in reality, have just published a collection of stories, written in English, marking the five-year anniversary of the 23 days from December 27, 2008, until Obama's inauguration, during which Israel bombed the people of Gaza far more heavily than usual.

They're publishing a new excerpt of the book each of these 23 days on their FaceBook page. You can talk with them in an upcoming Google Hangout.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 20:12)

Lynne Stewart Coming Home

On April 9, 2002, Lynne was wrongfully and maliciously indicted. At issue was decades of representing clients prosecutors wanted convicted. Bogus charges included "conspiring to defraud the United States..."

(WASHINGTON, DC MWC News) - Lynne Stewart For Lynne, husband Ralph, their children, other family members, and legions of worldwide supporters, New Year's day 2014 is special.

It's reason to celebrate. On December 31, Lynne wrote from Carswell federal prison...

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 18:58)

Every Person Has a Name

Asaf Weitzen, a lawyer who works for the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants and represents 123 of the asylum seekers, said he was disturbed by the fact that in the appeal the asylum seekers have no names, only numbers.

(JERUSALEM) - That every person has a name is categorical and therefore universal Ten days ago some 200 asylum seekers from Sudan and Eritrea marched to Jerusalem to protest against their mistreatment by the Israeli government.

They had left a new ‘open’ detention facility in the Negev desert, where they are obliged to spend the night and attend three role calls during the day. They walked for about six hours to the nearest city, Beer-Sheva, my hometown.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 18:26)

Let us Triumph this Year in Further Isolating Sri Lanka and March Forward to Our Freedom! TGTE

Dduring 2014, the TGTE intends to take steps towards building the Tamil Diaspora into a vibrant and strong community.

(NEW YORK) - TGTE flag On this New Year Day TGTE appeal to all Tamils spread across the world to join hands with us in the task of moving our Tamil Eelam freedom struggle forward.

While the Sinhala regime dreams of a state of permanent subjugation of the Tamil people and a total cover up of all of its War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, we are witnessing that the deceit and duplicity of the Sinhala State are being revealed as each year passes since the 2009 massacre of Mullivaaikkal.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 16:17)

Defenceless or Indefensible?

They haven’t finished. The plan is to steal the entire land of Palestine, obviously with no Palestinians in it. And beyond.

(LONDON) - Israeli soldiers take down a small Palestinian boy. Israel, since its inception, has portrayed itself as the little, defenceless lamb surrounded by a sea of voracious wolves. The Arabs. Therefore it is the duty of the world to support it and protect it at all costs.

Every aggression, every expansion and every theft of Arab land and resources it commits is justified under the banner of ‘self defence.’

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 12:07)

European Legislators Threatened with Arrest by Israeli Authorities

Although Israel has declared the organization to be a threat to its national security, it has yet to provide evidence of the group's involvement in any terrorist activity.

(LONDON IMEMC) - Clare Short (image from wikimedia) Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe Ya'alon declared, on Tuesday, that former British International Development Secretary Clare Short and three other European legislators would be arrested if they try to come to Israel.

This is due to their involvement in a European-Palestinian organization calling for an end to the Israeli siege on Gaza.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 11:52)

US, EU Criticize Burma for `Inhumane Environment` in Rohingya Camp

The EU and US said the government should address these concerns as soon as possible and allow camp residents to travel freely.

(GENEVA The Irrawaddy) - Burma burning The European Union and the US government have criticized the Burma government for the “inhumane environment” in Taung Paw camp in Myebon Township, Arakan State, where some 750 Rohingya Muslims are residing.

In a joint statement the EU and US said the families living there faced “very poor living conditions, including lack of safe drinking water, limited healthcare services, malnutrition...

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 01:04)

Joint New Year Message from Worldwide Tamil Entities: A Solemn Pledge to Work for International Investigation

At this propitious time of year, we call for a peaceful world thriving with justice, equality and freedom for all.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Tamil support groups On this New Year’s Day, January 1, 2014, Tamil entities around the world pledge our renewed commitment to bring freedom, justice, peace and dignity to our Tamil brethren living in the occupied NorthEast of Sri Lanka.

With our diverse backgrounds we are united in working for our people who have been oppressed by the successive Sri Lankan regimes since “independence” in 1948, and pledge to work against the continuing oppression of the Tamil Nation.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 22:31)

Redemption: A Challenge

To sabotage foundational elements of human cohabitation, is downright perilous for mankind, and yet this is what is promoted by people under the ominously fake pretext of “peace”!

(LONDON) - Pro-Israel set To expose the absurd and unrealistic nature of the “one-state with equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians”, and to extract one of the main perils it encapsulates, I would mention here mainly three facts.

These facts have the double merit of being crystal clear, and also of being based on fundamental pillars of civilization, i.e. time-tested.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 17:11)

Come on Gotabahya, HRC Geneva Welcomes You!

The HRC consists of 47 UN members states, who decide on matters related to human rights situations in any country. Therefore it is absurd for you to lobby Ban-Ki Moon. Neither the UN Secretary General nor the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights can stop any resolution being passed in the HRC.

(PARIS) - Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka's Secretary of Defence In recent days, I learnt that you, Defence Secretary - Gotabaya Rajapaksa, brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa met some dignitaries.

This was to prevent any resolution coming against Sri Lanka in the forthcoming 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council - HRC in Geneva. Among the diaspora a few are not happy about your new role but I am extremely happy and welcome you.

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