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Historical Figures Who Took a Stand

Those who make their voices heard are the ones that will help to change the future.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Susan B Anthony Throughout the course of history, there are those who stand out among the crowd for the stance they took for a certain group of people.

In their minds, they felt strongly that if their voices could make it to a platform, justice would prevail and equality would follow. Today you can find many of the original artifacts that helped to shape the country, the United States of America, including historical documents for sale.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2017 01:11)

Is America Circling the Drain (updated)?

I live in Canada, beyond the reach of Donald Trump's deportation forces. I have no plan to ever visit the U.S. in the rest of my lifetime.

(Pender Island, British Columbia) - circling the drain I was 15 in October 1962 when the Cuban Missile Crisis overwhelmed much of the world's consciousness.

As Oliver Stone commented in his series The untold history of the United States: “Children watched the news, their parents full of fear.” In my experience, the fear was palpable and seemingly everywhere.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2017 21:45)

Remains of Kennewick Man The Ancient One Laid to Rest

Since the discovery, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has curated the remains at the Burke Museum under the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and followed the Native Americans Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Kennewick Man The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Northwestern Division (Corps) transferred the human remains known as the Kennewick Man, or the Ancient One, to the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (Washington) on Friday, Feb. 17 on the condition that the Department then repatriate the human remains to the five Columbia River Plateau tribes.

The transfer took place at the Burke Museum in Seattle, Washington where the remains have been curated since 1998.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2017 14:28)

Life and Death Struggle for the Children of Syria

No one can help every Syrian child during the continuing carnage in their beloved country. But everyone can have the honor of fulfilling the solemn duty of each of us--to help someone.

(DAMASCUS, Syria) - Syrian child Ten-year old Ghina Wadi had another of what hopefully will be a leg saving operation last Friday. She has spent the past seven months often in unbearable pain, which for the first month was periodically relieved for only approximately 15 minutes at a time- by heavy injections of morphine.

Ghina was shot by a sniper on 8/2/2016 on the main street in Madaya at the Abdel Majed checkpoint when she was on her way to buy medicine for her mother, Sahar. Her accompanying seven-year-old sister Nagham was also injured in her hand and arm.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2017 13:12)

Trump vs The Media

Mistrust of science and critical thinking in this country is a growing problem... one that a snake oil salesman knows and panders to.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - trump snake oil With the destruction of 16 primary challengers and a well-known political figure in his rear-view mirror, Trump has now zeroed in on his old opponent, the media. Why? Because the media is out to get him. Or maybe they are just fact checking.

During the primaries and general election, Trump's assault on the media was quite successful. He ran a media campaign directly against the media, helping himself to the copious media attention available to a TV star while disparaging journalists at every podium and venue.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2017 14:04)

Weep, America, For What You Have Lost

Or for what you have thrown away...

(PENDER ISLAND, British Columbia) - weeping america Christopher Hedges:

"Brace yourself. The American empire is over and the descent is going to be horrifying."

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2017 19:45)

41 Orphans From Aleppo Will Live in Jarablus

The other six orphans will live with their relatives in Idlib.

(ISTANBUL, TR) - Aleppo orphan Following the evacuations from Aleppo, 41 orphans were settled at the
temporary refugee centre that was established by IHH in Idlib. The orphans, whose needs were covered by IHH, were sent to Azez with the guidance of Turkey, IHH and AFAD teams.

The orphans who are now staying at the temporary refugee centre will later go to Jarablus.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2017 11:11)

Executive Order Banning Entry from 7 Muslim-Majority Countries


(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Muslim ban graph Americans from the kitchen table to the water cooler are continuing to debate the pros and cons of the Executive Order excluding entry into the United States by a myriad of people and situations. Before stepping up to your own pulpit, it will behoove you to know the FACTS.

Here is the January 27, 2017 Executive Order, in it's entirety:

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2017 18:08)

Thousands Fill the Streets for Salem`s Women`s March

Freedom is always worth marching for.

(SALEM, Ore.) - salem women's march What an unbelievable turnout in Oregon’s capitol city! The national Women's March on Washington had sister marches all over the country- millions of women and men standing together against inequality, disrespect, misogyny and in unison to improve the situation at hand.

"Stronger Together!" is the chant heard at every event, in dozens of cities, in every state. We shall overcome.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2017 23:44)

Myanmar`s Reward for Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya

ISIL threatens Asian country with retaliation for its brutal treatment and extermination of Rohingya Muslims.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Myanmar's problems with ISIS are a microcosm of the worldwide picture, literally a snapshot of what is to come from years of nations persecuting people for being Muslim when political leaders themselves do not possess even the smallest understanding of Islam or the people who comprise the world's newest monotheistic religion.

Now the government of Myanmar is threatened by one of the world's largest terrorist networks.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
