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Turkish Interests Impact Kyrgyzstan`s Future Through Education

The Turks have long-term goals in Kyrgyzstan and the effects of their influence will show, not now but over time.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Followers of Fethullah Gülen in Egypt. Turkish interests are penetrating different countries like Kyrgyzstan through religious educational institutions in order to train for a generation of Turkish-wing officials.

The main penetrating branches of Turkish government in Kyrgyzstan are the institutes of “Service”, followers of Fethullah Gülen, “Noor Jyar”, Turkish followers of Saeed Norsi and “Suleiman Chylar”.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2016 22:38)

Former Al Jazeera English Bureau Chief Reveals Doha`s Domestic Troubles

New York Times article sheds light on severe and flagrant violations of law.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Mohamed Fahmy Mohamed Fahmy, an Egyptian-Canadian journalist who was the Cairo bureau chief for Al Jazeera English revealed new aspects of Doha's Domestic Troubles representing oppression in political freedom and divisions within al-Thani family itself, in a New York Times Opinion Pages article titled, Doha's Domestic Troubles.

Qataris who seek greater freedom of expression and more democracy in their oil-rich nation face disappointment, and perhaps worse.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2016 22:23)

Saudi Arabia Continues Beating Drums of War in Yemen

Political analysts say recent statements illustrate divisions in the ruling family of Saudi Arabia.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed Arabic coalition forces spokesman, Brigadier General Ahmed Asiri recently said that control of the city of Taiz will return to the pro-Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi forces, adding that it would happen within two months.

Asiri's remarks were considered irresponsible by political insiders in Yemen who say his words show lack of political will in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to resolve the crisis in Yemen by peaceful means and through peace talks.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2016 21:11)

Al-Quds Intifada has Paralyzed Israeli Economy

Published figures show that tourism in Israel has declined steadily over the past two years, and that interest in tourism takes a further downturn during times of violent and intense conflict.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Israel tourism The latest figures published by the Israel Hotels Association (IHA) show that the number of tourists in October dropped 21% from the same time last year.

According to the Tel Aviv Times, figures published by the IHA indicates that the decline in Israel's foreign tourism is directly related to problems involving security.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2016 23:16)

ISIS Interactions With US in Syria Operations

American strategists are making key decisions that are helping eliminate ISIS forces while simultaneously gaining support in eastern parts of Syria.

(SALEM, Ore.) - According to a commander with the Free Syrian Army who declined to be named, ISIS leaders have been interacting with US forces, who have agreed to hand over some of strategic cities occupied by ISIS to forces backed by the United States in exchange for not targeting their families with the coalition aircraft.

One example is the strategic town of al-Hawl in the Hasakah province which is located near the Iraqi border and occupied by ISIS.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2016 22:06)

Criminal Tendencies of Masrur Barzani, Son of Kurdish President

One story about Masrour Barzani that has mostly stayed off the radar, involves a failed relationship with a 19-year-old girl who was murdered in October 2012.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Masrur Barzani Masrur Barzani, son of Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, may fill his father's role someday, even though he is a criminal in nations like Austria where he has been charged with Murder.

Human rights organizations say the spy agency he runs is ruthless and known for things like torture and suppressing journalists.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2016 21:56)

Jordanian Opposition Criticize Purchase of Shares by King Abdullah II

The Jordanian king will be the second trading partner of Prince Walid bin Talal Al Saud, after the purchase of Rotana Group’s shares.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Laith Shubeilat Prominent Jordanian Islamist politician, Laith Shubailat's recent remarks criticizing Jordan's King Abdullah II brought strong reactions and criticism.

Shubailat, considered to be one of the most prominent opposition leaders in Jordan, delivered harsh criticism against the Jordanian King through his personal account on Facebook.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2016 21:42)

Silence of the Arab Regimes in the Destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque

The silence of Arab nations is leading to large numbers of indigenous Muslim and Christian Palestinians packing up and moving away from Palestine.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Sheikh Nimr The efforts to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque in the Holy City of Jerusalem will not stop; the current confrontation in Palestine is the most vital evidence of that fact and it adds to the gravity of the situation every day.

For many years, political leaders from Arab nations, particularly Saudi Arabia, (a country that claims to have a leadership of the Muslim world) have remained silent over the Palestine issue.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2016 19:35)

Karoon Petrochemical: The First Nitrobenzene Producer in the Middle East

The construction of the second phase of Karoon Petrochemical Plant, a joint project by Iranian and Swedish engineering companies, has been completed.

(TEHRAN) - nitrobenzene production unit Through the sole efforts of young Iranian experts, the largest and only nitrobenzene production unit in the Middle East has been launched in Karoon Petrochemical Company.

As the Tasnim News Agency wrote in 2013, the main product of the plant is Toluene diisocyanate (TDI), with the capacity of 40,000 tons per year.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2016 23:14)

Saudi Arabia Suspect in Revenge Attacks Against Iran

Investigators in Iran say they have also uncovered terrorist plots against Iranian embassies in other countries.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Iran Embassy When the Saudi government executed Shiite Muslim scholar Nimr al-Nimr for objecting, along with a number of other Saudi citizens, to the country's discriminatory policies, an International and regional wave of opposition formed against the regime's leaders.

Iran's government has increasingly condemned the Saudi regime's methods and manners while exposing the real face of Saudi leaders and officials to the whole world, with Muslims at the top of the list.

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