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Jan-23-2016 21:42printcomments

Silence of the Arab Regimes in the Destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque

The silence of Arab nations is leading to large numbers of indigenous Muslim and Christian Palestinians packing up and moving away from Palestine.

Sheikh Nimr
Sheikh Nimr
Photo courtesy:

(SALEM, Ore.) - The efforts to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque in the Holy City of Jerusalem will not stop; the current confrontation in Palestine is the most vital evidence of that fact and it adds to the gravity of the situation every day.

For many years, political leaders from Arab nations, particularly Saudi Arabia, (a country that claims to have a leadership of the Muslim world) have remained silent over the Palestine issue.

The attitude of casual dismissal goes well beyond Palestine too, to countries like Iran. Just a few days ago, Saudi Arabia launched psychological warfare against Iran over a suspicious fire at the Saudi embassy. However, standards dictate that it is not proper to discuss this act, that is contrary to Islamic standards.

Nowhere is the impact of this behavior and disregard more negative than in Palestine, a nation that lives under the boot heel of Zionist Israel.

Why do the supporters of Saudi Arabia stand silent against the Zionists? Why do the countries like UAE, Qatar, Somalia, Kuwait, Sudan, Djibouti and other countries, as I am shying saying them “country”, not defend the rights of Muslims in Palestine, which has been occupied for more than 60 years or even protest for it?

The only answer is that the Saudi-based Wahhabi rulers continue to ignore their ties to the holy city and work with the Zionist regime of Israel, for financial reward and political gain.

In the process, they cut their ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran. These countries that are so far behind Iran in terms of population, culture, land area and even in terms of democracy, have no use for Iran's ongoing criticism of Saudi Arabia's continual human rights violations and shameful and vastly unpopular war against Yemen.

Of course the puppet authorities in these countries do not want to see themselves against the Quds, this leaves a bad impression. At the same time, they don't want to speak out against the occupying regime and the US, because their interests will be in danger.

In the past few years, large scale attacks and plots include the burning of Al-Aqsa mosque, and contaminating the area of the mosque by Ariel Sharon in 2000. The silence of Arab nations is leading to large numbers of indigenous Muslim and Christian Palestinians packing up and moving away.

Each family that leaves is a victory for the Zionists so intent on possessing and controlling the area that is indescribably sacred to all of the monotheistic faiths. Zionists are constantly trying to Judaize the city.

These actions are taking place with little to no reaction from Arabic countries. Their dead silence is proof that the issues regarding the most treasured and celebrated mosque in the world and the constant suffering of Palestinians, are not matters of interest to these countries

At this critical moment, there is no doubt that these sold-out kings have come up short against the arrogance and lies of the Zionist regime. it is as if they have dedicated Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Zionist regime with their own hands.

It seems that the way to deal with the offensive Zionist regime and reactionary Arab regimes like Saudi Wahhabism is resistance and steadfastness of brave hearts like martyr Nimr who demonstrated with his enlightenment and insight that the only way to deal with this unjust verdict is exposing these tyrants’ dangerous role in the Islamic world.


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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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