(May-26-2016 16:20)
Still Wavy after All These Years Flower Geezer turns 80.
Michael Donnelly, Special to
Wavy Gravy - Counterculture Saint
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Wavy has been there since the beginning of the Counterculture. He famously was Master of Ceremonies at Woodstock. He was a fixture at Peace Gatherings.
Wavy and his AIM buddy John Trudell joined in on a number of environmental causes. They again shared a cell with their pal and John's roommate Jackson Browne and 1900 others at the huge 1981 protest against the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.
Read Full Article (Apr-10-2016 17:38)
The Grace and Charm of Crystal Eastin Brown Remembered
Tim King Special to
Crystal Eastin Brown, Dec. 2, 1939-April 1, 2016
(SALEM, Ore.) -
I was sad to hear of the passing of Crystal Eastin Brown. I was honored to have the opportunity to visit with her on one occasion, as I've been captivated by her story for many years.
During the Vietnam War, Crystal had a relationship with John Steinbeck IV, the son of the famous US author. Both journalists, they had adventures beyond compare, and Crystal gave birth to their child while living in Vietnam, a girl they named Blake. She is the only biological grandchild of author John Steinbeck.
Read Full Article (Feb-08-2016 19:14)
Fallen Officers to be Honored by Oregon House
Three fallen law enforcement officers will be honored on the Oregon House Floor on Tuesday, February 9 at 10:30am.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Prior to the reading of these HCRs, Washington County Sheriff's Office Honor Guard will post the colors. Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Chaplain Mike Vermace will offer the invocation.
HCR204 honors fallen Washington County Deputy Robert Talburt. Deputy Robert Talburt joined the Washington County Sheriff's Office in 1977. He was a member of the dive team and a mentor to young explorer scouts...
Read Full Article (Jan-28-2016 13:09)
The RPP Commemoration of the 71st Anniversary of the Liberation of the Auschwitz Nazi Death Camp by Soviet troops. Foreign Affairs
The international community has not learned the lessons from these Genocides.
The Rwanda People’s Party (RPP) wishes to join with the people of Israel and people from all over the world to mark the 71st anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Death Camp.
In this camp, up to three million Jews were cruelly murdered by German Nazis. On this date, the RPP wishes to call on the world to remember all those who died at this camp and to honour the soldiers of the former Soviet Union who helped to liberate the concentration camp.
Read Full Article (Dec-09-2015 07:29)
John Trudell - Human
Michael Donnelly, Special to
"He got a fast horse. Comanche warriors made sure he got their best. Hoofbeats thunder through the Time Ripple, cracking open the curtains that divide the spirit worlds, casting sparks back our way. Let's gather them up and build fires." --- Greta Montagne
(SALEM, Ore.) -
There’s a reason John Trudell is in the Counterculture Hall of Fame. Several reasons.
The great Santee Sioux poet/philosopher/warrior passed December 8, 2015 after a long bout with cancer. He was at peace, surrounded by family and friends; many had tirelessly helped care for John thru this transition. He lived a magnificent life. He was 69.
Read Full Article (Nov-12-2015 19:15)
The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald: 40 Years Ago
Bonnie King
Gordon Lightfoot said this song is his most significant contribution to music.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
40 years ago, on November 10, 1975, the Edmund Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior. This two score anniversary commemorates the ship, an ore carrier, which went down in a November storm, taking all 29 crew members to their graves.
Most of us (outside the area) know about the tragedy because of one thing: the song.
Read Full Article (Jul-14-2015 16:18)
Leaburg Hydroelectric Project Historic District listed in the National Register of Historic Places
The powerhouse was designed by Ellis Lawrence, founder of the UO school of architecture.
The Leaburg Hydroelectric Project Historic District in Lane County is among Oregon's latest entries in the National Register of Historic Places.
The Leaburg Hydroelectric Project was put into service in January 1930 and continues to generate electric power as part of the Eugene Water & Electric Board system, a municipally owned utility located in Lane County, Oregon.
Read Full Article (May-05-2015 20:46)
Oregon Coast Celebrates International Migratory Bird Day 2015
Restore Habitat, Restore Birds on the Oregon Coast
(NEWPORT, Ore.) -
On Saturday, May 9, Lincoln County will celebrate “Restore Habitat, Restore Birds” as part of International Migratory Bird Day.
International Migratory Bird Day is a global campaign to inspire people of all ages to get outdoors, learn about birds, and take part in their conservation.
Read Full Article (Apr-06-2015 10:30)
21st Anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsis
John V Karuranga, President, RPP Special to
RPP message commemorating the horrific events of 100+days in 1994 when 500,000–1 million Rwandans were killed.
Fellow Rwandans, today, the seventh of April, is the twenty-first anniversary of the most horrific systematic genocide of modern times.
The terror, agony and suffering our people faced during that, time was immeasurable. We gather here to mourn today for every drop of innocent blood that shed, every life that was lost and every family that wept.
Read Full Article (Mar-24-2015 15:52)
March 25th is Scotts Mills Quake Anniversary
Share your 1993 story! Top three stories win an emergency preparedness kit.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
On March 25th, 1993, a magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck Scotts Mills, Ore., causing approximately $30 million in damage that included Molalla High School, a Mount Angel church, and the Capitol rotunda in Salem.
It remains the most destructive quake in terms of property loss in Oregon's history.
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