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Environmental Cause of Autism Decoded

The rate of Autism in the military has consistently doubled the general population rate of 1 in 50. But the military is only one source of deadly TCE contamination in the United States.

(MINNEAPOLIS) - trichloroethylene A new study finds high rate of Autism among Minneapolis Somali community. The investigation grew from parent concerns; it also found a high rate of associated intellectual disability.

“This study validates the concerns of the Somali community in Minneapolis,”

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2014 10:48)

Defining Ourselves: How Deductions Lead to Decisions

My tentative conclusion: Decisions rest on two pillars, circumspection as well as introspection. They provide the strength and reveal the weakness of who we are.

(SALEM) - psychology Perhaps one under-researched arena in the World of Psychology is just how each person paves the way to reaching a decision. Without decision, our very lives would be devoid of direction. As we reach our maturity, this realization becomes clearer.

An English philosopher named John Locke offered us the key.

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2014 02:30)

Ahoy, Mateys! The Pirate`s Den is Back!

Bring your appetite and check out the “new” old Pirate hangout!

(DAYTON, Ore.) - Pirates Den For the last 50 years, the town of Dayton, Oregon has been the home of the Pirate’s Den café. It is located directly across from the High School, and has been a part of generations of students’ best homegrown memories.

Those of us that were there in its heyday recall pinball machines, and eventually foos-ball, and a juke box that would give you three songs for a quarter. So many songs were played repeatedly, but I don't recall anyone complaining. You can never have too much Zeppelin.

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2014 00:08)

Poisoning Chinese Workers/Apple Faces Backlash

Consumers Urged to Act Against Apple’s Failure to Make Chinese Supplier Factory Conditions Safer

(WASHINGTON DC) - Apple computers making people sick in China Ending “Bad Apple” Devices: It Could Take Just a Dollar Per Device to Fix Apple’s Poisonous Practices; Green America Takes on Apple After Success in Changing General Mills’ Cheerios.

With more than a million workers in Apple supplier factories in China at risk for exposure to toxic substances on the assembly line, U.S. consumers should consider putting a hold on planned purchases or upgrades of iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices...

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2014 16:36)

Help a Brother and Sister With Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Any donation would be greatly appreciated by the family.

(FRISCO CITY, AL) - Alexus & Zane I am writing in honor of a friend of mine's grand kids. They both suffer from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. They are having their 2nd Annual Walk-n-Roll for SMA in honor of Alexus & Zane Saturday, April 26th, 2014. I am writing to see if any of you would like to donate to the SMA foundation in their honor. The SMA has been very helpful to Becky and Edward Dick, the parents of Alexus and Zane.

The family is also preparing cook books with southern recipes for sale in April. The cook books will be $20. If you would like to order one, let me know and I will let Becky know.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 15:28)

GallantFew`s Raider Project`s War on Veteran Suicide and Transition

In the short time that GallantFew's Raider Project has started they have already expanded their global network to over 100,000 people in addition to the already established GallantFew network.

(DALLAS) - GallantFew GallantFew has been extremely successful in the US Army Ranger veteran community attacking unemployment, suicide, and PTSD. Building on this experience they have created The Raider Project to support Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) and the United States Marine Corps.

With Veteran suicide averaging 22 Veterans a day GallantFew and GallantFew's Raider Project take a different approach to this problem.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2014 17:48)

Gov. Jack Markell: Fred Stephen Copening

"Stephen needs to be held at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center until he becomes competent enough to stand trial" - Judge

(WILMINGTON, Del) - Stephen Copening We decided to start a petition on for my brother Stephen Copening so that he may be released from the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center.

We want Stephen released from this prison because this correctional facility is not capable of caring for his needs due to his psychological disorder.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2014 14:47)

Deleting That Doldrum Daze: A Skeptic`s Lament

What's the issue bugging, dude?

(SALEM) - Sunset in Sacramento Deleting That Doldrum Daze: A Skeptic's Lament is written by writer, B. Lee Coyne (Bard at Large). is one of the few news agencies in the world that carries poetry, so enjoy this lively and thoughtful piece from Lee and let it be food for thought.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2014 19:40)

Help an American Who Served in Vietnam

I took the same danger... while bringing to the soldiers a welcomed visit from home.

(SALEM) - Lesli Moore Dahlke When I first met Lesli Moore Dahlke, I was duly impressed. Here is a Vietnam Veteran who didn't serve in the Marines, or the Army, but the USO.

She was bathed in Agent Orange, the chemical the USA used to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam; contaminated again, and again...

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2014 12:03)

ASTDR Releases Camp Lejeune Health Studies

Cause of death data from 1979-2008 was used to study the Camp Lejeune and Camp Pendleton cohorts.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Camp Lejeune, NC The study evaluated specific causes of death in 154,932 Marines and Navy personnel who began service during 1975-19851 and were stationed at Camp Lejeune anytime during this period.

We also evaluated a comparison group of 154,969 Marines and Navy personnel from Camp Pendleton.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
