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Dr. Mustafa Barghouti on the Events of March 30 and the Reports of his Injuries

In-depth interview with Dr. Mustafa Barghouti.

(BERLIN) - Dr. Mustafa Barghouti. Both Mustafa and Marwan Barghouti, are calling for increased Palestinian popular resistance, which is an implicit criticism of the old-guard Fatah leadership.

Both Barghoutis have called for unity between Fatah and Hamas and all other Palestinian parties, yet the two might well compete against each other in a new Palestinian election,,,

Read Full Article (Apr-24-2012 00:36)

The Wall, 10 Years on / Part 4: Trapped on the Wrong Side

We live in something that is part jail, part hell,” Qasab Sha’ur says bitterly. Sha’ur is a resident of Arab a-Ramadin, and has to go through the fence at least once or twice a day.

(TEL AVIV +972Mag) - Division wall- Palestine This is exactly the kind of thing that planners of the route hoped to avoid: having Palestinians who are barred from entering Israel trapped on the “Israeli” side of the fence.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2012 18:17)

My Confrontation with Mr. Fayyad, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority

Tense times in Palestine between a top official, and an activist who states the truth...

(RAMALLAH) - Prime Minister Fayyad is sitting in the middle behind the table I participated recently in the 'Welcome to Palestine' program headquartered in Bethlehem, the West Bank.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2012 17:32)

Where the `Self` Ends and the `West` Begins

The Western subject, as well as Western society, is submerged in self-love. Somehow we cannot understand how it is that a system that was created to explore our human liberties, can fail.

(LONDON) - Where the 'Self' Ends and the 'West' Begins When we were young there was hope in the air. There was good reason to look ahead.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2012 01:57)

How Many Walls Will Secure the Zionist Regime in Palestine?

The decision to build a wall “to replace the existing Israeli technical fence "along the Blue Line near the town of Kfar Kila was announced last month by Tel Aviv.

(BEIRUT Al-Manar) - Travel China Guide Researchers have to reach back hundreds of years to find a regime building walls and barriers in a hopeless quest to hold onto stolen lands.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2012 18:38)

Lessons Learned

Update of lessons learned in life, demonstration schedule, olive picking schedules, and some news and analysis.

(BETHLEHEM) - Palestine flag It has been over three years since I returned to Palestine from living in the US for nearly three decades. Those three plus years in Palestine have been truly phenomenal and inspirational.

Read Full Article (Apr-18-2012 19:22)

World Nations Should Issue a Travel Warning to Israel

It is not the one who threatens but rather the one who doubts the existence of the threat who is the real danger.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - The skilled attack by Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner on a blond Danish peace activist in a kaffiyeh was spectacular.

Read Full Article (Apr-18-2012 17:53)

No War on Iran: Occupy AIPAC

Israel denies Palestinians the right to vote or to exercise their right to self-determination.

(PORTLAND, OR) - AIPAC urges Obama to attack Iran - Carlos Latuff A coalition of peace, human rights, and Palestine solidarity organizations announced today that they would hold a demonstration outside the annual Oregon fund-raising dinner of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Sunday, April 29.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2012 22:21)

Israel`s Violent, Ugly Nature

This week we learn that Israel is moving toward a full, no-holes barred policy of smashing tourists in the face with rifle stocks.

(SALEM) - Danish activist Andreas Ias smashed in the face with a rifle by an Israeli soldier Be forewarned, when you watch this video, and see Danish activist Andreas Ias smashed in the face with a rifle by an Israeli soldier, the cracking sound is both unmistakable and very disturbing.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2012 16:35)

Gaza Lives! New Art Exhibit by Shareef Sarhan

Exhibition Wednesday at the French Institute - Gaza.

(GAZA CITY) - Gaza Lives! We've brought you reports in the past about the artist, Shareef Sarhan in Gaza, whose incredible talents emanate outward from this place, showing that being surrounded by a military threat has no impact on real art.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
