(Sep-08-2011 15:43)
Texans Sail 39-Foot Boat 8,000 miles to Remember American Sailors Killed by Israel
A memorial will be held at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time Thursday, Sept. 8 and will be streamed on the CNI website live.
A retired college professor who has sailed approximately 8,000 miles to the eastern Mediterranean has now arrived at his destination: the exact location where Israeli forces tried to sink a US Navy ship in 1967, killing or injuring over 200 American servicemen.
Larry Toenjes, 74 years old, is planning to hold a memorial service for those killed on board the ship, the USS Liberty. Israel shelled and torpedoed the ship, an electronics surveillance ship, in an attack that lasted as long as the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Read Full Article (Sep-05-2011 15:44)
Corporate Personhood
Ralph E. Stone
Amending the U.S. Constitution via the first part of Article V is probably the most manageable means to eliminate corporate personhood.
On January 10, the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission invalidated the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002.
Read Full Article (Sep-04-2011 15:17)
Something`s Happening Here
M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. Associate Editor
On October 6, 2011 the United States will see if its ordinary average citizens have what it takes to collectively rise up and put a halt to what is unarguably the strongest and most oppressive machine in history.
Read Full Article (Sep-03-2011 21:57)
Was `911` Necessary?
Arun Shrivastava
"The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of the good people!" Napoleon (1769 - 1821)
Their business is war and oppression yet the US and NATO leaders and the mainstream media announced that democracy is back in Libya; the long feast can begin.
A nation of simple tribal communities that was colonized then robbed of its oil, is now back in the hands of the plunderers. The adventurers are gone; the party is over...
Read Full Article (Sep-03-2011 19:43)
A Few Good Men, Too Many Chemicals
Robert O’Dowd
An eBook by Tim King and Robert O’Dowd tackles the environmental contamination at former MCAS El Toro and Camp Lejeune, including the murder of a senior Marine Corps officer at El Toro. The book is scheduled for release in October/November 2011.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
A Few Good Men, Too Many Chemicals tells the story of the thousands of veterans, their families and civilian workers at former MCAS El Toro and Camp Lejeune.
At one time, these were two of the most hazardous military installations in the U.S.
Read Full Article (Aug-28-2011 20:16)
Blow the Whistle on the Army-CIA McCarthy Saga
Arun Shrivastava
Please sign this petition and forward
John McCarthy’s is one military officer's saga of battle with the most powerful and criminally insane Government of the United States of America.
He’s fought to regain his reputation for over three decades now, consistently stone-walled by two Government agencies-the Army and the CIA.
Read Full Article (Aug-25-2011 23:42)
GOPster Gang Preaching Faith-Driven Fact-Debacles
Op-Ed by Henry Clay Ruark for
Perry, Bachman, Romney, Paul promoting falsities - they claim in any rational review of US government.
(SEASIDE, Ore.) -
Never have so many sought so false and misleading a deep view of past US historical event and culminating current issues than the dolts and distressed-pundit politicians of this GOPster Gang, and its surround of would-be campaign-funds collectors --already failing and falling away one by one.
Read Full Article (Aug-25-2011 22:31)
Will `Nipper` Cameron Obey Tel Aviv` Trumpet or Vote for Palestinian Freedom?
Stuart Littlewood
Of course, fluffy American bitches have had their coiffed heads wedged so firmly up Tel Aviv's trumpet for such a long time that it’s worn like a permanent fashion statement over there.
Britain and NATO were keen as mustard to establish a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians but too cowardly to do the same for the Palestinians, who are constantly on the receiving end of Israel's vicious air strikes and armed incursions.
Muslims and Christians alike have been slaughtered or maimed in their thousands and had their homes...
Read Full Article (Aug-25-2011 15:22)
America`s Economic Woes
Ralph E. Stone
The main problem with solving our economic problems is that Tea Party-supported House members became beholden to the Tea Party platform, which in part means no new taxes even if the taxes are on the rich.
As we all now know, the United States is in economic and political turmoil. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 9.5 percent in August, partly because of concern about the health of the U.S. and European economies.
What we need now is jobs, jobs, jobs. And not just low-paying jobs that are unlikely to provide sufficient wages to live on.
Read Full Article (Aug-24-2011 23:33)
Bling, Bling vs Striving to make a Positive Difference
Adrian de Villiers for
As the Lord says, "You can have all the money and power in the world, but without love, you've got nothing".
(SEOULE, South Korea) -
From Paris Hilton, to Britney Spears our celebrities for the most part actually represent the values of society, why do I say this?
If one looks the lives of our celebrates today, most of them, if not all of them have abandoned the sanctity of marriage for the more convenient consensual sex, and those that do get married.
Read Full Article