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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-28-2009 20:46)

Portland Residents West of Willamette River Must Boil Water

What's going on with Portland's water?

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - A boil water notice is in effect for the City of Portland west of the Willamette River and customers of Palatine Hill, Burlington and Valley View water districts. This means that water from the tap should not be consumed in any form unless it has been brought to a rolling boil for a full minute.

This notice is required by the State and Federal government when water quality standards are suspected of being compromised.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2009 20:03)

A Few Things Parents Should Know About Tamiflu

The purpose of this article is to encourage the American people to read information on drugs they are being prescribed -- especially prescribed to their children -- and to read, read, read ingredients contained on labels -- especially what is being ingested by children.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Several weeks ago, I had a "personal experience" with a young teen being diagnosed with H1N1 aka "swine flu" by his pediatrician. The antiviral Tamiflu was prescribed for treatment of the H1N1 flu.

This writing is to alert parents to educate themselves about Tamiflu in the treatment of the H1N1 flu -- especially as it relates to children and make a competent decision with your pediatrician before filling that prescription -- weighing out what is safe for your child or loved one.

Read Full Article (Nov-20-2009 03:05)

Former NASCAR Crew Chief Larry McReynolds Warns That Poor Car Maintenance Could Wreck Your Wallet (VIDEO)

Larry shares simple tips to help keep vehicles running smoothly during winter months.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Former NASCAR Crew Chief Larry McReynolds Car accidents usually occur because someone has done something wrong while driving. The mistake could be something silly, like scraping the curb or it could be something more serious, like brake failure. One of the most common causes of car accidents is poor car maintenance.

Former NASCAR Crew Chief, Larry McReynolds tells our viewers the critical things they should do to keep their vehicles up and running during the winter months.

Read Full Article (Nov-12-2009 13:02)

BBB Says World Link Failed its Students

BBB Alarms Consumers of Serious Complaints Against a Local Language School.

(LAKE OSWEGO, Ore.) - Beijing, China Students paying thousands of dollars for foreign language study courses and study abroad programs say that World Link Education, Inc., or WLE, cashed tuition checks, but discontinued classes without notice.

The Seattle-based language school raised concerns with Better Business Bureau due to reports that it recently ceased operations and failed to provide explanations to its actively enrolled students.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2009 19:40)

OxyContin and Heroin Commission Report - State of Massachusetts

After months of testimony and preparation, the State of Massachusetts today issued their report on "Recommendations of the OxyContin and Heroin Commission"

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Dangerous pills The State of Massachusetts "is in the midst of a serious and dangerous epidemic. Prescription drug use is skyrocketing, opioid overdose deaths are steadily increasing and while support for these addiction treatment programs has increased, it is not sufficient to meet the needs of this growing problem."

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2009 22:58)

Beaverton Driver Injured in Early Morning Crash (PHOTOS)

Police believe the driver was traveling too fast for the foggy conditions.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Crash on Oregon's Sunset Highway, 11-1-09 Deputies say a driver suffered serious non-life threatening injuries early this morning when his vehicle, eastbound on Sunset Highway, slammed into the back of a parked semi truck.

Sgt. Dave Thompson with the Washington County Sheriff's Office, says 44-year old driver, Arnufo Reyes Jr. of Beaverton, was driving his 2005 Mercedes C230 east on Highway 26, the Sunset Highway east of the Highway 6 intersection when the crash happened Sunday, November 1st, at 6:04 a.m.

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2009 16:07)

You`re not addicted -- It`s Pseudo Addiction

There's a book very popular right now called "The Seven People You Meet in Heaven." I hope one day someone writes a book entitled "The People Who Will Be Found in Hell."

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Oxycontin ms Pseudo-addiction is defined as an abnormal drug-related behavior making chronic pain patients look like addicts.

With the exception of one large-scale report as an abstract (McCarberg and Laskin, 2001) – no studies on pseudo addiction exist. Although the pseudo-addiction concept lacks significant scientific support – it has become widely accepted within the pain-physician community.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2009 18:37)

Purdue Pharma Backs Slandering Drug Crusader

Website - "Dads and Mad Moms Against Drug Dealers (DAMMADD) lists Sponsors -- Top of the List -- none other than Purdue Pharma.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Demostration against Purdue Pharmaceuticals Yesterday published an article about a self-described anti-drug crusader who began telephoning our advertisers claiming that we "promote drug use" because we cover medical marijuana related issues.

The truth of the matter is that regularly covers drug abuse-related stories and that is what led to one slanderous phone message that we were able to trace back to an individual named Stephen Steiner.

Read Full Article (Oct-20-2009 14:11)

Help Stop Slanderous Comments About

Please help us put an end to this misguided, slanderous criminal who is attempting to deface our five years of hard work. We will prevail and the sooner the better.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Slander Oregon, California and Washington have legal medical marijuana programs. The big money pharmaceutical companies don't like it, and they especially don't like our recognition of medical cannabis.

So, at least one individual is trying to undermine this small media company by calling our advertisers and telling them we "promote drug use" which is a slanderous lie. We do not promote drug use, the only thing we provide credible information about is medical marijuana.

Read Full Article (Oct-16-2009 14:14)

Purdue Pharma Marketing to Physicians About Their `Attitudes`

It is an attack on professionalism.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - So now we have the Internet used as a marketing tool by Purdue Pharma posting something as ludicrous as physicians prescribe narcotics based on the attractiveness of their patients.

These are the same physicians Purdue Pharma only a few years ago was convincing that their blockbuster drug OxyContin was less addictive than other narcotics.

Read Full Article
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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
