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Salem-News.com (Sep-05-2011 01:47)

Circumcision and Cancer of Sexual Organs with a Minority of Ashkenazi Jews

The facts speak for themselves where cancer statistics are concerned.

(PARIS, France) - anti-circumcision rally Ashkenazi Jews represent more than 90% of the Jews.

Several medical enquiries revealed that a minority of two to four per cent of them (against 0.2% for the general population) inherit a genetic mutation (BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes), occurred 600 years ago5, inducing a very high risk of cancer of the organs of reproduction.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-10-2011 18:20)

Welcome to the State of the Police

Special thanks to Adam Keller's blog, for Israeli citizen Hagai Matar's eyewitness account of events yesterday at Ben Gurion airport.

(TEL AVIV) - Welcome to Palestine Hundreds of police and other security personnel, dozens of Interior Ministry employees, a careful intelligence work, a massive PR campaign. What for?

In order to prevent a few hundred peace activists from touring the country and seeing its reality that, to arrest five Israelis, and drive away from the airport three journalists - including yours truly.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-10-2011 17:44)

Flotilla, Flytilla and the prospect of `Civil Society Action`

Israel's fate is doomed. It is just a question of time. It is not a matter of ‘if’ but a question of ‘when’.

(LONDON) - Gaza boy It might be argued that the passing week was not very easy on the Palestinian solidarity movement: firstly, an international peaceful flotilla aiming to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza did not manage to leave Greek ports.

The Greek government had surrendered submissively to Israeli pressure and American Jewish organisations, and blocked the naval enterprise.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-10-2011 16:49)

A letter from a Palestinian woman to the supporters of Palestine

I hope one day to share a coffee with you in my home or in yours, for when this day comes we will have reached our freedom.

(RAMALLAH) - Palestine woman by Sherry Saru I would like to talk to you as the voice of the thousands of Palestinians who appreciate what you are doing. You who have a great commitment to human rights and who actually act upon your beliefs.

You risk your life to both witness and tell the truth of what you see. You are a group of people who understand what is happening in the holy land and have decided to dedicate your time, money and energy to the issue.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-10-2011 16:25)

Israel Accused of Mistreating Elderly Western National Prisoners

'Welcome to Palestine' partipants who simply told Israeli authorities they were there to visit Palestine were arrested in droves for simply trying...

(BETHLEHEM / JERUSALEM) - Palestine sign Israeli authorities set stringent conditions for release of "Welcome to Palestine" prisoners.

The large majority of international visitors are still incarcerated under brutal conditions, begin a hunger strike in Israeli jail Bethlehem, today.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-24-2011 10:12)

Frank Romano: Love and Terror in the Middle East

"I wrote this book to share with a wide audience my belief in the possibility of peace through grassroots activities in Israel and Palestine" - Dr. Frank Romano

(PARIS) - LOVE AND TERROR IN THE MIDDLE EAST by Frank Romano Over the past five years, peace activist/international lawyer Frank Romano has had to face hostility and pass through a maze of walls and checkpoints in Israel and the West Bank to lead interfaith activities aimed at easing the region’s bloody path to peace.

His new book, LOVE AND TERROR IN THE MIDDLE EAST dramatically captures his efforts to promote understanding, communication and cooperation in the region among Jews, Muslims, Christians and non-believers.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-09-2011 21:27)

Kairos Poetry Café Presents: Poetry Reading Open Mic + Featuring: Frank Romano & Obsidian

Salem-News visitors in New York, please attend this special event.

(NEW YORK) - Dr. Frank Romano Frank Romano & Obsidian will be featured as Kairos Poetry Café Presents: Poetry Reading Open Mic Sunday, the 12th of June. At this special event, Dr. Frank Romano will read poems for the first time from his new memoir on organizing interfaith events in Israel and Palestine.

Our regular readers are familiar with Frank Romano's tireless work in forging a road to peace in the Middle east.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-14-2011 15:59)

The Great 1918 Flu Pandemic Was Not Due to Flu ... or A Virus

"A Press Release, issued by NIAID contains a striking finding and conclusion: The 20 to 40 million deaths worldwide from the great 1918 Influenza (”Flu”) Pandemic were NOT due to “flu” or a virus, but to pneumonia caused by massive bacterial infection."

(LONDON) - Salem-News.com The NIAID press release dovetails with first hand accounts - of many kinds of left over (potentially spoiled) vaccines the pharmaceutical industry wanted to offload after WWI.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-25-2011 13:00)

Little French Girl is a Future Fairy Tale Creator

Meet the most charming storyteller...

(SALEM, Ore.) - French girl early storyteller A friend sent this clip of an adorable little girl in France telling a fairy tale that she seemed to make up on the fly; we don't know how old she is but the words are translated in English and it is highly remarkable.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-24-2011 18:55)

What`s in it For You?

What is the reward that all you little people who support the Republican right expect?

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Faceless people I, and many of us so-called liberals and lefties, would really like to understand what motivates conservatives, Republicans and Tea Party aficionados. The expanding Republican opposition to their fellow citizens and fellow peoples on the planet is a continuing source of incredulity.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin