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Sep-05-2011 01:47printcomments

Circumcision and Cancer of Sexual Organs with a Minority of Ashkenazi Jews

The facts speak for themselves where cancer statistics are concerned.

anti-circumcision rally

(PARIS, France) - Ashkenazi Jews represent more than 90% of the Jews1. Several medical enquiries 2,3,4 revealed that a minority of two to four per cent of them (against 0.2% for the general population) inherit a genetic mutation (BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes), occurred 600 years ago5, inducing a very high risk of cancer of the organs of reproduction.

The most important of these enquiries concerns more than 5,300 subjects. It disclosed that in this minority, 56% of women (almost 5 times the average of 12%) develop breast cancer, and 16% (against 1.4% on average) ovarian cancer. But the rate of prostate cancer: 16%, is 40 times the average of 0.4%.

Biologists attribute that phenomenon to the "founder effect": in populations isolated for religious, cultural or geographical reasons, mutations are transmitted with higher frequency, by endogamy.

With the Jews, an additional phenomenon occurs: circumcision. At variance with the Sephardim who mostly lived amongst Muslims, the Ashkenazis have lived in a minority amongst non circumcising populations. On the one hand, they may have been traumatized by the racism automatically provoked by their barbarous custom6.

On the other hand, parents forced to torture their baby boys in the middle of populations respectful of the physical integrity of the child may more easily have become aware of their barbarity and be traumatized by it. As a matter of fact, an anticircumcision reform Jewish movement was born in Frankfurt in 1843. Smothered by the orthodox, it flourished in the USA.

Psychoanalysis and psychosomatic medicine enable to explain the causes of a weakening of the immune system precisely striking the organs of reproduction. For instance, for the breast cancer of Ashkenazi Jewish women, these mothers are very affected by the grasping of their children from their breast for the circumcision.

Forced to be accomplices of a crime that makes them violate as well their duty of protection as the natural process of bonding (some babies refuse the breast after circumcision, they no longer look at their mother in the eyes), it is not astonishing that some should develop a hysterical symptom, apparently autopunitive, but through which they express an unconscious desire not to give life in such a world. That interpretation would not be disavowed by Groddeck8. And for gentlemen, it is the same thing.

So, nature seems to be joining ethics in order to condemn a practice that pro-vokes - or should provoke - universal repulsion and reprobation.

1 Elazar, Daniel J. "Can Sephardic Judaism be Reconstructed?". Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
2 Kirchhoff et al. BRCA mutations and risk of prostate cancer in Ashkenazi Jews. Clin Cancer Res, 2004 10; 2918.
3 Rennert H. et al. A Novel founder mutation in the RNASEL gene, 471delAAAG, is associated with prostate cancer in Ashkenazi Jews. Am J Hum Genet. 2002; 71(4) : 981–984.
4 Struewing J., Hartge P., Wacholder S., Baker S., Berlin M., McAdams M., Timmerman M., Brody L., Tucker M. The risk of cancer associated with specific mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 among Ashke-nazi Jews. N Engl J Med. 1997 ; 15, 336 (20) : 1401-8.
6 Freud S. Moses and monotheism. 1936. London: The Hogarth press ltd.; 1964. S.E., XXIII, p. 91.
8 Groddeck G. Le livre du ça.

Michel Hervé Navoiseau-Bertaux (Sigismond) is the author of "Sexual mutilation: excision, circumcision, the victims' point of view", for free at; he is an Independent psychoanalysis researcher (Chercheur indépendant en psychanalyse) based in Paris, France, who works with to help raise awareness of the massive societal problems connected to the blindly accepted, mutilating practice of circumcision. He says, "Non violence is as fundamental as violence, love and hatred, justice and injustice. But power is at the tip of the tongue and the sweet violence of speech, if one takes hold of it, can silence weapons."

(La non violence est aussi fondamentale que la violence, l'amour et la haine, le juste et l'injuste. Mais le pouvoir est au bout de la langue et la douce violence de la parole, si l'on s'en empare, peut faire taire les armes.)

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Anonymous October 8, 2011 3:06 am (Pacific time)

Bashing the Israeli Nazionists, invaders of Palestine, is an hommage to the other Jews, not fool enough to make their home in the middle of Muslim countries, which is a mad and suicidal provocation, in the name of God of course. Long live those who do not act in the name of that very silent God.

Frank McGinness September 6, 2011 7:26 am (Pacific time)

Yes, Reformed Jews was about to make circumcision illegal had the group not been taken over by fundamentalists and Orthodox Jews. (Leonard Glick's "Marked in Your Flesh" also youtube "Circumcision".) History repeats itself now as reformed and no longer identifying Jews along with secular US citizens seek to abolish all forced genital cutting. And so currently, Orthodox / Fundamentalist Jews and Muslims once again take control through their representatives in government who then make deals and push secular representatives to not stick their necks out. Go to HR2400 POPVOX to Poll and make your public comment to your representative.

Frank McGinness September 6, 2011 6:54 am (Pacific time)

It is more believable prostate cancer is more caused by the constant irritation of BHP which can be caused by incomplete emptying of the seminal vesicles because one set of nerves in the foreskin devoted to act on the prostate is gone with circumcision. And there is concept nano bacteria that may invade the penis during circumcision. Certain foods also are known to promote inflammation and cancer. in the US no studies will be done that may show anything negative about circumcision. Such attempts have been simply stoped by hijacking increasing amounts of insurance required for study's subjects. It's a multibillion dollar foreskin industry harvesting for bio lab benching, bandages, cosmetic facial creams, operation, revisions, and corrective repair. Special interest groups -Religions that genitally cut and doctors have joined forces to codify into law taking away any man's legal right to their penis with the rush to push calif AB768 and fed. HR2400. I think this new attack on male's rights and attack on male genitals will spur a new anti-Judaic movement. Circumcision is all about power over others and AB 7868 and HR2400 just shows this to remain true. Shame on our government who no longer respect separation of church and state, let alone any thought to fundamental rights to body integrity. CA Mark Leno would not talk to any public on this matter unless they were Jewish like he. So it thus follows:
CA AB768:
Sponsor: Rep Sherman, Brad [CA-27] (introduced 6/24/2011)

Cosponsors (9)
Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5]
Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-28]
Rep Carson, Andre [IN-7]
Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5]
Rep Engel, Eliot L. [NY-17]
Rep Israel, Steve [NY-2]
Rep Levin, Sander M. [MI-12]
Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8]
Rep Waxman, Henry A. [CA-30]

Salem Sucks! September 5, 2011 4:37 pm (Pacific time)

Is there any pointto this article other than bashing Jews once again? What is wrong with you people in Salem? Muslims circumcised their male children too, why isn't that mentioned? Oh yeah, I forgot is a thinly veiled attack on Jews and Israelis..

Editor: is the only news agency in the country that delivers clear unfiltered news about Israel, a religious fundamentalist government that maintains separate laws for Jews and Arabs, and also 'Jewish only' roads.  You approve of this?  If so you are a floundering joke, which I suspect to be the case.  So trust me, we are talking about the worst kind of terrorism when we arrive at the subject of 'Israel'.  And for what it is worth, I work with many people in Israel to get these stories and they are Jewish, not Zionist.  There is a BIG difference and you don't have to be Jewish to belong to the second club, only bigoted. 

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.


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