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Police Attack 14-Year-Old Holding Puppy

What is wrong with the cops in Miami, what is accomplished injuring a young boy and causing physical injury to a newborn puppy?

(MIAMI) - 14-year-old Tremaine On Memorial Day, I took my kids and our new puppy to the beach near our home in Miami. It was supposed to be a treat. But it turned into a nightmare when the police attacked my 14-year-old son for no reason.

Tremaine was holding a newborn puppy in one hand and a bottle in the other. The police asked him where his mother was, and he turned to walk toward me. That's when the police pounced on him, threw him to the ground, injuring our puppy and choking Tremaine so hard he urinated on himself.

Read Full Article (May-21-2013 18:32)

A Paean to the Hurricane Industry... A Story of Survival

The Republican platform promises to do better. I don’t think they have done so bad. Everybody’s broke but them. - Will Rogers

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Florida Entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and upwardly mobile private equity companies (a.k.a. brain capital) have tough sledding (no double entendre intended) in the Sunshine State.

It's too hot for heavy industry, too swampy for land plays, and because of the demographics just mentioned, old codgers tend to impede the “headwinds,” the “catalysts”...

Read Full Article (May-21-2013 18:20)

18-Year Old Girl Faces Felony Charges Over Lesbian Romance

Assistant State Attorney Brian Workman: Stop the prosecution of a girl in a same-sex relationship

(PALM BEACH) - Kaitlyn Hunt My daughter Kaitlyn is a wonderful 18-year-old who is not guilty of anything other than a high school romance, but is being prosecuted for 2 felony counts of “lewd and lascivious battery on a child 12--16 years of age,” because she has a girlfriend who is 15.

Kailtyn’s girlfriend’s parents are pressing charges because they are against the same-sex relationship, even though their daughter has stated that this is a consensual relationship.

Read Full Article (May-19-2013 13:36)

Letting Murderers Go Free

If you are outraged that Florida’s serial killer Rick Scott and his legislative toadies are able to distort justice in these ways, take action.

(MIAMI) - Governor Rick Scott Breaking News: In Florida, a murderer has made public his plans to kill three individuals in the next six weeks.

If all goes according to his plan, Elmer Carroll will die on May 29th, William Van Poyk will die on June 12th, and Marshal Gore will die on June 24th.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2013 11:47)

The Oyster World

Falstaff: I will not lend thee a penny.
Pistol: Why then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open.
- William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Wally the Alligator My family has always felt a certain kinship with, and a love of Oregon: its breath-taking coastline, its stately trees, its moderate climate, its greenness, its gemutlich atmosphere.

My grandfather, having had enough of California, traversed the Oregon wilderness en route to he knew not what destiny, promising himself to return but never achieving it.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2013 23:59)

The Profiteers of Drug Addiction Will Meet in Florida

Is it sheer arrogance that the AAPM would hold their conference in Florida where pill mills have taken over...

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Florida pill mill protest The American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) indicates on their website - "The Physicians Voice in Pain Medicine" will hold its annual meeting on April 10th through the 14th in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Florida has long been referred to as the "Pill Mill Capital" of the U.S. as well as "Flamingo Road" in the trafficking of addictive and deadly prescription drugs.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2012 20:11)

Down With Big Brother in Solidarity with Liberty

Police stood watch on an overpass and squads of cops rode souped-up golf carts.

(TAMPA, FL) - March on The RNC The Media and Police far outnumbered the hundreds of diverse, thoughtful, committed citizens for justice, peace and equal human rights on The March on The RNC on Monday.

The RNC took the day off in fear of Mother Nature and Hurricane Issac.

Read Full Article (Aug-27-2012 18:20)

Tropical Storm Isaac Closes Courthouses in Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana

Check the courts' websites for updates on re-openings.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Storm Isaac With Tropical Storm Isaac now on track to pass southwest of New Orleans early Wednesday morning, all offices of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, August 28 and 29.

Read Full Article (Jul-23-2012 11:45)

Daughter with Downs Syndrome Needs Her Father - Let Enrique Gonzales Go

As is typical all too often, as an inmate, Enrique has been denied adequate medical treatment.

(SALEM) - Enrique Gonzales Since 2000, Enrique Gonzales and his family; four children, 13, 5, and two 2-year old twins, have been living in Florida, but now his family is suffering without him as he sits in jail where he became developed a kidney condition.

Enrique was pulled over by police in mid-June as he left his place of employment; a construction site, for allegedly driving on a private road.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2012 23:20)

In Solidarity With and In Support of Evelyn Garcia for Giving U.S. Some Truth

As an endorsing organization I attended the first day of CODE PINK'S 2011 Move AIPAC Over Conference, but I blew the rest off because I am Too RED to be PINK.

(CLERMONT, FLA) - Evelyn Garcia The Democrats are embroiled in a Battle Royal over a series of 2011 email’s from Evelyn Garcia.

She's a candidate for State House, District 88, that began when she forwarded an email from Code Pink, “Time for a New Middle East Policy.”

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
