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The Fallacy of Celibacy

When we humans attempt to ignore our basic instincts we often suffer irreparable damage to ourselves and to those around us.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Married clergy All creatures are controlled by urges and instincts. A spider is born knowing just how to create the complicated geometric pattern we call a web. Can you imagine having to teach a baby spider how to build a web? Go this way, now anchor it here, then go back over there, no, this way!”

Can you imagine having to teach a duck to fly south? They just jump up into the air and go and they somehow know when they arrive there.

Read Full Article (Jul-30-2013 11:12)

American Politics, Scandals, Human Failures

Anthony Weiner needs professional help as does Bob Filner and so did Kennedy, King and Clinton.

(NEWBURGH, Indiana) - Rope snap What do Anthony Weiner, Bob Filner, Eliot Spitzer, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy and Bill Clinton all have in common?

There are several answers to this question. One answer - they all had or have a human failure problem.

Read Full Article (Jul-25-2013 10:47)

To be Beloved; A Mother`s Love for her Daughter

She is no longer the small child she used to be; the small child I could hold and keep safe. Perhaps that is what evokes those momentary sensations of grief; the desperate love I feel for her and the knowledge that I cannot protect her anymore.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Photo by Theresa Griffin Kennedy, winter, 2012 Recently, while having dinner with my 21-year-old daughter, at a popular downtown restaurant, the conversation turned to some minor issues she was having with her boyfriend of almost two years.

We sat at a table in the corner, near a large east facing window.

Read Full Article (Jul-17-2013 11:05)


The best doctor in the world is your veterinarian – he can't ask his patients how they feel. He's got to just know.
- Will Rogers

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - There is perhaps no greater cliché in the history of the Western United States and the Canadian Provinces, than that of the kindly old country doctor.

He's been depicted by Norman Rockwell, chronicled in the real person of Dr. Dafoe, who delivered the Dionne Quints under primitive conditions, and his role has been overdone ad nauseum in literary mag and popular press alike...

Read Full Article (Jul-16-2013 16:36)

Experimental Essay on Sex, Gender and Fantasy; the Realm

There appears to be a distinct melancholy that accompanies the aging process.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Passion As we age, men and women, having survived what can be numerous failed relationships or marriages often find themselves wondering if the personal hunger for romantic love can remain infallible to them or eventually wither and die altogether.

Does it fade to the inner realm of an unknown fantasy life that we conceal from family, friends or even ourselves?

Read Full Article (Jul-15-2013 19:07)

Housing Crisis for Sri Lanka`s Tamils

Donor fatigue, construction costs, other issues delay building.

(JAFFNA, Srl Lanka) - Sri Lanka war damaged homes Four years after Sri Lanka's bitter, 26-year civil war ended in 2009, thousands of permanent homes needed for returnees to northern Sri Lanka are not being built because of a lack of donor funding.

"Although the remaining gap in the housing sector in the north keeps changing due to new returnees, there is a serious funding gap for at least another 30,000 houses immediately," said Laxman Perera, program manager for the UN Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat).

Read Full Article (Jul-12-2013 18:10)

Man Killed By His Wife 15 Minutes After Leaving Jail

It took just minutes for the man to return home, make his way into the house, and be shot fatally by his wife.

(CLEVELAND) -  Robert Vann Marshall A man in Athens, Tenn., was shot and killed by his wife less than 15 minutes after he was released from jail.

It began last Saturday when police officers in Athens, Tenn. were dispatched to a report of a suicidal 34-year-old man named Robert Vann Marshall. Responding officers were advised that the man was threatening to kill his wife and children, local television outlet WBIR reported.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2013 17:55)

Journal of Food Chemistry and Nutrition New Issue Published

Journal of food chemistry and nutrition is devoted to publish original as well as extended versions of the published research.

(ISLAMABAD) - Esci Journals Journal of Food Chemistry and Nutrition has just published its latest issue. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and visit to review articles and items of interest.

eSci Journals are open access - international journals. Researchers worldwide will have full access to all the articles published online and be able to download them with zero subscription fee.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2013 14:08)

Donating Homes to War Widows in Sri Lanka`s North

As the Thirukural beautifully states, "In the hands of a generous man, Wealth is like a medicinal tree whose healing gifts help all."

(JAFFNA, Srl Lanka) - War widow homes One generous man in Sri Lanka has created a small village, building 98 houses for war widows in Iyakkachchi (a village located between Elephant Pass and Palai on the Jaffna A9 Road).

Each house cost around $20,000 US dollars, and in the middle of the building complex, there is even a community center.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2013 01:35)

Women Haters: Are All Republicans Like This?

Pregnant, barefoot and in the kitchen. Really?

(PORTLAND, OR) - Protesting laws against women As a man, I regard the three leaders of Presidential primaries with abhorrence. It reminds me of a perverse “Three Stooges”.

I really don’t know if two of the wives wanted “x” number of children, I don’t think they had any say-so.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
