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Salem-News.com (Aug-07-2019 00:34)

Oregon`s Milepost 97 Fire Now 75% Contained

The fire size is unchanged and stands at 13,119 acres.

(CANYONVILLE, Ore.) - Oregon firefighter The fire had complexities: multiple land ownership including private, state, federal and tribal trust lands; a major power line and natural gas pipeline dissecting the middle of the fire area; a major interstate freeway (I-5) lining the eastern edge of the fire; and three communities directly in the path of the fire.

This was the first large fire of Oregon’s young 2019 fire season.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-06-2019 23:50)

Suspicious Package Found Outside Recruiting Station in Salem

Spoiler: EGGS!

(SALEM, Ore.) - Salem Oregon Police At just after 9:00 Tuesday morning, deputies received a report of a suspicious package found outside of military recruitment offices in the 3000 block of Lancaster Drive NE.

When deputies arrived at the scene they located a small cardboard box with a note attached to it.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-08-2019 20:21)

Oregon Sees More Newcomers Than Any Other State

This population growth helps fuel the Oregon economy.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Portland Oregon A recent report from the Oregon Employment Department found that more people are moving to Oregon than are leaving. The difference between people moving in and out is called the “in-migration” number.

On average, nearly 40,000 residents from California relocate to the state, compared to the 20,000 Oregonians that headed to California, creating a net gain of 20,000 people from a single state.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-27-2019 15:32)

Shame and Blame As Oregon Climate Bill Collapses

The runaway Senators are also preventing the Senate from attending to important issues, like the state budget.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon Capitol The Oregon Senate found itself at the center of national and international news on Thursday June 25th, as a landmark climate bill failed to pass during farcical scenes, and blame was passed everywhere by the furious senators who attempted to pass the bill.

Eleven Republican senators walked out of the Senate, thus denying their Democratic colleagues the chance to vote on the issue.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-18-2019 16:04)

Oregon Passes Most Comprehensive Plastic Bag Ban in the Country

Oregon's most common litter includes cigarette butts, plastic bottles and caps, food wrappers, and plastic bags.

(SALEM, Ore.) - paper grocery bag On June 11th, the Oregon Senate passed the most comprehensive plastic bag ban in the U.S.

Starting on January 1, 2020, single-use plastic bags will be eliminated from local retail stores and restaurants, preventing billions of non-biodegradable plastic bags from entering landfills, waterways and the environment. As the first state in the nation to successfully include restaurants in the legislation, Oregon is leading the way in reducing plastic pollution for the future.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-14-2019 19:41)

Salem`s Blue-Green Algae Fears Put to Rest by City

After last summer's outbreak of blue-green algae, Salemites are worried.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Geren Island water treatment "Earlier this afternoon, some social media sites were falsely stating the City of Salem has drinking water test results it is not releasing that shows cyanotoxins in the drinking water and that the water is unsafe. This is false.

"The treatment systems are working and the water leaving the water treatment facility is clean and safe to drink."

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Salem-News.com (Jun-03-2019 13:00)

National Animal Rights Day

Each state has enacted laws to punish those who engage in cruelty to animals.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - national animal rights The 9th National Animal Rights Day was celebrated on Sunday June 2, 2019. Let’s salute our non-human friends and companions.

Anyone whose family includes a pet knows that animals think and feel. In fact, a number of scientific studies has shown that animals are far closer to us than recently believed. The Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness in Human and Nonhuman Animals, signed by a group of leading animal researchers, asserts that mammals, birds and other creatures posses consciousness and, in all likelihood, emotions and self-awareness.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-23-2019 13:33)

Missing 83-Year Old Oregon Man Rescued

"Steadfast dedication from our Search and Rescue volunteers and strong community partnerships are what saved this individual's life." - Sheriff Curtis Landers.

(SOUTH BEACH, Ore.) - SAR Lincoln County Darkness, close proximity to trees, and updrafts from the steep terrain made the hoisting operating difficult. The Coast Guard helicopter burned significant fuel while expertly hovering above the responders.

After hoisting the man, the aircrew advised SAR personnel they did not have enough fuel for another hoisting operation for the rescue swimmer. The rescue swimmer hiked out with the SAR personnel

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Salem-News.com (Mar-07-2019 15:14)

Federal Gray Wolf Delisting Brings Oregon Contrary Responses

"Ranchers, landowners, environmental groups, and government agencies all want and depend upon a healthy ecosystem."

(SALEM, Ore.) - gray wolf Oregon Farm Bureau applauds the U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife Service’s proposal to remove the gray wolf from the federal endangered species list.

The recovery of the gray wolf in Oregon and other states is a conservation success story by any measure. The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife reports that there are at least 124 known wolves in the state today.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-06-2019 13:43)

Elk Herd Makes a Grand Showing in Grand Ronde

Oregon’s big game are managed by wildlife management

(GRAND RONDE VALLEY, Ore.) - Oregon Elk An estimated 700 elk crossing Red Pepper Road in the Grande Ronde Valley on Sunday, March 3.

March is always the most challenging month for big game trying to survive the winter—even more so this year due to the prolonged winter and heavy snow last month (with even more snow and freezing temperatures forecast!).

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
