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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-21-2012 17:03)

Sri Lanka Feels Pinch of Iran Sanctions

Fuel prices rise in island-nation as US-led sanctions on Tehran hit both imports and exports.

(COLOMBO Al Jazeera) - Protests in Sri Lanka over oil prices Sri Lanka, which relies heavily on imports of Iranian oil, is feeling the impact of US-led sanctions on Tehran.

Rising global prices, due in part to US-led sanctions against Iran along with the weakening of the Sri Lankan rupee, have led the price of kerosene to rise 49 per cent, diesel 36.9 per cent and petrol 7.7 per cent in Sri Lanka.

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2012 12:30)

Day of Action for Tuition Equity at Oregon State Capitol this Tuesday

Supporters of Tuition Equity will gather to show that students, teachers, faith leaders, business owners and community members believe in the future of our students.

(SALEM) - File photo: OSU students protesting over tuition near the state capitol. Students, parents, teachers, and members of the business, faith, and the higher education community will gather at the Oregon State Capitol on February 21st for a Day of Action in Support of Tuition Equity.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2012 14:10)

No Coal Eugene Banner Drop

We are opposed to the use of fossil fuels as a non-renewable energy source because of its effect on the global climate and global health.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Eugene coal train banner Today at approximately 1:36 PM members of No Coal Eugene dropped a banner reading “STOP THE COAL TRAIN” from the parking garage on 10th and Oak in Eugene, Oregon.

Read Full Article (Feb-15-2012 14:44)

Iran Places Indigenous Fuel Rods Into Tehran Reactor

Iran has placed the first indigenous fuel rods into the heart of Tehran Research Reactor as President Ahmadinejad unveils the country’s latest nuclear achievements.

(TEHRAN Press TV) - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled the country’s latest nuclear achievements on February 15, 2012. The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran reports that fuel rods were produced at Isfahan nuclear facility and transferred to the Tehran Research Reactor under the supervision of the IAEA inspectors.

By placing nuclear plates into the Tehran reactor, Iran has taken the final step in completing the nuclear fuel cycle.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2012 17:06)

Premature to Talk about an Exemption for Sri Lanka to Buy Oil from Iran USA

Sri Lanka’s sole refinery is only able to refine Iranian crude oil and the Saudi Arabian light.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - SL's sole refinery in Sapugaskanda The United States says it is premature to talk about providing any kind of exemption to Sri Lanka to buy oil from Iran, despite the US sanctions on Iranian oil imports.

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, Robert O Blake made this point when he addressed the media in Colombo yesterday.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2012 15:52)

Russia Suddenly Flops on Syrian Regime Change

A multi-national invasion may be imminent.

(LOS ANGELES) - Syria and Russia It all started early on this morning when Zero Hedge reported that oil trading had been halted at the CME. Later in the afternoon they posted this explanation: Today's Black Gold Swan - Presenting The Reason Why The CME's Crude Market Was Halted For Over One Hour

Zero Hedge handled this masterfully and with great professionalism.

Read Full Article (Feb-12-2012 14:46)

Brazil`s Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant Threatens 40,000

Brazil's president approves construction of massive plant in virgin Amazon forest.

(SALEM) - chief of the Kayapo Local tribes believe construction of the massive Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant on the Xingu River in Brazil's northern region continues, water levels will eventually flood 40,000 human beings from their homes.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2012 13:08)

Malvinas in Britain`s Imperialist Claws

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner says the UK harbors secret plans to plunder the natural resources.

(TEHRAN) - Malvinas Islands The simmering tensions over the Malvinas Islands or Falkland Islands (off the coast of Argentina in the South Atlantic) as called by the British occupiers.

The British Royal Navy is planning to send the Type 45 destroyer HMS Dauntless, a state-of-the-art warship, to the region on her maiden mission

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2012 12:39)

Iran`s Secret weapon: Oil for Gold

Peaceful blitzkrieg and Israeli counterattacks - news from The Intrepid Report.

(NEW YORK) - Oil for gold So who’s got the last laugh now? Iran’s reputed nuclear bomb, even if proved in the making today, would take a year to build.

Yet, the more potent bomb, and less lethal to humans, is paying in gold for Iran’s oil, as India, China, Russia, and even Europe plan to do.

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2012 10:04)

Nuclear Power is Clean -- as Long as you Ignore `Safety`!

Every American nuclear power plant could be closed down if Americans turned off extra lights and became energy efficient.

(CARLSBAD, Calif.) - Nuclear nightmare In the U.S., radiation-related "safety" decisions over commercial nuclear power plants are handled very undemocratically.

They are considered to be strictly the purview of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Courts, utility and state energy commissions, EPA, DOE, and everyone else whose regulatory authority touches on nuclear power will insist that you cannot talk to them about "safety." You must go to the NRC.

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