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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-24-2012 10:32)

Iran`s Oil Revenue Loses Green Sheen, Turns to Gold

It is a bit ironic that the EU plays this US game, as it currently buys around 20 percent of Iran's oil exports.

(SALEM / TEHRAN) - New Western sanctions seek to prevent other countries from importing Iran's crude oil. India has agreed to pay the price of crude oil it imports from Iran in gold, which makes it the first country to drop the US dollar for purchasing the Iranian oil.

According to a report published by DEBKAfile news website, unnamed sources have stressed that China is also expected to follow suit.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2012 17:32)

Reactor Reax- Roundup of Nuclear-Related Stories

The latest stories about nuclear power and energy.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Nuclear energy This week in Reactor Reax, activists in Iowa say future plans for nuclear power should be skipped.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2011 22:29)

Arizona Western College Goes Solar

Arizona Western College and Main Street Power Announce Completion of 5-Megawatt Solar Technology Installation to drive sustainability, solar education and workforce training.

(YUMA, Ariz.) - Solar power at AWC Arizona Governor Jan Brewer visited AWC to "Flip the Switch" on a 5-megawatt (MW) solar installation that will provide approximately 100 percent of the college's daytime electricity needs.

"As a college that has worked to develop a strong science program, with facilities and scholarships that are the envy of the state, we are thrilled to integrate solar technology into our curriculum and our sustainability plan," stated AWC president Dr. Glenn Mayle.

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2011 14:10)

Exxon Mobil Involved with Urban Food Gardens

Why is the same company that sells the materials crucial for making agricultural poisons, involved in urban gardens?

(CHICAGO) - Exxon Desert  Tanker A group in San Antonio called the Dinner Garden gets some of its funding from Exxon Mobil. Is this generosity?

If Exxon Mobil is doing this to support urban gardens in San Antonio (and elsewhere) for the sake of people's health, I'll eat my sombrero and cowboy hat. Exxon Mobil is, in fact, involved not only in genetic engineering but in its most extreme form yet - synthetic biology.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 19:07)

Alarming Info in Oil Spill Toxicology Report

The April 20, 2010 explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon rig unleashed the worst oil spill in U.S. history and killed 11 men.

(NEW ORLEANS CNS) - BP A toxicology report relating to a sick oil spill cleanup worker claims the operation in which BP and the Coast Guard set the massive slick on fire was characterized by secrecy, including a threat to shoot down a news helicopter.

The report also says most of the oiled birds found during the spill were euthanized rather than rehabilitated.

Read Full Article (Oct-25-2011 23:14)

Advocates Say Wind Energy is Driving Down Consumer Electric Rates

Bumper crop under construction shows U.S. tax incentive is working.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Windmill in Oregon Wind energy is more affordable than ever, and new installations across the country are saving consumers money on their electric bills, as utilities rush to lock in long-term favorable rates.

“This is what a successful business looks like with stable tax policy. Utilities are locking in a great deal for their electric customers while it’s available. We’re keeping rates down all across the U.S., even in the heart of the South,” said Denise Bode, CEO of the American Wind Energy Association.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 17:22)

Forestry, Manufacturing, Petroleum Industries Get House to Pass Bill Delaying Regulations on Boilers

No House Republicans voted against the bill.

(BERKELEY, Calif.) - Boiler removal The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed (by a vote of 275-142) HR 2250, which would delay a ruling by the Environmental Protection Agency on achievable standards for industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers, process heaters, and incinerators.

The measure was supported by the American Petroleum Institute, the American Chemistry Council, the American Forest & Paper Association, the National Association of Manufacturers, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Read Full Article (Oct-14-2011 14:46)

Ask your Congressman Who is Waging Class Warfare?

And while you’re at it, also ask your Congressman for a list of individuals, corporations, and foreign nations who own a million dollars or more of your national debt.

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Rich in class war Most people assume the Republican Party is opposed to welfare and other forms of social spending. Various reasons are given including social programs being a form of class warfare redistributing wealth downward from the hardworking rich to the lazy poor.

Are Republicans and their Dixiecrat/Blue Dog/DLC Democrat brethren really opposed to welfare? The facts are in the Federal Budget.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2011 20:35)

Nuclear Reactor Loan Guarantee 15 Times Riskier Than Solyndra? DOE Stonewalling on Possible Taxpayer Hit on $8.3 Billion Vogtle

Is DOE Hiding Minuscule Credit Subsidy Fee of 1.5 Percent … Or Even Less …for New Vogtle Reactors?

(ATLANTA, Ga.) - Solyndra loan guarantee Ignoring the need for transparency after the collapse of a recent loan guarantee, the DOE continues to refuse to operate in an open, taxpayer-friendly way.

U.S. taxpayers may soon learn the full extent of the risks to which they are exposed in the massive commitment of $8.33 billion in conditional federal loan guarantees to Southern Company and their utility partners for two proposed new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia.

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2011 04:00)

Violence Accompanies Judge`s Verdict Against ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in Ukraine

Fights break out and dozens are arrested outside Tymoshenko court hearing.

(KYIV, Ukraine) - Former Ukraine Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko A Ukraine judge says former PM Yulia Tymoshenko exceeded her authority in a 2009 deal with Russia.

A verdict also stated that she used her powers to "criminal ends". She could receive a seven-year prison sentence.

Read Full Article
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