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Violence Threatens to Thwart Iraqi Oil Resurgence

The clashes kick off 2014 in much the same way as 2013 ended – a return to violence in a country that had seen important security gains in recent years.

(LONDON - Iraq in 2008 A wave of violence has swept parts of Iraq at the start of 2014 as the central government fights back against Al-Qaeda aligned militants in Anbar Province.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) reportedly took control of Ramadi and Fallujah, bombing police headquarters and killing dozens. On New Year's Day Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki sent in reinforcements to take back control of AnbarProvince's two largest cities.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 21:04)

It is India`s Turn to Face the Music

Rajapaksa wants to rescind the 2002 agreement and take the v oil tanks back. The Sinhalese are very smart. They always move step by step.

(MELBOURNE) - Trincomalee oil tanks There was a time under the advise of RAW and the Brahminic Indian Diplomat J.N. Dixit young pup Rajiv Gandhi fell into the trap set by the cunning fox, Jayawardene, and signed without consulting the Tamils, politicians or the Tigers, who were reigning supreme in the jungles of Vanni, the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord of July 1987.

One of the clauses in the Accord stipulated that no country will be allowed to have a foot-hold in Sri Lanka, especially in Trincomalee.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 15:26)

2014 Harvesting Clean Energy Conference: Early Conference Registration is Open

The 2014 Harvesting Clean Energy Conference is set for February 4-6 at the Red Lion Colonial Inn in Helena, Montana.

(BUTTE, NM.) - Haevest Energy 2014 Businesses and landowners who register early can learn about strategies to maximize the local job creation and economic benefits that can come from developing our clean energy resources later – and save money now.

The conference will bring in leading clean-energy experts and practitioners to talk about what’s involved in creating successful clean-energy projects that can cut a farm’s energy costs and produce power or feedstocks to market.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 13:38)

Are Canadian Energy Stocks Set for a Rebound? Interview with Colin Soares

"The US will always want our heavy oil, as their refining complex is mostly heavy oil. And our heavy oil trades at a discount to both Mexican and Venezuelan heavy oil." - Colin Soares

( LONDON - Oil barrels As Canadian energy stocks are finally seeing a bit of a push, and demand for Canadian commodities looks set to rise, juniors are confident that economics will ensure that Canadian oil—the cheapest in the world—will find its way to more markets, with or without Washington's approval of Keystone XL.

In the meantime, some sweet spots in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, like the Montney shale formation—are showing promise as gas turns into oil for the bigger players, while the juniors are hoping to piggyback on this new success.

Read Full Article (Nov-20-2013 13:24)

The Rapporteur`s Reprise...
Halliburton`s Elixir In A Fracked-up World Part II - The View From The Boardwalk

I never saw a city boy yet who was worth a damn. - Ernest Hemingway

(DAYTONA BEACH) - fracking Coursing through the trackless wastes between Toronto and Winnipeg, our intrepid reporter Rap (short for "rapporteur," just to add a touch of class), taking a leaf from Stephen Colbert (Col-bear) and his Report (pronouced Re-poor), checked in recently.

In fact the paper trail of his expense account items continued, meandering across Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, notably hovering in Camden, N.J. with an item for $139.50 datelined Moe's Jazz Society.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 19:27)

Survey: Owners Fear E15 Fuel May Damage Car Engines

California Air Resources Board has told the AMA that even if it approves the sale of the new E15 ethanol-gasoline blend in California, the blend wouldn't appear in the market for several years.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - E15 fuel A recent survey found that more than three-fourths of Americans fear that E15 fuel may damage car engines and fuel system components. E15 is a fuel blend of up to 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gasoline that the federal Environmental Protection Agency has approved for use in 2001-and-newer passenger vehicles.

Ethanol is grain alcohol produced from crops such as corn that is mixed with gasoline to produce an ethanol-gasoline blend motor fuel.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2013 23:32)

The Big Winners in Kenya`s Oil Debut

In the next 12 months we can expect another 12 wells to be drilled along Kenya’s “string of pearls”...

(LONDON) - Kenya oil Kenya will start pumping its first commercial oil next year and begin exporting in 2016, but this is just the opening salvo: new discoveries in recent months and fast-track new well development make Kenya the darling of East Africa from an investor’s perspective.

Kenya is set to soar past Uganda, which discovered oil much earlier, but is now having a hard time getting it out of the ground and into the market.

Read Full Article (Oct-12-2013 16:35)

PETITION: Russia Must Free Greenpeace Activists

On September 18th, Greenpeace activists attempted to peacefully occupy an off-shore oil platform owned by Russian oil giant Gazprom . But when they arrived, the Russian Coast Guard fired warning shots and threatened the activists' lives.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Greenpeace protests Gazprom

On September 18th, Greenpeace activists attempted to peacefully occupy an off-shore oil platform owned by Russian oil giant Gazprom. But when they arrived, the Russian Coast Guard fired warning shots and threatened the activists' lives. Then, Russian Coast Guard officers illegally boarded and seized the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise via helicopter.

After nearly two weeks since the action started, the Russian authorities charged 28 international activists, one independent photographer and one independent videographer with piracy. They are to be detained on these charges for two months.

Read Full Article (Aug-22-2013 02:59)

Will Palestine Retain Its Natural Gas Fields?

Secretary Kerry, acting as something less than an “honest broker”, could be devising a token economic and freedom bucket list of promises that would be nothing less than a “carthaginian peace” imposed by the U.S. and Israel on Palestine, a “peace” which conquering armies impose on a defeated population.

(CHICAGO) - Oil in Palestine For the moment, all is quiet on the Israeli-Palestinian peace front. Is it “too quiet”, as they once asked in movie westerns?

That depends entirely on what kind of peace is being discussed. Does danger lurk, or does a just peace lie ahead?

Read Full Article (Jul-24-2013 14:00)

Piggybacking on the Hunt For Massive Oil Discoveries

How to get in elephant-sized plays in the East African Rift...

(LONDON - Africa in gold Africa is becoming the top choice for North American oil companies looking to diversify, and the East African Rift is the hottest of the hot.

Kenya waiting on commercial viability, Angola and Ghana already on the road to rival Nigeria and two newcomers—Namibia and Zambia—where the doors have been thrown open for exploration.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley