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Russia Eyes Crimea`s Oil and Gas Reserves

Exxon’s plans for Skifska may not have a future if Russia simply takes Ukraine’s assets.

(LONDON - Oil in Crimea According to Reuters , Crimea may nationalize oil and gas assets within its borders belonging to Ukraine, and sell them off to Russia. Crimea’s Deputy Prime Minister hinted at the possibility that it would take control of Chornomorneftegaz, a Ukrainian state-owned enterprise, and then “privatize” it by selling it to Gazprom.

“After nationalisation of the company we would openly take a decision - if a large investor, like Gazprom or others emerges - to carry out (privatisation),” Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliev said.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2014 14:43)

New Spy Technology to Spawn Oil Revolution

The next step in technology takes us off the ground and airborne—at a much cheaper cost—according to Jen Alic, a global intelligence and energy expert for OP Tactical.

(LONDON - Oil Revolution The future of oil exploration lies in new technology--from massive data-processing supercomputers to 4D seismic to early-phase airborne spy technology that can pinpoint prospective reservoirs.

Oil and gas is getting bigger, deeper, faster and more efficient, with new technology chipping away at “peak oil” concerns.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2014 13:11)

How Junior Companies Survive in the Exploration Wild: Interview with Blackbird

Garth Braun, CEO of Blackbird Energy, operates assets in Canada's high-value Montney Resource.

(LONDON - oil exploration Only the fittest can survive in today's market for junior oil and gas companies, which must demonstrate a great deal of ingenuity in the balancing of risk and reward.

Nothing but the most exceptional oil and gas projects will win capital...

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2014 12:57)

Gas Prices: AAA`s Fuel Gauge Report - USA and Oregon

The rising national average is mirrored at the state level, where pump prices are universally moving higher.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Gas prices Today’s national average price at the pump is $3.42 per gallon.

This price is six cents more expensive than one week ago and 13 cents more than one month ago; however national prices remain 36 cents per gallon less than the same date last year.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2014 10:03)

Boundless Natural Gas, Boundless Opportunities: Interview with EIA Chief

"The biggest hurdle that congress faces is just having good information on future trends in supply and demand..." - Adam Sieminski

(LONDON - Adam Sieminski The Energy Information Agency (EIA) has predicted that natural gas production in the US will continue to grow at an impressive pace.

Right now output is close to 70 billion cubic feet a day and is expected to reach over 100 billion cubic feet per day by 2040.

Read Full Article (Feb-11-2014 15:26)

The Golden Age of Gas, Possibly: Interview with the IEA

Interview with IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven.

(LONDON - IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven The potential for a golden age of gas comes along with a big “if” regarding environmental and social impact.

The International Energy Agency (IEA)—the “global energy authority”--believes that this age of gas can be golden, and that unconventional gas can be produced in an environmentally acceptable way.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2014 11:27)

Iraqi Government Threatens Action Against Kurds as Oil Exports Set to Begin

The conflict escalated when Baghdad followed through on Maliki's threat.

(LONDON - Iraq map Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs firmly stated the central government will take action, "including fiscal measures," if Kurdistan begins exporting oil without coming to an agreement with Baghdad.

The remarks came as Minister Hussain al-Shahristani spoke at a conference in London on January 28.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 14:19)

Market Disruptor: Nuclear Restarts Spell Trouble for LNG

Investors should be aware of the very large threat that Japanese nuclear reactors present to upstart LNG projects.

(LONDON - Ship carrying LNG There are two major factors that have emerged in the last five years that have sparked a surge in LNG investments. First is the shale gas “revolution” in the United States, which allowed the U.S. to vault to the top spot in the world for natural gas production.

This caused prices to crater to below $2 per million Btu (MMBTu) in 2012, down from their 2008 highs above $10/MMBtu. Natural gas became significantly cheaper in the U.S. than nearly everywhere else in the world.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2014 17:20)

Reactor Reax: Roundup of Nuclear Articles and Reports

The latest news from Physicians for Social Responsibility.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Nuclear sign In this week's version of Reactor Reax, Nuclear power is set to disappoint, again, Reuters reports; The industry's hoped-for 'nuclear renaissance' has been thwarted by three developments: cheap natural gas from the shale revolution; regulatory delays due to environmental activism; and the disaster at Fukushima.

A Japan Times editorial, "Japan's nuclear waste problem," states: Japan's nuclear power generation has often been likened to a "condominium without a toilet" due to the lack of a final disposal site for radioactive waste that piles up as more fuel is used for power generation at nuclear plants.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 12:47)

New EPA Rule Requires Chemical Disclosure for Offshore Fracking

The latest EPA rule would merely require companies to report the chemicals that they are discharging into the ocean.

(LONDON - Offshore fracking The U.S. EPA published a rule on January 9, 2014 requiring oil and gas companies using hydraulic fracturing off the coast of California to disclose the chemicals they discharge into the ocean.

Oil and gas companies have been fracking offshore California for perhaps as long as two decades, but they largely flew under the radar until recently.

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