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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-26-2013 12:57)

Energy Companies Pull a Blackwater

Natural gas production has declined more or less since 2005 for Algeria and lingering instability in the region suggests a turnaround isn't likely in the medium term.

(LONDON - Statoil workers Norwegian energy company Statoil said last week it was forming a special operations division to handle emergency operations in response to a terrorist attack on a natural gas facility in Algeria.

The company said it would double the amount of employees it had designated for existing security operations after reviewing the measures in place at the In Amenas gas facility.

Read Full Article (Jun-19-2013 18:18)

Seattle Mayor Fights Coal Exports, Industry Proponents Cry Foul

Acting Chief of the Regulatory Program for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jennifer Moyer said the agency will not conduct an expanded Environmental Impact State despite a petition from environmental groups in the northwest seeking further study.

(SEATTLE) - MCGINN: More coal production yields more pollution. Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn told members of the U.S. House subcommittee on power and energy Tuesday that coal exports in Washington state would pollute water and air and decrease the quality of life for residents.

Coal advocates say McGinn’s comments are off the mark.

Read Full Article (May-08-2013 18:36)

Legislature Approves Bill that Confirms Oregon is Weaning Itself From Coal Power

SB 242 restates the language applying the standard to out-of-state power...

(SALEM) - Oregon Capitol The Oregon House today passed a bill that confirms a 2009 policy reducing the amount of coal in Oregon’s power supply. SB 242 was approved by a vote of 44-15.

“We are gratified that legislators reaffirmed Oregon’s emissions performance standard,” said CUB Executive Director Bob Jenks.

Read Full Article (May-06-2013 19:49)

Trade Disputes at Global Solar Summit

"Dumping is the fundamental problem in the European solar market" - Milan Nitzschke, President of EU ProSun

(MILAN) - Global Solar Summit The forecast is for an extremely heated debate, full of surprises, between the international associations representing the solar power industry at the first Global Solar Summit.

It takes place at the Milan Rho Fair from 8 to 9 May 2013...

Read Full Article (May-03-2013 10:52)

Fractured US Intelligence Rules out Greater Cooperation with Russia

The mounting US intelligence failures since 9/11 can in large part be contributed to a lack of cooperation among US agencies themselves.

(LONDON) - US and Russia The US intelligence community is in a state of disarray...

This was most recently illustrated by the Boston Marathon Bombings—and the idea of a more structured cooperation with Russian intelligence as a direct result of this incident is a paper tiger.

Read Full Article (Apr-09-2013 12:15)

Is Tunisia the New Hot Spot for Energy Investors? Interview with John Nelson

Tunisia is now in focus for investors because exploration is increasing within the producing Pelagian Basin...

(LONDON - Tunisia Until recently Tunisia was considered to be a minor league and relatively underexplored venue in Africa's rapidly expanding oil & gas scene.

This situation has quickly changed with new bid rounds and forced relinquishments creating an opportunity for new companies to come in.

Read Full Article (Apr-04-2013 15:33)

Gas Starts Flowing from Israel`s Levant Basin, What Now?

Israel has the upper hand right now in terms of development and production, but it lacks the infrastructure without Turkey.

(LONDON - Israel's Levant Basin The first gas has started flowing from Israel's supergiant Tamar gasfield in the Levant Basin.

Where it will go will redraw the Mediterranean energy map and the geopolitics that goes along with it.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2013 10:17)

Salem`s Lack of Solar Power

I urge leaders in Salem to stand up for our health and environment and make Oregon a leader on solar power.

(SALEM) - Solar panel As a recent arrival from California, I always thought of Oregon as an environmental leader. And in so many ways it already is. But when it comes to solar power, we’re far behind.

In fact, right now we get less than 1% of our energy from the sun. Luckily, this spring our state legislators have the opportunity to put us in front on this issue.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2013 16:59)

As Cyprus Collapses, It`s a Race to the Mediterranean Gas Finish Line

Cashing in on the island's major gas potential is more urgent than ever—but these are still very early days.

(LONDON - Cyprus relief location map Cyprus is preparing for total financial collapse as the European Central Bank turns its back on the island.

The parliament rejected a scheme to make Cypriot citizens pay a levy on savings deposits in return for a share in potential gas futures to fund a bailout. On Wednesday, the Greek-Cypriot government voted against asking its citizens to bank on the future of gas exports...

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2013 12:02)

Wind Energy: A Faith Based Initiative

As many as 4500 wind turbines have been built -- and abandoned -- in California alone.

(OCEANSIDE, CA) - Wind turbines Maybe wind turbines would be a good investment if the things actually worked. But they don’t. Not that well.

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