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Water Quality: An Exploration of the Myths, Lies and Misperceptions
Part I of a Two Part Series

“All is water.”
Thales of Miletus, Father of Western Philosophy

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Water contaminants This is going to be a two part series, so sit down, buckle up and get good and depressed! It’s about some disturbing technical aspects the public knows little about, concerns I’d like to share, and some unpleasant things I’ve learned about the world of water on my (now) 13-year journey.

Hope your food is settled.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2010 21:00)

Former CIA Pilot Tells of Guns and Drugs Shipments

Robert "Tosh" Plumlee, former CIA pilot, reported the illegal shipments of guns and drugs to Congress. Plumlee said he flew into former MCAS El Toro, CA, a number of times, in unmarked C-130s in the early hours of the morning.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Tosh Plumlee in Santa Elena, Costa Rica, mid-1980s The internet is full of stories of various government conspiracy theories, the 1001 Club, Bilderberg Group, The Illuminati, and Skull & Bones to name just a few.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2010 15:58)

`Pappy Boyington Field` Documentary Film Examines Historic Marine Aviator

The film "Pappy Boyington Field" tells the story of the grass-roots effort by Veterans to honor Pappy in the town of his birth, with a commemorative airfield naming...and it was not without controversy.

(BOISE, Idaho) - Major Pappy Boyington (far left) briefs his men before combat Do you remember Pappy Boyington and the Black Sheep? This ultra famous Marine fighter pilot hero and squadron leader, was the subject of the American TV show, "Baa Baa Black Sheep" which was named for the famous VMA-214 'Black Sheep' Squadron.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2010 14:33)

Pentagon Shooter and the Murder of Col. James Sabow

John Patrick Bedell knew a Marine fighter pilot, Col. Jim Sabow, had been murdered in a government cover-up.

(SALEM, Ore.) - John Patrick Bedell's drivers license photo John Patrick Bedell must have had a lot on his mind as he went through the motions of a dead man walking.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2010 10:34)

Jerry Brown: Brother of Murdered Marine Needs Your Help

Forensic evidence supports the murder of a Marine Colonel at MCAS El Toro in 1991 that was ruled a suicide.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Colonel James Sabow, USMC The murder of Colonel James Sabow is the story of the loss of our country's moral compass.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2010 15:27)

Marine Corps and Navy Can be Sued Over Camp Lejeune`s Dangerous Water

Drinking water "shall not contain impurities which may be hazardous to the health of consumers." - Marine regulations from December 1972

(SALEM, Ore.) - The Marine Corps Memorial A woman who lived aboard Camp Lejeune in the early 1980's has been permitted to move forward with a claim against the U.S. Marine Corps over the water contamination on this military reservation.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2010 00:30)

Pressure Building Over Excessive Benzene Contamination at Camp Lejeune Marine Base

Benzene in tap water at Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune was downplayed and omitted from official documents.

(CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C.) - Poison Sands are shifting under the feet of officials who kept the truth about deadly Benzene poisoning at Camp Lejeune concealed.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2010 21:05)

Marine Corps Busted Over Benzene Contamination at Lejeune

Marines altered findings of reports that showed extremely high levels of benzene in a base well.

(CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C.) - Marine Corps logo Today The Associated Press release shocked the nation by revealing that, "An environmental contractor dramatically underreported the level of a cancer-causing chemical found in tap water at Camp Lejeune, then omitted it altogether as the Marine base prepared for a federal health review."

The AP cites how the Marine Corps was warned nearly a decade earlier about the dangerously high levels of benzene. This chemical is connected to massive leaks from base fuel tanks, according to recently disclosed studies.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2010 11:17)

Congressional Tug-of-War Over Veterans` Heathcare?

An unknown number of veterans and dependents were exposed to environmental hazards on military installations. DOD refuses to accept responsibility for the health effects of exposure. Two bills introduced in the Senate and House provide for health care coverage. Major differences in the bills need to be worked out.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Toxic water The Department of Defense (DOD)’s refusal to accept responsibility for the health effects of exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, has left veterans and their dependents, many without health care, out in the cold.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2010 15:30)

`Spiritual Warrior` James A. Ray Charged With 3 Counts of Manslaughter

How The hopes and expectations Of Spiritual Materialism are shaping many lives.

(LAGUNA BEACH) - James A. Ray "Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." John 8:31-32

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
