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Mar-03-2010 10:34 ![]() ![]() Jerry Brown: Brother of Murdered Marine Needs Your HelpRobert O'Dowd Salem-News.comForensic evidence supports the murder of a Marine Colonel at MCAS El Toro in 1991 that was ruled a suicide.
(IRVINE, Calif.) - The murder of Colonel James Sabow is the story of the loss of our country's moral compass.
The overwhelming forensic evidence supports murder of a senior Marine Officer to prevent him from “telling all” at a court martial. In an unexpected move, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) passed jurisdiction to the state of California almost 4 years ago. No action has been taken by Orange County where former Marine Corps Base El Toro, CA, is located. The murder of Colonel James Sabow, Assistant Chief Staff, MCAS El Toro, CA, on January 22, 1991, was done in his quarters on a major Marine Corps base. The Orange County coroner ruled suicide before an investigation was completed. Subsequent independent investigations by scientific experts support murder. As expected, investigations by the Navy and the Department of Defense supported suicide. Oliver Stone, check your voice mail! The Colonel Sabow story has all of the right ingredients for an Academy award winner. Marines, drugs, war, murder, CIA, government cover-up to name a few. It even has a made to order hero. He may not be comfortable with this, but Dr. David Sabow, brother of Col. Sabow, is the one who has carried this fight for almost 20 years. Dr. David Sabow, a South Dakota neurologist, has devoted years to investigating the murder of his older brother. He’s spent several hundred thousand dollars in legal fees, private investigators, and much of his own time and energy. Now in physically poor health, he’s confined to a wheelchair and no longer in medical practice. Oliver Stone, check your voice mail! The Colonel Sabow story has all of the right ingredients for an Academy award winner. Marines, drugs, war, murder, CIA, government cover-up to name a few. It even has a made to order hero. He may not be comfortable with this, but Dr. David Sabow, brother of Col. Sabow, is the one who has carried this fight for almost 20 years.
In his own words, “he became suspicious of foul play due to a number of inconsistencies. He shared his concerns with the NCIS [Naval Criminal Investigative Service], as well as a number of senior Marine Corps officers. He became ever more suspicious when relevant documents, including the autopsy report, were denied him by the Marine Corps. Having become aware of Dr. Sabow’s concerns, El Toro base commander, Brig. General Tom Adams summoned him to El Toro for a meeting. Dr. Sabow accompanied by Sally Sabow, the Colonel’s widow, sat through a 5-hour vicious and grueling session. Dr. Sabow was assured that Colonel William Lucas who was the chief legal officer at El Toro at the time his brother’s death, would be present to answer pertinent questions that bothered the Sabow family. However, instead of Lucas, Colonel Wayne Rich, a Reserve Marine Corps officer, took his place. Wayne Rich turned out to be a special Assistant Attorney General from Washington and he dominated the meeting. Both General Adams and Colonel Rich accused Colonel Sabow of being a “crook and felon” while two other Marine Corps generals in attendance, David Shuter and J.K. Davis remained silent. This, in spite of their glowing “Fitness Reports” of Colonel Sabow during his almost three decade career. Furthermore, the representatives of the NCIS, as well as General Adams and Colonel Rich, repeatedly stated: “There was not one shred of evidence, other than that proving, that Colonel Sabow committed suicide.” For the most part, Congressional committees have not been interested in Colonel Sabow’s death or in any testimony from Dr. Sabow. Dr. Sabow told us of one instance where he was cut off from making remarks before a Congressional committee; “I was accompanied by Danny Sheehan [his attorney] on Sept 12, 1996, when I gave time restricted testimony at a Senate hearing chaired by Senator Dirk Kempthorn (R-Idaho). "Following statements proffered by me and several others about military suicides, the various heads of criminal investigations for all the branches of the armed services gave their unrestricted 'speeches' about how thorough they were. After they were finished Dirk Kempthorn invited each and every one of them to make a closing statement. I was incensed that they had all the time they wanted for their addresses and now were given even more time, of which they all took advantage. After they finished, I tried to stand and demand equal time for rebuttal. Kempthorn banged his gavel louder and louder to get me to be quiet. I refused but in the excitement I fell to the ground. I could not get up. Danny knelt next to me. Kempthorn and several other Senators walked off the elevated dais toward the audience which took several of them right past me. Not only did they not stop to help me, but Kempthorn and some others stopped 10 or 15 feet from where I was on the floor and started a conversation with General Krulack, CMC. I could not help but notice Krulack and others glance at me on the floor. Two big security guards arrived with a wheelchair a few minutes later and stayed with me until they helped me into taxi outside the Hart Senate Building. Both were large, strapping black men who complimented me on my testimony.”
The Marine Corps has a proud tradition of never leaving anyone behind. The tragic death of Colonel James Sabow in January 1991 gave an entirely different meaning to Semper Fidelis. Colonel Sabow never gave any serious thought that his life and that of his family were at risk. He was an outstanding Marine fighter pilot. By all accounts, he was general officer material. Born in Pittsburgh, PA, on August 5, 1939, Colonel Sabow was by every conceivable measure a highly successful Marine Corps officer with every reason to live. One of three boys whose father had been an Army flight surgeon in WWII, he graduated from Georgetown University in 1962 and was commissioned in the Marine Corps in 1963. Married to the same woman for twenty-three years, the father of two children, he was in excellent physical and mental condition and at the time of his death was worth an estimated two to three million dollars, according to his brother. After receiving his wings, he was assigned to an A-6 Intruder squadron in Vietnam, flew 221 combat missions, earning the Bronze Star with Combat “V” and 15 Air Medals. All of his Marine Corps fitness reports were outstanding. There's no question that if his life was in danger, he would have been prepared to defend himself. Since he was in government quarters on a Marine Corps base, he made the tragic mistake of letting his guard down and not taking his own advice. In the latter part of 1987, Colonel Sabow, concerned about the use of drugs at El Toro and Tustin, asked Captain Pete Barbee, a Mustang (former enlisted Marine), to investigate the use of drugs on the base but "not to trust anyone." Had he taken his own advice he may have been alive today. General David Shuter gave a glowing eulogy of Colonel Sabow, in which he described him as a man “without compromise,” one of the few who could give himself fully to the Corps and country and simultaneously to his family. He also described Sabow by all those in the Corps who knew him as the “straightest of straight arrows.” Contra War
During the Reagan administration, a civil war or Contra war raged in Nicaragua, pitting the left-wing Sandinista regime against CIA-financed Contra rebels. The war covered the period roughly from 1981 to 1990. A series of CIA supported acts of sabotage without Congressional intelligence committees approval led to the passage of the Boland Amendment, which cut off appropriated funding for the Contras. The funding of the Contra war was secured by the sale of drugs, especially cocaine, which spread to epidemic proportions throughout the U.S. with the introduction of cheap crack cocaine in the inner cities. For the most part, our government looked the other way, allowing the drugs to be sold, killing an untold number of citizens. Many of these were young, black Americans from the ghettos. If you’re still unsure, just ask Congresswomen Maxine Waters, (D, CA). She can tell you from personal experience the tragic impact crack cocaine had on black Americans in Los Angeles. “Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug. The powdered hydrochloride salt form of cocaine can be snorted or dissolved in water and then injected. Crack is the street name given to the form of cocaine that has been processed to make a rock crystal, which, when heated, produces vapors that are smoked. The term 'crack' refers to the crackling sound produced by the rock as it is heated,” according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters knows all too well the disastrous health effects on those to become addicted to crack cocaine. Waters said, “The time I spent investigating the allegations of the “Dark Alliance” series [Gary Webb’s account reported in the San Jose Mercury News in 1996] led me to the undeniable conclusion that the CIA, DEA, DIA, and FBI knew about drug trafficking in South Central Los Angeles. They were either part of the trafficking or turned a blind eye to it, in an effort to fund the Contra war. I am convinced that drug money played an important role in the Contra war and that drug money was used by both sides.” Dr. Sabow met with Maxine Waters in 1996. He told us that: “I appeared with Maxine Waters at a rally that was organized by a group headed by Mike Rupert. The group flew me to LAX and drove me to a small house in South Central where I met others who were to speak at the rally on the following day. We spoke from the steps of the LA Municipal Bldg (I call it the Dragnet Building) and then marched in downtown LA for a few blocks. The park in front of the Municipal building was crowded with people from South Central. Still being naive, I thought it quite odd that the LA Times did not cover it to any significant degree. It was at this time that I met Cellerino Castillo. Celli showed me photographs of C-130 aircraft at the Ilipango Air force Base in El Salvador being loaded with drugs. He was the chief DEA agent in all of Central America at the time. He tried to blow the whistle and was blackballed and ruined. I had a long talk with him at that house on the night before the rally. Maxine Waters made a stink about the Drug issue when she returned to Washington. John Deutsch was DCI under Clinton and he sent his IG out to LA. After he returned Deutsch made a statement that there was no foundation whatsoever that the CIA was involved in drug trafficking or knew anything about such activity (surprise, surprise).” The sad truth is that thousands of African-Americans in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Houston, San Diego, Baltimore, and other urban centers became addicted to crack cocaine, lost their minds, were incarcerated, and died from overdoses. "Guns Down, Drugs Up" Former military aircraft leased to CIA proprietary companies transported guns to Central America. On the return trips, these aircraft carried cocaine into the U.S. MCAS El Toro was one of the bases in the ‘80s and early ‘90s used to offload the cocaine and service these civilian aircraft.
Based on interviews with William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot, Nick Schou, OC Weekly reporter, wrote about the secret flights into El Toro and the ‘suicide’ of Colonel Sabow in September 2006. See: “Cocaine Airways”. According to Nick Schou, “All of Plumlee's landings were late at night, and the unmarked airplanes—massive C-130 cargo carriers—were painted dark green. And though Plumlee landed at military installations, the men who unloaded his planes were dressed just as he was—in civilian attire, sporting long hair. Plumlee says he guesses they could have easily passed for drug dealers.” Plumlee told Schou that the “the pilots officially worked for civilian air charters under contract to the CIA, including the infamous Southern Air Transport and Evergreen International Airlines. He was always paid in cash, usually about $5,000 per flight. Once he landed at El Toro, Plumlee says, he’d taxi the C-130 to the southwest side of the field, close to Interstate 5. “I had long hair in those days—bushy hair,” he says. “I looked like a drug runner. There was nobody in uniform offloading our aircraft. I figured they were CIA spooks. When you see people like that on a military base in the early morning, unloading, I say that’s CIA. It’s an assumption on my part, but it is based on a preponderance of evidence.” Apparently, the Marine Corps Inspector General knew something about the misuse of former government aircraft, too. In January 1991, Lieutenant General Davison, the Marine Corps IG, arrived at MCAS El Toro, skipped the entrance conference with Brigadier General Tom Adams, El Toro’s Commanding General, and went immediately to Building No. 53. He asked for the data processing file on civilian aircraft (containing records for refueling and other servicing of civilian aircraft at El Toro). The file had been purged. According to Dr. Sabow, Colonel Sabow would have known of the ‘legal’ shipment of weapons to Central America, but not the use of these aircraft to illegally carry cocaine into the U.S. After the IG arrived at El Toro, Colonel Sabow was relieved of command for a minor infraction of carrying personal items to his son while making a routine flight onboard a military aircraft. “Retired Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps Major General J.K. Davis said that any pilot who had ever flown in the military would be canned had they been held to the same standards as the allegations against Colonel Sabow,” according to David Hoffman in “Semper Fidelis: “The Story of Colonel James E. Sabow.” See: Dr Sabow said that when Colonel Sabow learned of the illegal shipment of cocaine in January 1991 from Colonel Joseph Underwood, his immediate boss and Chief of Staff, MCAS El Toro. He objected and told Underwood that he would chose to tell all at a court martial rather than retire early under a cloud. In refusing to retire early, Colonel Sabow unknowingly signed his own death warrant. Sara Sabow said that the night before her husband was killed Colonel Underwood, their next door neighbor, pointing his finger in Colonel Sabow’s face said, “You will never see a court martial.” He was right. Colonel Sabow was murdered the next morning. Forensic Evidence As part of his effort to document the scientific support for murder Dr. Sabow and Bryan R. Burnett, Meixa Tech, Cardiff, Ca, wrote a paper entitled, “Pathological and Physiological Principles of Instantaneous Death: How It Can Help Distinguish Suicide from Homicide” as part of the effort to document the murder of Colonel Sabow. See: In the paper’s abstract, Dr. Sabow and Burnett wrote that: “The body of a Marine Corps officer was discovered lying on a 12 gauge shotgun in the backyard of his home. Naval Investigative Service personnel identified an intraoral wound and immediately informed the base commander and the victim’s family that the death was a suicide. The following day an autopsy was performed and death certificate issued, designating death as suicide. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: to distinguish the difference between instantaneous and sudden death and its application in distinguishing homicide from suicide and, secondly, to propose that the death certificate in any unwitnessed traumatic death should be considered a preliminary document until there is comprehensive evaluation of all evidence. The correct conclusion of death in this case requires understanding of physiologic principles which determine when death is instantaneous as opposed to sudden. If the initial trauma to the officer was the shotgun wound, then death had to have been instantaneous. However, autopsy results, skull x-rays and crime scene evidence demonstrate that death was sudden but not instantaneous. The initial trauma was a fatal blow to the back of the head causing a depressed skull fracture behind the right ear. Therefore, the manner of death was homicide not suicide.” CIRCUMSTANTIAL
Gary Null in an internet article, “The Strange Death of Colonel Sabow”, described documentation sent to Dr. Sabow from a Marine Corps source that supports the attempt to intimidate Dr. Sabow and the Colonel’s widow during the March 9th meeting:
“The most damaging evidence was a five-page hand-written summary by Wayne Rich. By this time, David knew that Rich was an Assistant Attorney General from Washington, who replaced Colonel Lucas at the March 9 meeting. These notes were written by Rich during a telephone conversation with the deputy SJA in Washington, Colonel Lang, on the day before the El Toro meeting, and included statements such as: "We are about to try to convince Sabow's brother that his brother was a crook and so big a crook..." “The packet also contained an order from one legal officer to another regarding the investigation of ways to have Dr. Sabow's medical license revoked.” “There was also a copy of a memorandum written by the head legal officer, SJA Colonel Lucas. The memorandum was in reference to the peculiar behavior of Lieutenant General Hollis Davison, the Inspector General of the Marine Corps, during an investigation into Colonel Sabow and Colonel Underwood at El Toro from January 10 until January 17, 1991, days before the murder. Lucas talked about the repetitiveness of the Inspector General's questions, and his peculiar behavior while conducting his interviews. The last paragraph of Lucas' memorandum stated that he put this into his personal files to protect himself for the future. He stated that if the Inspector General's behavior became public, it would be very bad for the Marine Corps.” “There was also a memorandum from Captain McBride to Colonel Lucas. The memo reported conversations between McBride and Dr. Sabow. This order was from Rich or Adams ordering McBride to divulge confidential information, and violated the trust of the attorney-client relationship.”
“The packet also included transcribed responses of "witnesses" interviewed by the IG in an attempt to depict Colonel Sabow's misconduct. There was a glaring omission in the transcription--the questions asked of those "witnesses." David learned that at least one person interviewed, Major Bob Friend, would not sign the transcript because the statements did not reflect his responses. Tosh Plumlee, the former CIA pilot who told of drugs flown into El Toro, knows from experience the intimidation tactics used to keep you from talking. In a 2006 interview with Nick Schou of the OC Weekly, Tosh said he's been beaten, shot at, and stopped on the street by strangers who flashed 'badges' who told him. "We just want to let you know that you're being investigated for making false allegations against the government." After being attacked in Evergreen, Colorado, Tosh said, "I got pretty well beat up and the Evergreen Police Department never showed up" Plumlee goes on "And I drove home and that's when I see my house is on fire." Neighbors were able to retrieve Plumlee's dogs from the house, but most of his belongings—including his documents and partially written manuscript—went up in flames. "There was a hole in the window, and accelerant was all over the place," he says. "It was firebombed. Who was behind it? Was it the CIA? The Cubans? I have no idea." The ultimate intimidation is death. Tom Wade, the young Marine sergeant who reported the file purged to the Marine Corps IG in January ‘91, was later transferred to a base in Florida and killed execution style with two shots to the back of his head on Christmas Eve several years later. His six-year-old daughter was found by an elderly couple the next morning, crying in the back seat of her father’s car. Nothing was taken from his car or his person. A follow-up call to the local police by Dr. Sabow revealed that Tom Wade’s apartment was sealed by military authorities who cited national security as the reason for securing the area for several days. In November 1996, a patient of Dr. Sabow signed an affidavit stating that she had been pressured by someone claiming to be a DEA agent, who told her that if she agreed to assist them in the prosecution that no charges would be brought against her for alternating prescription refills. She refused to cooperate since Dr. Sabow had not done anything wrong. Portions of the affidavit are redacted to protect the identity of the patient and others: "My name is ___________. I live in _____, South Dakota. I am presently a patient of John David Sabow, M.D. I have been a patient of Dr. Sabow's for these purposes as far back as l994." "In March of 1994, I received a prescription form Dr. Sabow, which I subsequently altered so as to increase the number of refills that I could obtain from the drugstore. In In July of 1994, I needed to speak to Dr. Sabow and he was out of town. I then went to the emergency room and they gave me a prescription which I subsequently altered also. However, I took the prescription from the emergency room to the drug store and the druggist on duty, ________, noted that I had altered the prescription. Mr. ____________called the emergency room physician and subsequently the police. I was arrested. When my case came before Judge __________, he dismissed the charges for a failure to properly state a violation of a crime. A month later, I received a letter indicating that the matter had been dropped." "A year later in 1995, I received a telephone call from a gentleman representing himself as a DEA agent. He claimed that I had witnessed a crime and wanted to know if he could come to my house to discuss the same. I consented and gave him directions to my home. He showed up with another agent and once they got into my home, one agent took my husband in one room and another agent took me in another room and began to interrogate me." "They indicated that they had a list of all of the prescriptions that I have obtained in the last five years. The list was quite lengthy. On the list, they had certain prescriptions circled or identified." "The agents then advised me that I had five possible felonies, and that if I wanted to assist them in the prosecution of Dr. Sabow, they would see to it that no charges were brought against me. I told the agents that I could not enter into such an agreement because if I did so, I would be lying. I am not addicted to any medication. Even if I were, it would not be Dr. Sabow's fault and I so informed the agents." "In December of 1995, I received a telephone call from the ______________ sheriff asking me to come into his office. When I arrived, I was presented with a warrant for my arrest." "I posted a $750 bond and in April of 1996, the matter was resolved when I plea bargained and eventually pled guilty to one of the two counts. By this time, the state had identified and discovered the alterations that I had made on the emergency room prescription, as well as on the prescription I received from Dr. Sabow. I was fined and put on two years probation. It was my understanding in the plea bargain that a plea of guilty would take care of any and all prior offenses that had to do with prescription drugs and/or narcotics. In November of 1996, I was again contacted by the same DEA agents--They came to my home; however, this time when they asked for permission to come in, I refused. we conducted our conversations and business on the front porch. The DEA agents again informed me that they had access to at least five felonies concerning drugs and that I was in no position to refuse to assist them since they were cognizant or aware of the fact that I was presently on probation. The agents again advised me that they wanted my assistance so as to get Dr. Sabow (who is the individual they claim had prescribed the medication and caused my alleged addiction). I again told them that I would have no part in this type of discussion and I asked them to leave." California Has Jurisdiction The U.S. Department of Justice is content with the official questionable suicide finding and passing off the jurisdictional responsibility to State of California, even though the crime was committed on Federal property and the evidence strongly supports murder. The State of California and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) appear to be playing a kind of jurisdictional musical chairs and the only one left standing is Dr. Sabow. It’s obvious that neither the state of California nor the DOJ want anything to do with investigating the murder of Colonel Sabow. The Orange County coroner performed the autopsy and signed the death certificate in January 1991. The cause of death was suicide, according to the coroner. Subsequent investigation by a number of independent medical experts of the forensic evidence concluded that homicide was the cause of death. The California Bureau of Investigation under the Attorney General’s office advised Dr. Sabow on December 26, 2002, that “as you are aware, a determination was made several years ago that the state of California has no jurisdiction to conduct an investigation as the result of Colonel Sabow’s death having occurred on property under the jurisdiction of military authorities.” Almost 5 years later, the DOJ in a letter of July 6, 2007, to Congressman Duncan Hunter passed the buck back to the California Attorney General. According to the DOJ, “…the investigation of his death appears to be a state matter and not within the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice. Dr. David Sabow may wish to direct his inquiry to the Attorney General's Office for the State of California and other state law enforcement authorities for further assistance.” Michael A. Jacobs, attorney and retired supervisor of the Orange County District Attorney’s Homicide Trials Division, believes that homicide is supported by (1) the compressed fracture to the right rear occipital skull and the resulting hemorrhaging beneath the skull and (2) the large amount of aspirated blood found in the alveoli of Colonel Sabow’s lungs. Mr. Jacobs concluded in a letter to Congressman Duncan Hunter that “Colonel Sabow’s death could not have been a suicide but had to have been a homicide inflicted by the hands of another.” Additional support comes from Lt. Col. Anthony Verducci, a Marine Corps JAG (attorney) who was stationed at MCAS El Toro, in a letter to Dr. Sabow stated that, “I have reviewed x-rays, crime scene photos, and letters submitted by forensic pathologists and other experts about Col. Sabow’s death… these materials lead me to believe that Colonel Sabow did not die of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. As a Marine, former prosecutor, and citizen, I believe that an impartial law enforcement agency must review this case.” Jerry Brown, the California Attorney General has a well deserved reputation for taking on tough issues. Jerry Brown, check your voice mail. Dr. Sabow said he and other scientists are willing to provide whatever information you need to conduct an independent investigation of Colonel Sabow’s death. Colonel Sabow’s death may be a ‘cold case’ but, there’s no statute of limitations on murder. =============================================== Articles for March 2, 2010 | Articles for March 3, 2010 | Articles for March 4, 2010 | ![]() ![]() Quick Links
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Helicopter Crewchief March 13, 2012 12:00 pm (Pacific time)
I am here to inform that the torch of faithful friends burns evr strongr/longr in '12.E Pluribus Unum. Semper Fidelis!!
hdp January 30, 2012 7:33 pm (Pacific time)
I was at the El Toro base today thinking about all of this. Justica may not catch these psychopaths but the laws of universe certainally will. Thanks for the very well written story.
saddened Marine July 27, 2011 2:19 pm (Pacific time)
I served under Col. Sabow and it is without doubt that he was the best officer I had ever met, and this was how I felt about him long before his murder. A child can see the truth of what has happened here. For this lie to continue as it has is beyond disgrace, not only for every Marine, but for every American.
MScott May 16, 2011 6:29 am (Pacific time)
There is not doubt that this operation was carried out just like the Kennedy Assination but without a fall guy. My dad played golf with Col. Underwood the previous day and was known for his poetic phrases and of not quitting. The only way the truth could be expedited would be if operatives took lie detectors. Of course this would under mind the entire governmental system. My account from what occurred that morning based on what I heard from family was that CIA operatives disguised as Federal Investigators arrived unannounced to talk with Col. Sabow about his evidence of drug smuggling. Once they gained his confidence they could inquire as to any weapons that he may have on his property for safety concerns. The blow to the back of the head was probably done as they were walking from one area of the house to the other with one man to his left and the other behind him. A third man would have been there to secure the perimeter from witnesses. These same men would have returned later and flashed their badges to re-direct the crime scene investigators saying that this was a matter of national security. It is really unbelievable at what level government workers will go to perpetuate a lie. The credibility of all persons with authority is compromised. It is too easy to get caught up in this power trip. I saw it in the army and as a state trooper. My opinion is that all government workers take annual physicals that include polygraphs to ensure their honesty as many have had to take them to get in positions of trust.
Cheryl May 6, 2011 6:11 pm (Pacific time)
Joan Underwood needs to let her conscience be her guide and tell all. This includes her husband. I'd take another look at him. Even if he didn't do it, he knows who did. Good Luck and condolences to the family. Semper FI!
chard April 24, 2011 5:09 pm (Pacific time)
I know Col. Sabow didn't do as they or reported he did. I did undercover drugs ops in joint nis/tustin Police dept in 1987 and reported directly to him. I have looked over my shoulder since 1991.
Tim King: This makes two serious contacts on the Col Sabow story today, please drop me a line at Semper fi, right is right and you know the rest. This story really only simmers, it is alive and headed for a realistic honest conclusion; we can't in the end, let them get away with this. I am more than willing to maintain total confidentiality, thank you.
Mischa Leendertsen March 7, 2010 2:17 pm (Pacific time)
Please do not let this case go away. I am Col. Sabow’s widow’s cousin and have seen first hand the anguish the entire family has endured for almost twenty years. In Jimmy’s memory, justice must be served and his murderers punished………
someone March 5, 2010 3:50 pm (Pacific time)
Best story I've read to provide a rationale for arming yourself to the teeth. God forbid when the day arrives when you get on the wrong side of some spook agency have to try and protect yourself from your own government.
greenfloyd March 5, 2010 3:46 pm (Pacific time)
Randi Rhodes is reporting that last night's Pentagon shooter cites this case in his "manifesto."
people vs coruption March 5, 2010 2:39 pm (Pacific time)
A lie can run but it can not hide!!!!! My deepest condolences Family.,
ScaredShxxless! March 5, 2010 11:48 am (Pacific time)
We've got to launch a campaign--get a stockpile of very legible bumper stickers advertising "Google 'James Sabow' now!" or something.
My deepest condolences, Mrs. Sabow and family, and my highest regard to Dr. David Sabow.
Talk to everyone you know about this--get this out!
Sara March 5, 2010 11:08 am (Pacific time)
Bob and Tim, PLEASE stay on this. God Bless Dr. Sabow.
rmleonard March 5, 2010 7:27 am (Pacific time)
how can we expect respect from world can we as a nation expect forgivness from god. how can we teach our children honor when we show none.wrong is wrong. its bad to be so proud of some of our government and so repulsed by the rest of it.
T March 5, 2010 10:56 am (Pacific time)
I'm baffled about this whole thing, and I have never heard of this story until today. Our country is getting worse since then and we are becoming like what the USSR was. Scary.
monique March 5, 2010 9:46 am (Pacific time)
Dr Tony Battista March 5, 2010 9:15 am (Pacific time)
I have thoroughly reviewed the entire Sabow case.He was murdered!
G 2/3; March 3, 2010 5:33 pm (Pacific time)
keep on goingBob, "they" hope to bury this case with time and lies.,like 9/11. Semper Fi!
greenfloyd March 3, 2010 2:53 pm (Pacific time)
So I guess the key question now is will Brown pursue this, open an official investigation? What a sad, tragic story. I hope justice will, one day, be served.
So Cal Attorney March 3, 2010 2:21 pm (Pacific time)
That is an incredible story, I would ask how this could have happened, but it seems a little late for that. Now it is time for the state of California to stand up and at minimum, launch a new investigation. Every American should be deeply disturbed by this tragic story of national moral bankruptcy. The reaction will tell you a lot. I will see if I can't drop a word or two on this for you.
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