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About El Toro articles Page 16

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El Toxic Hell Toro Part Two:
A Death Sentence for Marines and School Kids?

MCAS El Toro's history includes a severe impact on the children and educators of the former El Toro School.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - MCAS El Toro School Marines are sick and dying from their contact with toxins at MCAS El Toro, such as TCE, a chemical used to clean jet fighters; but Marines aren't the only victims.

El Toro School kids, whose small bodies are less resistant to contamination with deadly pollutants, may have even less of a chance of weathering this storm.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2010 02:00)

Larry Agran and Bill Turner: A Tale of Two Traitors?

“The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else.” George Bernard Shaw

(LAGUNA BEACH, Calif.) - A recent article in the OC Register about the City of Irvine and EPA “greenwash” of water quality impairments at the former USMCAS El Toro is disturbing; it strikes a sore nerve, an open wound that won't heal.

It’s an insult to those who have already experienced injury and death, Marines and civilian vendors alike, plus other emerging casualties.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2010 02:00)

Born at Camp Lejeune, Can`t Afford Cancer Surgery

Camp Lejeune’s adverse health effects have affected an estimated 500,000 veterans and dependents, leaving many unable to work and lacking health care, in desperate situations.

(REDDING, Calif.) - family of Teresa Trantham A number of veterans and dependents of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune continue to suffer from cancer linked to their exposure to organic solvents like trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and benzene in the base wells.

Teresa Trantham of Redding, CA, a breast cancer survivor, is a former dependent of a Camp Lejeune Marine.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2010 04:05)

El Toro, Hell Toro, or El Toxic ??
Irvine`s Beast of Burden Can`t Hide

The El Toro Marine Base is unfit for habitation; dead Marines do tell tales.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Former El Toro Marines John Uldrich, Tim King and Robert O'Dowd, all served in MWSG-37. Photo by Bonnie King The ruins of a Marine base in Southern California are a silent reminder of the dishonest tactics of Irvine, Lennar Corp., and the Great Parks Corp.

Their unrealistic plans to build a subdivision on the extremely contaminated MCAS El Toro, will never come to pass.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2010 22:13)

Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Legacy

Camp Lejeune’s contaminated wells are now closed, but the adverse health effects have affected an estimated 500,000.

(CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C.) - A Marine wife named Candyce and her late husband George, a Camp Lejeune Marine, who died suddenly at the age of 25.  Veterans and dependents of Camp Lejeune continue to experience cancer and other serious health effects from exposure to solvents like TCE, PCE and benzene.

In spite of growing awareness, the health effects of the contamination continues to plague former residents.

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2010 20:26)

Veterans Input Needed on Environmental Breast Cancer Study

The Institute of Medicine will study the relationship between the environment and breast cancer.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Male breast cancer The Institute of Medicine (IOM) plans to conduct a research study of the link between breast cancer and the environment.

The likelihood of men having breast cancer has been rising in both young and old men in recent years.

Read Full Article (Mar-28-2010 17:56)

Marine Veteran Remembers `The Mouseketeers`

In November 1964, a Marine veteran remembers boarding ship in San Diego harbor for the Far East and “The Mickey Mouse Theme Song.”

(SOMERDALE, N.J.) - U.S.S. Gaffey In our starched utilities and whitewall haircuts, we all looked alike. A long green line of young men waiting to board ship.

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2010 04:20)

Kettleman City Catches Schwarznegger`s Eye, EPA Testing Launched

Birth defects, infant deaths... one toxic town in California might get the attention it deserves.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Kettleman City residents A string of fatal birth defects in Kettleman City caught the attention of California's Governor, and now, finally, many activists say, scientists will begin testing the area for 28 different chemicals.

Groups have tried in vain for years to call attention to really serious environmental problems in this area, but recent attention from the governor has turned things around.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2010 17:22)

Erroneous Reports Deny our Veterans Benefits

The time is now to expedite what they so righteously deserve.

(GARDEN GROVE, Calif.) - American soldiers on patrol in Iraq As a member of Veterans-For-Change, an advocacy group for Veterans rights, benefits, and treatment, my co-members and I would like to bring to your attention the ever-increasing serious problems affecting veterans and their families every day.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2010 02:42)

MCAS El Toro and the Untimely Death of Marine Fighter Pilot James Sabow

Somebody should produce a full length movie about this epic American tragedy.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Colonel James Sabow flew more than 220 missions as a fighter pilot in Vietnam, before becoming the third ranking officer at MCAS El Toro In early 1991, something happened at the El Toro Marine air base that was so bad, so shameful, that it will not go away.

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