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About El Toro articles Page 15

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Ugly Truth About the American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society argues new findings, that dangers from environmental toxins are greatly underestimated.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Monsanto The jig is up on the real danger of contracting cancer from environmental contamination; a panel convened by Pres. Carter says danger is far worse than the groups charged with fighting cancer reveal.

The dirty secret of the big cancer groups? They all receive funding from the polluters who are kind enough to wreck our environment and make it dangerous in the first place.

Read Full Article (May-06-2010 21:47)

El Toro Marine Goes Toe-to-Toe with VA

Former El Toro Marine comments on his experience with the VA, passing important information to other vets.

(MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.) - John Uldrich being interviewed by Tim King at MCAS El Toro, while Robert O'Dowd stands in the background.  All three are former El Toro Marines who write for John Uldrich, an El Toro Marine veteran, has a 100 percent plus disability rating. But for all intents and purposes, it is as bogus as they come!

Read Full Article (May-06-2010 00:19)

President`s Cancer Panel Report Finds True Burden of Environmentally Induced Cancer Greatly Underestimated

Panel Urges Action to Determine the Full Extent of Environmental Influences on Cancer.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - President James Carter A report released today by the President’s Cancer Panel finds that the true burden of environmentally-induced cancer is greatly underestimated.

Read Full Article (May-04-2010 23:49)

Liberty Radio Hour Features Interview with`s Tim King

A program about one of America's darkest stories.

(COEUR d'ALENE, Idaho) - One of the most disturbing stories in contemporary military history is the 1967 Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.

This is one of several subjects discussed by our Tim King, in the latest edition of the The Liberty Hour Radio Program.

Read Full Article (May-03-2010 19:33)

A Poem: Colonel James Sabow, USMC (In Memorial) is honored to bring you this tribute by Luke Easter to a man who hasn't been forgotten for a single hour of the nineteen long years since the Marine Corps turned on him.

(LOS ANGELES) - Colonel James Sabow was a Harrier pilot in the Marine Corps The tragic story of Marine Colonel James Sabow involves infuriating tragedy, silent yet overwhelming evidence, and immense, growing dedication. His death 19 years ago ridiculously deemed a suicide, was a Murder.

His brother is a physician; Dr. David Sabow knew almost from the beginning that something was terribly wrong with the investigation.

Read Full Article (May-01-2010 18:08)

Murder of Marine Colonel Demands Justice

A Marine Corps Colonel was murdered at MCAS El Toro, California. His brother has relentlessly pursued the investigation of his death for over 19 years. Guns, drugs, and a government cover-up make this a perfect crime.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Marine Colonel James E. Sabow, age 51, was found dead by his wife in the backyard of his quarters at MCAS El Toro, California. The Orange County Coroner ruled the death a suicide.

This was a direct violation of Navy regulations, which required that a post-mortem examination be conducted at the nearest Armed Forces Medical Examination Facility.

Read Full Article (Apr-29-2010 05:30)

`Hell No` to a Park and Homes at El Toro
Marine Journalists Demand the Truth

Wecome to Irvine's EPA Superfund site.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - MCAS El Toro There is a great movie where the townspeople are possessed, living in a Stepford Wives twilight zone, often chanting, "For the greater good".

I wonder if they'll start doing that in Irvine, a city trying to peddle the El Toro Marine Corps base in all of its toxic glory as a park and real estate.

Read Full Article (Apr-28-2010 18:00)

Workers Memorial Day 2010 in Downey, California

Rallying behind the strengthening of OSHA through supporting the Protecting America Worker’s Action H.R. 2067

(DOWNEY, Calif.) - Downey Landing in California Downey Workers Memorial Day is held every year in April to commemorate all those workers killed and injured on the job.

Read Full Article (Apr-27-2010 21:51)

Camp Lejeune Marine Veteran Expresses Anger at Marine Corps and Congress

Stephen Connard points to a lack of support for those injured on base from the contaminated water wells now closed.

(WASHINGTON, D.C) - Marine Corps logo The story of the contaminated water wells at Camp Lejeune just won’t go away.

The wells are now closed but many Lejeune veterans and dependents are visibly upset with what they perceive as a total lack of support from their Marine Corps and Congress.

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2010 22:11)

The Grand Illusion of Irvine`s Great Park

The gondola on the bright orange balloon is as empty as dreams that the Great Park offers.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - El Toro Marine Corps Air Station's Great Park It was a moderately dreary Sunday at the old El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in Irvine. We've written about the place many times. I was stationed there as a Marine in the 1980's and I've always remained fairly nostalgic about this piece of Marine Corps history that closed in 1999.

There was a slight chill in the air on this day, and a big obnoxious orange bag of hot air floating over El Toro, which means "The Bull" in Spanish.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
