(Jan-15-2011 01:57)
VA Boosts Process for Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Claims
Tim King
Claims will be consolidated at one office that will focus on the contaminated water issues.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
McClatchy Newspapers released an important story this week for Marine Corps Camp Lejeune veterans and their families.
The growing amount of public awareness over the dangers of the North Carolina base's water and the fact that Marine Corps' was caught in the falsification of reports of Benzene levels connected to Hadnot Point and the fuel storage there, have led to more questions from public officials.
Read Full Article (Dec-27-2010 22:26)
MCAS El Toro: Evidence Supports Cover-Up of Toxic Deadly Well Contamination
Robert O'Dowd
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans” -Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997)
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
I don’t believe in ghosts. If I ran into one or two, maybe I’d change my mind. The stories of lights in MCAS El Toro’s control tower when the power was cut off in July 1999 may be just someone’s wild imagination, but maybe they're the ghosts of Marines who served on the base and returned to haunt the place.
No question there’s good reasons for haunting the former base.
Read Full Article (Dec-21-2010 20:20)
Orange County Great Park: Preserving El Toro`s Toxic Past
Tim King
A tale of toxic hangars Hey OC, check out what you get for your tax dollars...
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
It has been announced that plans to destroy the runway at the old El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in Irvine, California are now in reverse.
The entire runway at this old base along with hangars 296 and 297 in a section of the base that formerly contained Marine Wing Support Group-37, will stay right where they are.
Read Full Article (Dec-21-2010 17:39)
Orange County Great Park to use Radium Contaminated Hangar
Robert O'Dowd
A radium paint room was a common feature on many military airfields.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
The latest Orange County Great Park plans are to keep the runways and hangars at former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro in place to “dramatically reduce costs and speed up the building of Irvine’s Great Park,” according to the Voice of OC.
Former MCAS El Toro is an EPA Superfund site, the base closed in July 1999, and sold at a public auction in 2005.
Read Full Article (Dec-20-2010 17:06)
Orange County Great Park Update: Don`t Test Don`t Tell
Roger Butow 'Odd Man Out'
Our OC beat reporter bangs the drum slowly... "Don't Test Don't Tell, Don't Test Don't Tell..."
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
Nothing but one broken promise, one bald-faced lie after another. Can the taxpayers now file for a divorce from Irvine? Haven't we had enough Agran-vation (aggravation), why not refuse to help find the funds for this LENNAR/Agran scam anymore?
As we've tried to point out, these two hangars (296 & 297) and those runways sit on some of what we believe to be the most contaminated soil on the base.
Read Full Article (Dec-16-2010 02:02)
Orange County Great Park CEO Mike Ellzey Unmasked
Tim King and Roger Butow
500 miles suddenly becomes a much shorter distance.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
The CEO of the 'Great Park" is charged with transforming a dangerous toxic Southern California military base, Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, into a park for children and families. Talk about one Hell of a job requirement.
New information about missing money, an underling serving time in San Quentin, and a trail of unanswered questions, including years of unpaid rent to the city of San Francisco, is Mike Ellzey's most recent professional legacy.
Read Full Article (Dec-13-2010 05:25)
Great Park Irvine CEO Michael David Ellzey Investigation Reveals USMC Biographical Disparities and Much, Much More... Staff Report
“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.” False in one thing, false in everything.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
The debacle stemming from the now-closed and heavily contaminated El Toro Marine Corps Air Station is taking a new direction.
Questions and research about the Marine Corps service record of the CEO of the 'Great Park' appear to paint an entirely different picture of a man who wants to turn the toxic base into a park for children.
Read Full Article (Nov-20-2010 19:37)
Barstow Residents Warned to Stay Clear of Drinking Water
Tim King
(BARSTOW, Calif.) -
A Drinking Water Advisory issued by the Golden State Water Company warns residents in Barstow and surrounding areas to not consume any ice, water, beverages or forumla prepared with tap water.
Barstow is the home of a Marine Corps base. It joins Camp Lejeune and MCAS El Toro as a contamination site capable of causing great illness or death to those who exist near it.
Read Full Article (Nov-01-2010 22:18)
Veterans Kept in the Dark Over Chemical Exposure
Robert O'Dowd
As it turns out, thousands of veterans and their dependents lived and worked on military installations that are now listed as EPA Superfund sites.
DOD is the biggest owner of EPA Superfund sites. The contaminants and health effects of exposure are published on the EPA Superfund website.
A simple website hyperlink to military installations on the National Priority List (EPA Superfund), identifying the contaminants and health effects can save lives, but no one seems interested in setting up this hyperlink.
Read Full Article (Oct-25-2010 16:47)
Hagan Statement on ASTDR Report Detailing Ground Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune
Camp Lejeune Marines illnesses firmly tied to base water contaminants.
United States Senator Kay R. Hagan (D-NC) has issued a statement on the new Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) report detailing ground water contamination at Camp Lejeune.
“This groundbreaking report provides scientific evidence to verify what our Camp Lejeune families have known for a long time—that the water on base was contaminated with harmful chemicals,” Hagan said.
Read Full Article