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Veterans Exposed to Chemicals Need to Know

Many if not most of the vets who served on the contaminated bases, don't know.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Marine saluting For the life of me, I still don’t know why the Veteran Service Organizations have not published the list of 130 military bases on the National Priority List.

The EPA Superfund database is accessible from the internet and the health effects of exposure to many of the contaminants have been well identified.

Read Full Article (Oct-23-2010 16:29)

ATSDR Report Sheds Light on Extent of Lejeune Water Contaminants

More than 160,000 former residents have added their names to the Camp Lejeune drinking water registry.

(JACKSONVILLE, N.C.) - Images from the ASTDR report on Camp Lejeune A report released Friday by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry sheds new light on the extent and variety of chemical contaminants that found their way into the ground and drinking water of sites throughout Camp Lejeune.

The 300-page report analyzes more than 18 sites of contamination located throughout the base, compiling data from hundreds of source documents and records.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2010 15:08)

Irvine Great Park CEO Michael D. Ellzey: Is This Man An Imposter?

Please forward this column to other Veteran organizations, especially USMC-related and networked ones.

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Mike Ellzey at Irvine City Council We are investigating the various claims and allegations made by Great Park CEO Michael Ellzey, most directly attributable to him in biographical interviews and press releases.

I’ll be using variations of “supposed, purported, allege and claim” a lot in this column because frankly, none of us believes his self-described history.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2010 01:36)

Attention Camp Lejeune Marines: Informational Meetings on Water Contamination

This is your opportunity to get informed about what happened at Camp Lejeune. Meetings will be held in Pittsburgh, Pa; Troy, New York and Tampa, Florida.

(CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C.) - An informational meeting about the CAMP LEJEUNE WATER CONTAMINATION effects will be held Saturday, November 6, 2010, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel, located at 107 6th Street, Pittsburgh, PA.

Between sometime in the 1950’s through 1987, the US Military improperly disposed of chemical degreasers and other toxic substances that ultimately contaminated the drinking water at Camp Lejeune.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2010 13:48)

Most `Veterans `In the Dark` About Environmental Issues

Important information for Marines who served at Camp Lejeune. Veterans Service Organizations like American Legion shun alerting veterans.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Jim Fontella Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) have not notified veterans of their possible exposure to environmental hazards at 130 military installations on the EPA National Priority List (Superfund sites).

There’s a critical need for the VSOs to exercise leadership by identifying the 130 military bases on the NPL, including the EPA internet link to Contaminants of Concern for each base.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2010 15:31)

`Camp Lejeune A Hearing`

The few, the proud, the Disenfranchised...

(CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C.) - Marines on Iwo Jima On 16th September Congressman Brad Miller, Chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology’s Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight held a hearing about Camp Lejeune water contamination.

A live webcast was available and I watched most of the transmission in real time. The press releases on what occurred are very much a matter of record.

Read Full Article (Oct-03-2010 23:51)

El Toro`s Most Toxic 200 Acres

Veterans of former Marine Wing Support Group-37, MCAS El Toro, California are unaware of their risk of exposure to carcinogens and many have ‘not connected the dots ‘of illness to military service.

(IRVINE, Calif. ) - MCAS El Toro Hundreds and maybe thousands of 55 gallon drums of trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE) were used at MCAS El Toro over decades to degrease aircraft parts.

A major concern is that both chemicals are carcinogens. The men using them did not wear protective clothing and masks, and the waste was dumped into storm drains or directly in the ground.

Read Full Article (Sep-21-2010 10:32)

Irvine Great Park Inherits Contaminants Part II

Irvine City Council Great Park Update: Questions Outnumber Answers
“Nature, red in tooth and claw…Dragons of the prime that tare each other in their slime.” - Lord Tennyson

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Well folks, there was tooth, fang and claw aplenty at the September 14, 2010 Irvine City Council meeting, a hearing that more closely resembled the jostling of a mud-infused mosh pit than civil discourse.

All I got out of it was that the rehab continues to reflect guesses about the volumes, persistence and vague timelines and strategies of contaminant remediation.

Read Full Article (Sep-17-2010 14:18)

El Toro Buried Drums of Toxic Chemicals

Information was reported to the Navy, who ignored the need to search for the drums.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - The dirtiest part of the old base is the MWSG-37 area; toxins migrated into this part of El Toro for half a century. El Toro employees buried 55 gallon drums of toxic chemicals to avoid Marine Corps Inspector General inspections and, in the case of half-empty drums, to support the need for ordering full drums of TCE/PCE.

TCE/PCE was used for decades on the former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, California. These chemicals were used as degreasers for aircraft parts and for various other purposes.

Read Full Article (Sep-17-2010 09:36)

Irvine City Council Wrestles El Toro Marines Over Deadly Toxins

The informational awareness of Irvine, California took a big step forward this week.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Irvine City Council The dangerous toxicity of the El Toro Marine base was a large focus of this week's Irvine City Council meeting.

Council Members Christina Shea and Steven Choi are drawing attention to unaddressed questions about the proposed Great Park that they believe are very serious.

Read Full Article
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