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Terrorism for Arabs; HIV/AIDS for Africans

In this era of revolution, we need a consistent and aggressive campaign for human rights.

(UGANDA) - David Kato, murdered Ugandan gay activist Following the murder of David Kato, a Ugandan gay activist in January, homosexuality, a taboo subject in Africa, resurfaced once again to polarize the “holier than thou” Ugandan majority and those minorities who embraced the universality and indivisibility of human rights.

David's murder happened after a tabloid demanded for gays and lesbians to be hanged by printing their name and photograph...

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2011 12:38)

Gaddafi Flashback: The AIDS Option

‘Why not invite Qaddafi to San Francisco, he likes to dress up so much?’ - Former Secretary of State George P. Shultz

(ISTANBUL) - Gaddafi Back in 1986, The Washington Post reported on a meeting at the White House, attended by U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State George P. Shultz, about ways to undermine the regime of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi.

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2011 20:10)

Bahrain Bleeds for Liberty

-"No Sunni, no Shiite, we are Bahraini!"

(LONDON) - Just before the Arab revolt erupted across the region there was much talk about how minorities in the Middle East we being mistreated.

Of course such concerns were not unfounded, but many vocal critics never really cared for finding real solutions nor did they give much attention to the plight of minorities elsewhere around the world.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 21:01)

Attack in Hebron and a `Jesus Challenged Empire`

I joined the large demonstration in the old city of Al-Khalil/Hebron that is commemorating the day 17 years ago when a Jewish settler massacred worshippers in the Haram Ibrahimi.

(BETHLEHEM) - Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh and Dr. Abedalfattah Abousrour In today's report, we look at the large popular resistance movement and demonstrations today (e.g. in Hebron where we got attacked). The video of inspiring events in Bethlehem to Hebron is included.

We also included the report titled "Jesus challenged empire" on the launch of the 200-strong Sabeel conference in Bethlehem that includes religious leaders and lay people who joined together to be inspired and mobilized.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 15:45)

Arab Uprisings: Time-Out For Israel Is Over

The uprising of the Libyan people is bound to succeed; it is only a matter of time.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Muammar Gaddafi “I have not yet ordered the use of force, not yet ordered one bullet to be fired … when I do, everything will burn.” ... Shouted Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, and pounded his fist in a furious speech to the Libyan people.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 14:39)

Waterborne Diseases Likely to Erupt in the Mediterranean

The quality of water in Gaza is deteriorating rapidly, and until another source of water is found, the population in Gaza remains at risk as there is little that can be done as long as the Israel policy of closure continues.

(GAZA CITY) - Surfers and swimmers in Gaza The escalating critical water problem in Gaza can give rise to a major outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera which would inevitably spread to the surrounding areas, the Mediterranean coasts and straight into Europe.

All environmental indicators are pointing to this troubling possibility at a catastrophic magnitude, if the current non functioning sewage system in Gaza is not resolved urgently.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 14:29)

Silvia Cattori: An Interview with Gilad Atzmon- to Call a Spade a Spade

"For me, freedom of speech is an iron rule — I would never silence anyone - Gilad Atzmon

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon is an outstandingly charming man. He is often described by music critics as one of the finest contemporary jazz saxophonists.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 13:16)

Putin, Medvedev See Arab Unrest as Peril to Russia and West

Medvedev worries the dissension and uprisings could spill over into Western countries.

(CHICAGO) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev  and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev issued separate warnings to Western Europe and the US that the ongoing uprisings, insurgency and outright revolts happening across the Middle East and North Africa are dangerous to the long term interests of everyone.

Putin warned European officials at a meeting in Brussels that the turbulent events could lead to regimes very hostile to the West. He heaped criticism on what he believes is the European Union's energy policies.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2011 21:39)

Gaddafi Raved and Cursed, but he Faces Forces he Cannot Control

“I will die as a martyr,” - Gaddafi said last night. Almost certainly true.

(BEIRUT) - Gaddafi So let’s erase all the YouTubes and Facebooks and the shooting and blood and gouged corpses from Benghazi, and pretend it didn’t happen.

Let’s pretend that the refusal to give visas to foreign correspondents has actually prevented us from hearing the truth. Gaddafi’s claim that the protesters in Libya – the millions of demonstrators – “want to turn Libya into an Islamic state” is exactly the same nonsense that Mubarak peddled before the end in Egypt, the very same nonsense that Obama and La Clinton have suggested.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2011 03:10)

Ashraf (Very Graphic Images)

Have his friends back in Tel Aviv read the news? Do they know that he is dead, that Israeli soldiers didn’t prevent a terrorist attack, but killed their friend, who wanted to go back?

(GAZA ) - When Ashraf Abdellatif Iqtifan was eleven, his 14-year-old brother Rami, who on his slightly yellowed photo smiles cheekily and brightly into the camera, threw a stone at an Israeli soldier, Gaza was occupied by Israel.

A soldier standing next to them saw this, he took his gun and shot Rami between the eyes, the bullet got stuck in the brain.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
