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Gaddafi`s Buying Time: But The Times Have A `Changed

Just hours prior to the Orlando demonstration, the Arab League released a statement asking "the United Nations to carry out its responsibility to impose a no-fly zone over Libya."

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Ahmed Addarrat raises the new Libyan flag The crowd converged at Lake Eola Saturday after the word was spread on Facebook and Twitter to take it to the street in support of the people of Libya and demand a No Fly Zone, which they all began to call for on last month when Gaddafi started using air-strikes to bomb civilians.

After Ahmed Addarrat’s was hacked, he helped co-found because of "the black hole of information."

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 00:04)

Global Day of Action

They seem to assume people can’t check facts for themselves.

(DEARBORN, Mich.) - Global Day of Action Our thoughts are with our friends in Japan. The Japanese people have stood with us in Palestine and continue to do so. Our hearts are broken over the devastation and loss of life that is the worst disaster in Japanese history since the nuclear and other bombings of Japanese cities in WWII.

Our thoughts are also with the people of the Arab world as they face desperate ruthless dictators.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2011 11:55)

GOP Says No To Distressed Homeowners and Consumers

The legislation to kill these programs is likely to pass the House, but its fate in the Senate is uncertain.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives are trying to terminate funds for foreclosure-prevention programs that help families fend off foreclosure and trying to strip the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau of its funding before it even opens its doors.

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has helped about half a million homeowners remain in their homes, while another eight million families are at risk of losing their homes.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2011 19:37)

Egypt: A Virtual Smoking Gun?

Let’s hope that the Egyptian activists who put their faith in Glassman’s “public diplomacy” haven’t a similar rude awakening in store.

(OSAKA, Japan) - Egypt Revolutions In January 2009, US Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs James K. Glassman joined a group of Egyptian political bloggers from the Virtual Newsroom of the American University in Cairo.

Is this the “virtual” smoking gun that indicates American collusion in the subsequent ouster of Hosni Mubarak?

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2011 19:02)

U.S. Human Rights Policy is Self-Serving and Duplicitous: George Katsiaficas

In my view, the synchronicity of revolts and occupation of public space that began in 1968 is continually widening its circles. - George Katsiaficas

(TEHRAN / GWANGJU) - George Katsiaficas George Katsiaficas is a renowned university professor, sociologist, author and activist. He is a visiting American Professor of Humanities and Sociology at Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea where he teaches and does research on the 1980s and 1990s East Asian uprisings.

He specializes in social movements, Asian politics, the U.S. foreign policy, comparative and historical studies and has written numerous books in these fields.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2011 16:59)

Did `Mummy`s Curse` Kill Egyptian Looters?

Archaeologist Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, reported on his website that looters broke into several of the museums.

(CHICAGO) - Tutankaman's tomb Thugs smashed their way into Cairo's Royal Egyptian Museum, the sanctuary of Egypt's priceless past. They sought to smash and grab their way to millions by plundering the royal gold of ancient Pharaohs including the artifacts of the god-king Tut.

Inside the museum they took a turn—a turn for the worse—and came upon the silent sarcophagus's of two fragile mummies.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2011 16:00)

Bibi Is On `The Wrong Side of History` When He Opposes Arab Uprisings

In the last few weeks Arab nations jumped from the wrong to the right side of history. And what a jump it was!

(CHICAGO) - Professor Fawaz A. Gerges explained why Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu tried to use his considerable political muscle in a failed effort to keep Hosni Mubarak in power.

Gerges, who teaches Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science, described the Arab uprising for BBC New Middle East.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2011 12:15)

Will America Make The Right Choice In Libya?

The capture of a paranoid dictator was the pretext for the American invasion of Iraq; will history repeat itself in Libya?

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Anti-Gaddafi Libyan fighters The revolutionary changes that are taking place in the Arab world now or what the west and the US like to refer to as the Middle East have come about so suddenly it interrupted ongoing plans for the region which depended mainly on the believed to be stable and enduring political regimes that showed the so called moderation.

Or, in other words, conformity with the definition and views of the united states and Israel of the region.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2011 03:22)

Poem: Suppression, I Accept Not

This pro democratic poem is for all of those who want democratic Bahrain.

(KATHMANDU, Nepal) - The following poem by noted poet Bhuwan Thapaliya of Nepal was sent to by Riwan Khan as a response to the article Bahrain Bleeds for Liberty by writer Mamoon Alabbasi.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2011 20:20)

Medical Teams Sends More Medicines and Supplies to Aid Libyans

This second shipment from Medical Teams International is scheduled to arrive from Holland to Tunisia on Saturday.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Protestors in Libya Medical Teams International continues to rush medicines and supplies to help those hurt in the violence that is escalating inside Libya.

The Portland-based agency has sent $842,000 in medical supplies to save lives of those caught in the cross-fire of ongoing violence.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
