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The Energetic Relationship between Enceladus and Saturn

These phenomena occurs in the same near vacuum in outer space as fluorescent tubes, sodium lights and neon signs.

(SAN DIEGO) - Saturn In April 20, 2011 NASA stated: “The footprint and magnetic field lines are not visible to the naked eye, but were detected by the ultraviolet imaging spectrograph and the fields and particles instruments on NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

A new NASA advisory states: “The European Space Agency announced that its Herschel Space Observatory had found a huge donut-shaped cloud of water vapor encircling Saturn more than 373,000 miles across and about 37,000 miles thick..."

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2011 16:27)

IHH Emergency Teams continue relief efforts in quake-stricken Van

Immediately after the quake, IHH aid teams rushed to the region to join search and rescue efforts.

(ISTANBUL) - Emergency teams of IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation continue relief efforts in Van’s Erciş district which was hit by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake on Sunday.

The aid teams which rushed to the area immediately after the quake took part in search and rescue efforts throughout the night. IHH Emergency Aid Coordinator Recep Güzel who is in the disaster region said there are still dozens of people under demolished buildings while noting that there is a problem of water shortage in the area.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 14:55)

Shovel Ready Means Never Ready

In today’s America creating jobs without the proper regulatory approvals is often illegal. Does that sound logical to you?

(ENCINITAS, Calif.) - Shovel ready jobs We hear a lot these days about the need for “shovel ready jobs” and the lack of them. For those who want answers, not excuses, let’s visit some of the places where job preventers work.

First stop: The home of the President of the United States and his Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency. This group steals more jobs and wealth in one week than a corporate jet full of greedy bankers in a lifetime.

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2011 02:11)

Change and Challenge in a New Mexico Border Town

As Vado-Del Cerro moves into the next century of New Mexico statehood, what are some of the visions of the future its residents and neighbors hold?

(VEDO-DEL CERRO, N.M.) - Old building in Vado, New Mexico Down a country lane in southern New Mexico‘s Mesilla Valley, a new walk-path and park took shape as the summer heat beat relentlessly down upon the land.

While a similar project might not even draw so much as a wink in a bigger community, residents of the rural community of Vado-Del Cerro are “very excited” about getting a new recreational space, says Vado Village Council Chair Mitch Boyer.

Read Full Article (Aug-25-2011 19:07)

Stooge Media Wipes Japan`s Radioactive Horror from Minds of Americans

Maybe there are no easy answers, but why would a U.S. newspaper boldly lie about the daily Hell of Fukushima? Oh right, nuclear business interests...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Child in Fukushima disaster I was horrified when one of my best Fukushima contacts, Karin Rougeau, sent a link to our newsroom today from a southern newspaper The Sentinel-Record, (An establishment that dates back to 1877), with an article falsely describing the grueling circumstances in Fukushima as:

'Northeast Japan improving since disaster'. It is not true, not at all...

Read Full Article (Aug-25-2011 00:34)

Evacuate Fukushima: Japanese Propaganda Regarding Fukushima 福島の子供を守れ


(FUKUSHIMA, Japan) - The whole international press have blackout the worst catastrophe in modern history. So this is a humble reminder of what really is going on in Fukushima and beyond today.

There is a crime against humanity happening right under our nose and all we can hear is a deafening silence. Please spread this video as much as you can ... in the name of humanity... thanks.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2011 00:23)

U.S. East Coast Rocks in a Whole New Way....

The USGS estimates several million earthquakes occur in the world each year. Many go undetected because they hit remote areas.

(SALEM, Ore.) - The Washington Monument How would you like to be in an east coast high rise office when everything begins trembling, shaking... that is exactly what happened Tuesday when the east coast was struck by an earthquake that was centered near Mineral.

Millions felt the quake though there were only a handful of reports involving serious injuries.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2011 19:21)

Nuclear Nightmare in Fukushima, Japan Much Worse than Revealed

Court Declaration seeks to force child evacuation from the Fukushima area.

(SEATTLE) - Japanese lose trust in govt guilty of coverup Credit: RTV The U.S. and Canada are continuing in a concerted, lock-step program of complicit cover-up of dangerous radiation levels resulting from the Fukushima nuclear false flag event of March 11, 2011.

Also made public is a court Declaration on the impacts and levels of Fukushima radiation

Read Full Article (Aug-05-2011 15:13)

Reactor Reax: Roundup of Stories Related to Nuclear Power

One story explores the growing populations around nuclear facilities that were never intended to see so many human lives.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Japan Nuclear Disaster Tip of the Iceberg In this week's Reactor Reax, U.S. Rep. Edward Markey says a request to start building two Toshiba Corp. reactors in Georgia before the design is approved should be rejected.

We learn that the U.S. is undercharging for Nuclear Loan Guarantees – from a Congressional Report, and one story in this week's roundup of nuclear-related developments, explores the idea of growing populations around nuclear facilities.

Read Full Article (Jul-25-2011 14:38)

Desperate Families Say Soviets Reacted More Efficiently to Chernobyl, than Japan to Fukushima

This could happen to anybody's little civilized community anywhere...

(FUKUSHIMA / SALEM) - Meeting in Fukushima When officials want to investigate what you do in your private life, they order a urine test.

But when urine tests might reveal high levels of nuclear radiation contamination, government suddenly loses interest in inspecting your bodily fluids, why is that? More importantly, is what is happening in Fukushima a Japanese problem, or everyone alive on this earth's problem?

Read Full Article
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