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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-20-2012 17:06)

First They Come for the Muslims

Stephen F. Downs, a lawyer in Albany, N.Y., calls the process of condemning people before they have committed a crime “pre-emptive prosecution.”

(NEW YORK TruthDig) - Illustration by Mr. Fish Tarek Mehanna, a U.S. citizen, was sentenced Thursday in Worcester, Mass., to 17½ years in prison.

It was another of the tawdry show trials held against Muslim activists since 9/11 as a result of the government’s criminalization of what people say and believe.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2012 20:09)

We Want a Long-Lasting Family

There seems to be a certain principle that brings an advantage to society, and that is due to the stability that the institution of marriage brings.

(MADRID, Spain) - Wedding in France When the State gets involved in family matters, some feel a certain embarrassment and suspicion since “home” is considered to be a great sanctuary of one’s personal privacy.

However, there are countries which traditionally provide support and incentives for the family, such as France, which is at the forefront of overall European births...

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2012 00:43)

What if Somebody Gave a War and Nobody Came?

Israel has bombed and attacked Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Gaza and the Sinai. In the same period Iran has attacked no one!

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Günter Grass Achtung! Under no circumstances is a German legally permitted to criticize Israel! But Nobel Prize winning poet Günter Grass says: WHAT MUST BE SAID.

The poem is more political than poetic, and that bothers its critics. Bibi Netanyahu called it "shameful".

Read Full Article (Apr-14-2012 12:30)

Is the Biblical Exodus a Myth?

A response to Dr. Ashraf Ezzat's article, In Ancient Egypt, Canaan Revisited Without Israel

(NEW YORK) - Biblical Exodus An Egyptian physician, Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, has recently decided to question the historicity of the biblical Exodus (see Salem News).

As part of this pursuit, he claims that while the story (‘myth’ to him) is alluded to in the Hebrew Bible hundreds of times, it is only once mentioned in ancient Egyptian annals.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2012 10:49)

Willamette Offers Free Humanities Class for Salem Adults

The registration deadline is April 30.

(SALEM) - Willamette University Salem-area residents have an opportunity to discuss Greek tragedies, philosophy, modern poetry and plays through a free humanities course taught at Willamette University from May to August.

The class, Humanity in Perspective, will take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2012 00:35)

A Message of Encouragement in Search for Truth and Freedom

Cuba must shape virtuous men in order to forge a nation of dignity and freedom.

(MADRID, Spain) - Pope Benedict XVI Pope Benedict XVI held a historic 3-day trip to Cuba. In the crowded Mass, which was celebrated in Havana, he stated: "If you follow my word, you are truly my disciples; know the truth and the truth shall make you free".

Benedict XVI took only the Word of God to encourage the Cuban people to find the truth, that is, freedom.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2012 18:29)

Traveling the World... For Free

The series is now airing on SCAN-TV Silverton.

(BERLIN, Germany) - Michael Wigge In 2010, Wigge zigzagged across 4 continents and 11 countries in 150 days without a cent to his name, but resourcefulness to spare.

His adventures are chronicled in the upcoming television series "How to Travel the World For Free", which starts airing in late April on public and local access television stations in 70 markets across the U.S..

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2012 00:28)

Chile: Address the Longstanding Problem of Intolerance Eye on the World report.

(HONG KONG) - 24-year old Daniel Zamudio Chile has an opportunity to create landmark Human Rights legislation, of significance for Chile, and the region as a whole.

It's overdue, particularly with respect to the recent tragic death of 24-year old Daniel Zamudio following a brutal attack by alleged neo-nazis.

Read Full Article (Apr-09-2012 21:17)

Loverboy Will be ``Lovin` Every Minute`` of Journey Tour

Veteran Multi-Platinum Canadian Rockers Embark on Arena Tour with Journey and Pat Benatar featuring Neil Giraldo, Starting July 21 in San Bernardino’s San Manuel Amphitheatre.

(SAN BERNARDINO) - Loverboy They’ll not only be working for the weekend, but almost every night in between, as legendary Canadian rockers Loverboy return to the road and keep it up with Journey and Pat Benatar featuring Neil Giraldo

The arena tour that gets underway July 21 at the San Manuel Amphitheatre in San Bernardino, CA, running all the way through December. Scheduled 2012 tour information is listed below.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2012 18:16)

The Jefferson Bible: A Rational Christianity and Earth Day 2012

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." - Christ

(CLERMONT, FLA) - Sunset The 2011, SMITHSONIAN EDITION of “THE JEFFERSON BIBLE: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Extracted Textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French and English” also opens a window into the spirit of a revolutionary complex and contradictory man.

Jefferson understood himself to be a true Christian and he proved so by remaining mute to the brutal and unjust accusations against him of being a deist, an atheist, anti-religion and antichrist.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
