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George Zimmerman`s Bond Revoked: He has 48 Hours to Surrender Himself

George Zimmerman’s Bond Revoked: He has 48 Hours to Surrender Himself

(SANFORD, FL) - George Zimmerman Today, a judge in Florida revoked bail for George Zimmerman in the case of Trayvon Martin.

The judge has agreed with prosecutors that Zimmerman has violated the terms of his bail, and must surrender himself to police within 48 hours.

Read Full Article (May-29-2012 22:39)

Honor Student Jailed for Missing School: Ask the Judge to Cancel her Fine and Sentencing

If thousands of people sign the petition, a Texas judge may take this opportunity to do the right thing and revoke the girl's charges.

(HOUSTON, TX) - Diane Tran After Diane Tran's parents moved away, Diane stayed behind and started working two jobs to provide for her family -- all while taking college-level classes at her high school.

Read Full Article (May-23-2012 13:55)

A Journalist Killed Every Five Days, Six New `Predators` Brings Total to 41

Six new predators have joined this evil “club” in 2012.

(NEW YORK RFP) - Reporters Without Borders Today, World Press Freedom Day 2012, Reporters Without Borders condemns the furious pace of physical attacks on news providers and reports that a total of 21 journalists, and 6 netizens and citizen journalists have been killed since the start of 2012, many of them in war zones such as Somalia and Syria.

Read Full Article (May-09-2012 23:30)

He Cried for His Dad as Police Beat Him to Death

Kelly Thomas begged for his dad like a little boy, as Fullerton cops laid waste to him.

(FULLERTON, CA) - Manuel Ramos, Kelly Thomas and Jay Cicinelli The video below shows police beating a homeless man to death. It is very hard to watch, however you should, to understand what your country and the state of California have come to.

"This is what a police state looks like", and if trends continue they way they are, it might be your son or daughter who dies next due to the actions of police whose morals have slipped beneath the blue haze of injustice.

Read Full Article (May-04-2012 02:31)

Dying Prisoner with Hepatitis C Calls Oregon Out for Denying Medical Treatment

Oregon's DOC announced it has no obligation to report prisoner deaths; here's a story about a death in the making.

(SALEM) - 2008 photo of Shawn Michael Martin We have been contacted by multiple sources over an Oregon inmate, Shawn Michael Martin, who has Hepatitis-C and is being refused medical treatment.

According to Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) records, Martin entered custody in March 2008, weighing 160 pounds, he's down to 90 pounds.

Read Full Article (Apr-25-2012 18:28)

One Nation, Under Surveillance

From AntiFascistCalling, Weaponized Data: A New Front in Global Capital's Control Grid.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Antifascist Calling From driftnet surveillance to data mining and link analysis, the secret state has weaponized our data, "criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial," as Cryptohippie famously warned.

No longer the exclusive domain of intelligence agencies, a highly-profitable Surveillance-Industrial Complex emerged in the 1980s with the deployment of the NSA-GCHQ ECHELON intercept system.

Read Full Article (Apr-24-2012 11:52)

Who`s Policing the Police?

The video camera can be the best friend of the citizen dealing with cops who practice illegal behavior.

(OKLAHOMA CITY) - Police fear tactics It was New Year’s Day around 2:00 a.m. when Antonio Buehler, the designated driver, and his friend had stopped for gas on their way home. It happened in Austin, Texas.

They were going about their business when they noticed a young lady, lightly dressed and in high heels being made to walk a line during a field sobriety test.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2012 23:13)

New Occupy Crackdown Documents Just Obtained by the PCJF

Revelations Show Brookfield's Security National Coordination.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Zuccotti Park Two days before the NYPD’s eviction of the Occupy Wall Street encampment from Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, Brookfield Properties' security was in direct communications and sharing information with federal Police in DC, and communicating with other cities.

This, according to newly released internal documents from the National Park Service.

Read Full Article (Apr-18-2012 16:20)

Getting Away With Murder

CPJ’s 2012 Impunity Index spotlights countries where journalists are slain and killers go free.

(WASHINGTON DC) - CPH Impunity Index Deadly, unpunished violence against the press rose sharply in Pakistan and Mexico, continuing a dark, years-long trend in both nations, the Committee to Protect Journalists has found in its newly updated Impunity Index.

The global index calculates unsolved journalist murders as a percentage of each country's population.

Read Full Article (Apr-18-2012 01:26)

Human Rights News 1,700 Disappeared People

“We have all the intentions of quickly showing results in the search for the disappeared” - Coahuila State AG

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Ceremony for the disappeared in Coahuila The new top law enforcement official for the northern Mexican border state of Coahuila said this past weekend that 1,700 people have been forcibly disappeared in the entity since 2000.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
