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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-26-2012 23:40)

Colorado Springs Ravaged by Fire

Mandatory Evacuation: Everything N & w of Garden of the Gods Road and I-25 and the Air Force Academy; S of Garden of the Gods Road, west of Centennial Blvd, south to Fillmore St. and Fontmore Road, east of 30th Street, north and west of Gateway Road.

(WOODLAND PARK, CO) - Suburbs of Colorado Springs are on fire. Many homes are lost. Thousands of people evacuated. Colorado Springs is the scene of a massive fire that has threatened residents and led to large evacuations.

The AP reports that the fire has already affected mre than 2,100 residents. Heavy smoke is billowing from this wildfire that has already claimed several homes located near Colorado Springs.

Read Full Article (May-09-2012 21:48)

Imprisoned Climate Activist Tom DeChristopher`s Appeal Hearing Thursday

Legal Defense Team to present appeal in front of 10th District Federal Court of Appeals.

(DENVER, CO) - Tim DeChristopher On Thursday May 10, 2012 the Legal Defense Team representing imprisoned climate activist, Tim DeChristopher will present oral arguments before the 10th District Federal Court of Appeals.

DeChristopher is currently serving two years in federal prison for disrupting the December 2008 illegitimate sale of federal land in Southern Utah.

Read Full Article (Apr-19-2012 17:46)

Injunction Filed Against CU by Boulder 4/20 Protesters

Corry's restraining order was filed on behalf of several non-student community members.

(BOULDER, CO) - Univ of Colorado Attorney Robert J. Corry, Jr. filed an emergency temporary restraining order in Boulder District Court today, asking the court to prohibit the University of Colorado from closing its campus to the public on 4/20.

The CU administration has said they will be shutting down the entire campus to non-students for the entire day on Friday in order to stop a legal protest that is protected by the First Amendment.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2012 12:05)

Cops reject US atty`s Colorado medical marijuana threats

The original threat letter gives the medical marijuana centers 45 days to close down or face legal action.

(DENVER) - Marijuana arrests Today, Colorado-based and national representatives of LEAP sent a stern letter to U.S. Attorney John Walsh, pushing back against his recent threats to medical marijuana centers that operate legally under state and local law.

The letter, signed by a 26-year veteran Denver cop and a former Lafayette judge, says Walsh's actions are "a disservice to the state of Colorado..."

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2012 12:58)

Colorado: Verification of Initiative 30 to require line-by-line review

The Secretary of State’s office has notified the proponents the petition will require a line-by-line review.

(DENVER) - Colorado seal Today Secretary of State Scott Gessler announced that the proposed ballot measure concerning "Use and Regulation of Marijuana" will require a line-by-line review of signatures.

Petitions for proposed initiative #30 were submitted to the Secretary of State’s office on January 4. The office immediately began verifying a random sample of the signatures as set forth in state statute.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2011 20:49)

WATCH LIVE RESPONSE - Occupy Denver Holds Their Ground

There are unconfirmed reports that 2 DPD officers have handed in their badges in objection to the raid of the Occupation.

(DENVER, Co.) - An officer pointing a weapon at a photographer earlier in the day Occupy Denver reports that at 7:30 p.m. toniht, Denver Riot Police begin to move in and request the remaining protesters clear Civic Center Park. The protesters say they reminded officers that they have until 11:00 p.m. to be there and hold their ground.

Protesters chanted a reminder that they are non-violent and request that the DPD remain non-violent as well. They continued to hold their ground as garbage trucks rolled off with the remnants of the camp.

Read Full Article (Aug-02-2011 15:10)

GOP Rep Compares President Obama to a `Tar Baby`

The racism being faced by the president isn’t going to disappear anytime soon.

(SYRACUSE, N.Y.) - GOP Representative Dough Lamborn of Colorado GOP Representative Dough Lamborn from Colorado decided to stir the racial fire in the recent debate over the debt crisis.

In his remarks about President Obama, Rep. Lamborn said that being associated with President Obama is “like touching a tar baby.”

Read Full Article (May-13-2011 13:50)

Colorado Court Dismisses Charges Against Medical Marijuana Doctor

Random targeting of medical doctors seems to be backfiring in the justice system.

(DENVER) - medical cannabis in America Dr. Toribio Robert Mestas had been randomly targeted for prosecution by the South Metro Drug Task Force because he gave recommendations for medical marijuana.

Read Full Article (May-13-2011 00:18)

Mortenson Remains Unconfirmed for Telluride`s Mountainfilm

The festival focus on making each screening into a special event

(TELLURIDE) - Greg Mortenson in Pakistan. Greg Mortenson, the controversial author of “Three Cups of Tea” was once scheduled to appear at the 2011 Mountainfilm but now is missing from the roster of announced speakers.

Filmmaker Tom Shadyac and activist Tim Dechristopher are two of the better known confirmed speakers among at least a dozen high profile experts discussing the twin topics of “Awareness into Action” and “Image into Action.”

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2011 22:13)

Hey, Wisconsin, Remember The Union Thugs in Action

Just less than a century ago, Colorado state troops committed the rampant murder of over 40 striking miners and their family members.

(LUDLOW, Co.) - Ludlow Massacre The Ludlow Massacre is only one of many instances of people who put their lives on the line to exercise their rights as human beings against the power of money.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley