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Excess Snow Plus East Village Residents With Limited Mobility and Community Involvement = Success!

Snow really builds up in the main East Village Calgary intersection making it difficult for the many people who live in the area and who use walkers, scooters, wheelchairs and canes, to walk safely...

(CALGARY) - Calgary in the snow This story is a good example of how ordinary people on the ground can cooperate locally to benefit their larger communities.

It is this principle that can be applied almost anywhere in the world. It's the kind of idea that can expand and become unstoppable to make the world a better place.

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2014 10:44)

An Off-the-Cuff Interview with Kevin Annett

The real problem is that the killers are still in charge, and they always have been. So they get to pose as official truth, they call themselves the law, and all of you lap it up and obey their orders, even if you don't want to. - Kevin Annett

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Kevin Annett In this interview, writer Kevin Annett, a Nobel Prize Nominee for his tireless work in exposing the Genocide of Native American children in Canada, explains what it is like to fight for what is right as a minister, only to have your own religious organization turn its back over bad publicity.

Lies, corruption, coverup, these are the "qualities" that today define the Catholic Church's role in society.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 13:08)

A Time for Decision: A New Year`s Message from ITCCS and Kevin Annett

ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett recounts the victories won during 2013 - including the deposing of Pope Benedict and the indictment of church and state by citizen juries.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Kevin Annett In this video, Kevin Annett explains how the formation of ITCCS, led to the last Pope stepping down, contrary to claims of "The Jesuits wanting him out anyway".

Lest we forget that the last Pope, Benedict, was part of the Hitler Youth during the Holocaust. His shameful past in Europe however was heavily overshadowed by his desire to shield child raping priests from prosecution or accountability. This is at the core of what tears at Kevin Annett's heart.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 12:34)

Bailing Out The Vatican Bank... The Ice Cream Headache*

I'd rather be the man who bought the Brooklyn Bridge than the man who sold it. -Will Rogers

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Vatican crimes St. Peter's Square, Rome. - Pope Francis I, responding to recent reports that JPMorgan Chase and HSBC had ceased doing business with the Vatican Bank, called an unprecedented press conference today in his humble Motel 6 quarters close to St. Peter's Square. The following is a transcript of that press interview:

Luigi Gambini, Il Popola Italia: Your Holiness, you recently announced that you intended to reform the Vatican Bank. What precisely did you mean by that?

Read Full Article (Dec-24-2013 18:12)

The least of These My Brothers... Requiem For Ron

Ron was always bringing home the halt and the lame, tramps off boxcars (it was the Thirties, after all, and he seemed to be fascinated by their vagrant spirit), feral cats, orphaned or sick dogs.

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Made in 1943 His 70th birthday on December 23 eleven years ago, like Landor's, was his last. Ron was the youngest of the four of us; had therefore the most to prove; and somehow for that reason was the best of us.

My Mother tried early to contain, perhaps protect him. Our house was on a hill, without a fence, overlooking the highway.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2013 22:02)

Nativity: The Story of Whistle-Blower Kevin Annett and the `Little Matter of Genocide`

Duty to Warn...

(DULUTH, MN) - Kevin Annett One of the most meaningful Christmas stories that I have ever heard came from my Vancouver, Canada friend, Reverend Kevin Annett. His story is titled “Nativity” and is printed further below.

Kevin spent a week at my home in Duluth, Minnesota a couple of years ago. The week was spent giving scheduled radio and film interviews, giving informal talks over meals, delivering a major speech to the Lake Superior Freethinkers, conducting forums at churches and answering questions following a Zinema 2 screening of his award-winning documentary, Unrepenant.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 14:26)


How Suite It Is: The Little Airplane That could

(DAYTONA BEACH) - DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver It was January, 1989. I was sitting at a table in Vancouver's Hot Jazz Society, nursing a pint of Finian's Red, listening to Jimmy Armstrong render "Si Tu Vois Ma Mere," while Gerry Green supplied the clarinet wall paper.

Minding my own business, you might say. And I was approached by a dishy femme du monde with a request for a light. Rather pushy, I thought, since I was sitting under a No Smoking sign. She was wearing a skunk-dyed sable and she had a sable-dyed skunk on a leash.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2013 19:26)

Kevin Annett: Pope Bergoglio flaunts UN Deadline on Child Trafficking as 30 Child Skeletons Discovered at B.C. Native School

Children's remains were just discovered in a mass grave on the grounds of a United Church residential school for native children in Port Alberni, B.C.

(VANCOUVER B.C.) - Kevin Annett In an interview today with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Kevin Annett, field secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State discusses how Pope Bergoglio is using the basic methods recommended by Machiavelli in flaunting a UN-imposed deadline for revealing Vatican-controlled data on child trafficking.

They have also been tightening up rules covering up child abuse in the Catholic Church.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2013 18:18)


The quiet flakes blessed us with memory, like a benediction, and settled in love on the whole of creation, even on the unmarked graves of the forgotten children up at the old Indian residential school.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Nativity The last Christmas we were all together hangs over memory like the fog that year in the Alberni Valley.

It was a time of gathering, two years and more of labor summoning so many together where once there were but a few. And it was a time of ending.

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2013 13:11)

`Tis the season to be jolly...
A Dissertation On Comparative Religions

Man is the only religious animal... that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat if his theology isn't straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother's path to happiness and heaven... - Mark Twain

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Pillory at Charing Cross Our godly neighbor nation to the south has just about run the gamut of the current news cycle, exhausting their tears and incredulity over the massacre of children.

But this holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface, so its high time all of us were getting on with it, redirecting our attention to ringing sleigh bells and shoe-horning beloved carols into the doggerel of year-end car sales.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
