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Asean Urged to Address Rohingya

Kraisak Choonhavan blamed Asean for not doing enough to address the root cause of the problem.

(RANGOON) - The Rohingya refugee crisis The Asean Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC) says the Myanmar government's policy of segregation in Rakhine state is the main factor in the mass migration of the Rohingya people.

The group admits it is also at fault for its own failure to act in the past.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2013 00:01)

Arakan News Update: Various Abuses in Pauktaw, Min Bya, Maungdaw and Buthidaung by Authorities

Rohingya Muslims continue to suffer in Burma...

(PAUKTAW, Burma RB News ) - Rohingya refugees at the Pauktaw camp in west Burma. Photograph: Kate Hodal for the Guardian The chief minister of Rakhine State, Hla Maung Tin, went to Dumfara village this week in Pauktaw Township, where about 8000 Rohingya refugees live.

The chief minister said, “All of you must go back to your own homes.”

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2013 17:49)

March Peace for Kachin from Yangon to Kachin

Activists begin a long walk to a rebel base in Burma's war-torn Kachin state to push for peace.

(YANGON, Burma RFA) - A Burmese activist displays a peace flag at the start of a walk from Rangoon to the Kachin rebel stronghold of Laiza About 30 Burmese activists set off Monday on a march to the besieged headquarters of rebels fighting for greater autonomy in northern Kachin state in a bid to press for an end to the long running ethnic conflict.

They said they expect to cover the 800-mile (1,300-kilometer) walk from Burma's commercial capital Rangoon to Laiza, the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), in about two months...

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2013 04:21)

Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Why Are They Fighting Again in Burma?

An old story about human nature and a cycle that must be broken if this part of Asia is to ever exist in peace.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Kachin rebel KIA... it is an ironic reference for a resistance front fighting the sophisticated, deadly army of the Myanmar government.

As fighting renews, it seems important to review the details about the struggle in Burma between government forces, and the Kachin Independence Army.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2013 23:40)

Myanmar President`s Office Spokesperson: `We`re Not Targeting Civilians`

"I think it is unfair to talk like this. We’re not targeting civilians. There have also been civilian casualties caused by explosions..." - Ye Htut

(RANGOON The Irrawaddy) - President's Office spokesperson Ye Htut (Photo: The Irrawaddy) Deputy Information Minister Ye Htut serves as the acting spokesperson for the President’s Office.

The Irrawaddy’s editorial team spoke to him in Naypyidaw earlier this week about the ongoing conflict between Burma’s Tatmadaw, or armed forces, and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2013 23:23)

US, UN Urge Burma to Stop Air Strikes on Kachin Rebels

“We are troubled by the use of air power,” - US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland

(WASHINGTON The Irrawaddy) - Medics at a hospital in Laiza, Kachin State, tend to Lamong Kailing, who was injured by the Burma Army shelling The US and the UN have expressed concern over air strikes on Kachin rebels in northern Burma.

Both are urging the Burmese government to stop the attacks and resolve differences through dialogue.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2013 21:19)

NaSaKa Detains Two Rohingyas in Maungdaw

Reliable sources tell us many Rohingyas are extorted for money by authorities in northern Arakan.

(MAUNGDAW, Arakan State) - Save Arakan The Burma border security force (NaSaKa) detained two Rohingyas in their area, known as number 8, ten days ago, according to a local businessman.

“They were arrested over allegation for involving in human trafficking - sending Rohingyas to Malaysia by sea route,” the witness said.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2013 17:59)

Leave No Political Prisoners in Burma¹s Jails

Take action to free those who remain.

(LONDON) - Burma jail cell Activists in Burma still face harassment and arrest by the military-backed government.

Aung Hmine San, Than Htike, Min Naing Lwin and Thein Aung Myint are activists who have been standing up for genuine freedom and democracy in Burma.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2013 14:00)

Rohingyas Visit Milwaukee Turkish Muslim Center to Discuss Human Rights Abuse in Burma

Long list includes demolishing, destroying, and burning of mosques, Muslim houses and villages, Islamic religious schools

(MILWAUKEE, WI) - Burmese Rohingya village in Arakan in flames Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) is struggling to create awareness among American Civil Societies and other partners of the world.

On 29 December the BRAFA Chairman, Mr. Shaukhat offered a well received presentation at the Milwaukee Turkish Muslin Center in which he has described valuable points including crimes against the Rohingya and their present situation.

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2013 11:08)

Ashin Gambhira - Saffron Revolution

U Gambhira still denied ID Card.

(RANGOON) - Freedom for Ashin Gambhira This letter expresses our concern about U Gambhira’s (Ko Nyi Nyi Lwin) health and continued denial of specialized medical treatment. The conditions of U Gambhira’s four-year imprisonment caused illnesses for which he continues to suffer one year after his initial conditional release.

Myanmar doctors have refused to treat U Gambhira. Finally, an international specialist came to Myanmar and medical evaluated U Gambhira. This specialist determined that U Gambhira suffers from the affects of specific trauma. In the meantime, treatment specific to U Gambhira’s trauma is not available in Myanmar but has been arranged outside Myanmar.

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