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Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA)

A Presentation at the Milwaukee Turkish Muslim Center on 12/29/2012

(MILWAUKEE, WI) - Members of the Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) was recently formed by the Burmese Rohingya residents and American citizens living in the whole Milwaukee area.

The purpose is to advocate the suffering cause of ethnic Rohingya minority people of Arakan, Burma, with a peaceful and non-violent diplomatic means...

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2012 12:48)

Briefing Report on Rohingyas at the MAS-ICNA Annual Convention in Chicago

(MAS-ICNA Convention held on December 21st to 25th, 2012)

(CHICAGO) - Pro Rohingya demonstration Burma is a home country to numerous ethnic groups and about 60% of the area is inhabited by nearly 140 ethnic races and Rohingya is one of them.

Currently, Burma has a population of about 60 million of which nearly 8 million are Muslims.

Read Full Article (Dec-23-2012 22:28)

Rohingya Trapped Inside Burma`s Refugee Camps

Authorities continue to act without warrants and Rohingya detainees have been held without bail or access to lawyers.

(SITTWE, Myanmar) - Burma Rohingya living as prisoners The helicopter cuts a sharp arc away from the sea and sweeps over pagoda-topped hills and dusty farmland until a mass of dirty white tents comes into view.

Soon throngs of people can be seen coming out of their makeshift homes and rushing towards the airfield, until they resemble a human fence, snaking five-deep around the camp.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2012 02:24)

BANGLADESH: NGO Ban Hurting Undocumented Rohingya

"Since the NGOs stopped coming our kids don't get medicine. They don't get treated for what they need. They don't get the food they need," Sokeya Begum, 39, a undocumented Rohingya, said.

(COX’S BAZAR IRIN) - Rohingya The Most Stateless People Some 40,000 undocumented Rohingya refugees are being adversely affected by a government ban four months ago on NGOs working at two makeshift sites in southeastern Bangladesh.

“If we get some rice, we eat. Otherwise, we don’t eat,” Anowara Begum, an undocumented Rohingya refugee and 40-year-old mother-of-four at the Leda makeshift camp outside Nayapara, one of two makeshift sites outside two official government camps for Rohingya refugees told IRIN.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2012 13:01)

More Countries are Now Breathing down Sri Lanka`s Neck and it is a Good Sign

In all Sri Lanka rejected the recommendations of 45 countries.

(COLOMBO) - At last month's UPR, 99 countires had made an overwhelming 210 concrete recommendations to Sri Lanka The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a process in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in which member countries need to review their human rights records periodically once in four years.

The review would be conducted by a Troika of 3 countries.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2012 12:03)

Statement on International Human Rights Day

Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) speaks out as Burmese Muslims continue to suffer...

(MILWAUKEE, WI) - Rohingya boat people On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, the United States and international community celebrate and salute those around the world who struggle to defend, protect and promote the fundamental freedoms that are the birthright of all mankind.

In Burma (Myanmar), human rights at all levels have been violated by the Burmese successive military governments for many years and still today...

Read Full Article (Dec-10-2012 21:56)

Burma: Border Security Forces Fire Live Rounds into Village, Then Arrest 5

An officer from Pahalapa camp is using the name and power of Director, abuses his power to extort money from villagers after charging them with fake allegations.

(MAUNGDAW, Arakan State) - Myanmar protest Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) fired live rounds into Bagona village on the 5th Dec. at about 9 pm.

No one was hurt but security officers arrested 5 people on allegations of participating in sectarian violence that broke out in Arakan State in June and October.

Read Full Article (Dec-10-2012 15:39)

A Friend`s Appeal to Burma

First, I appeal to human conscience on the grounds of humanity and human rights.

(RANGOON, Burma Mizzima News) - Benedict Rogers Photo: facebook The violence in Arakan State over the past two weeks has caused disillusion for some, division among many, and shock and anguish for everyone.

Racial and religious tensions that have simmered just beneath the surface for years have exploded into an ugly cycle of destruction and revenge which threatens to derail Burma’s journey towards democracy and peace.

Read Full Article (Dec-10-2012 10:32)

Movement Seeks Freedom for Revolutionary Buddhist Monk in Myanmar

U Gambira released but not free, pending trial without medical treatment.

(CHICAGO ) - U Gambira December 10, 2012 8:54 pm U Gambira, aka Nyi Nyi Lwin, was released on bail from Insein Prison, Yangon, Myanmar. He is with family and headed back to his family home 3 hours north of Yangon.

Despite the good news of this current release, U Gambira is not free. The government still has a trial date set for Friday December 14, 2012.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2012 19:11)

Al Jazeera Documentary Tells Story of Rohingya Genocide in Burma

The targeted persecution of the Rohingya is similar to that of other regime unwanted minorities in Burma, which has been instigated by the national military and any local allies.

(RANGOON, Burma Mizzima News) - Rohingya child A brand-new documentary by Al Jazeera traces the history of ethnic cleansing in Burma, now known as Myanmar.

It is important that a major network invested time in the subject, however beware of pre-attack historical inaccuracies that absolve the central Burman authoritarian rulers of responsibility.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
