(Dec-11-2008 20:51)
House Auto Bailout Supporters Received Average of 65% More from Auto Industry Interests
By Special to
“Big-money interest groups investing in political influence see sky-high returns, while 'we the people' foot the bill" - Daniel Newman,'s executive director
(BERKELEY, Calif.) -
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act last night.'s research department revealed that over the past five years (January 2003 - October 2008), auto manufacturers, auto dealers and labor unions gave an average of $74,100 in campaign contributions to each Representative voting in favor of the auto bailout, compared with an average of $45,015 to each Representative voting against the bailout--65% more money, on average, given to those who voted Yes.
The final vote: 237 Representatives voted Yes and 170 voted No, with 26 Not Voting and 1 voting “Present.”
Read Full Article (Dec-11-2008 07:52)
Libertarian Party Calls Logic Behind Auto Bailout `Insanity`
Says only hope for the long-term viability of automakers is bankruptcy and restructuring.
The nation's largest third-party is calling for Congress to strike down a measure backed by the White House that would risk at least $15 billion of taxpayer dollars to bailout the American automotive industry.
"It's insanity," says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis.
"It's insane that we keep going back to the taxpayers to bailout struggling corporations who, for lack of good management and sound business practices, have become unprofitable. Who in Congress is standing up for the taxpayers? Where are the Republicans, who claim they stand for the free market? Where are the Democrats, who claim they oppose corporate welfare?"
Read Full Article (Dec-05-2008 08:33)
It`s the Auto Technology, Congress
Guest Commentary by James E. Malackowski for
If our nation ever plans to address the importance of clean technology, climate changes, and energy efficiency, the future of these proprietary technologies must be a priority in Washington, not just Detroit.
General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are collectively one of the world's primary sources for the research and development of green and fuel-efficient technologies. As Washington decides on aid to the ailing auto industry, top consideration should be given to the significant potential of these Big 3 technologies for stimulating economic and job growth and creating a greener and more fuel-efficient world.
In fact, much of the privately funded green and energy innovation in the United States will stall or likely never come to fruition if the domestic automobile industry fails.
The important global role played by the Big-3 in these fields is clarified by comparing four of their key patent portfolios with those of the other 15 largest global auto manufacturers -- emission control, mainly catalytic converters and related chemistry; fuel cells; hybrid and electric vehicles, mostly motor and battery innovation; and emerging related technologies developed by these same firms including solar, wind and other green inventions.
Read Full Article (Sep-21-2008 23:29)
O`Brien Auto Group New Owner of Salem`s DeLon Auto Center
Bonnie King Business Report
O'Brien Auto Group, the largest auto dealer in Washington state, has completed its purchase of DeLon Auto Center and invited to see for ourselves what this evolution means to Salem.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
There's a new kid in town, and his name is Mike O'Brien. He has quite a reputation for his success on the business front, as well as out on the field. Maybe it's just the shot in the arm Salem needs to remind consumers that the best value may indeed be just down the street.
The O'Brien Auto Group purchase includes all four DeLon dealerships and represents OAG's formal entry into the Oregon market.
DeLon has been a pillar in the Willamette Valley for decades, but change is inevitable. Tom DeLon retired recently, and Michael O'Brien, owner of O'Brien Auto Group found a natural fit with the Salem dealerships.
Read Full Article (Mar-18-2008 14:24)
SEDCOR Speedway 2008 Business Report
The 2008 Gala was a special evening in support of economic development in the Mid-Willamette Valley.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
SEDCOR held their Annual Gala Friday night at the Oregon Pavilion. This year NASCAR racing was the theme and over 650 members were in attendance.
The evening's festivities included business show tables, dinner, entertainment complete with a casino, and the raffle drawing for a 2008 Chevrolet Corvette. Capital Auto Group and Oregon Community Credit Union were the Title Sponsors.
Read Full Article (Nov-21-2007 05:12)
New Documentary Showcases Local Race Car Driver with a Heart (VIDEO)
Tim King
"Wheels of Speed Heart of Compassion" is the story of local race car driver Rich Bailey.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
If you live in the Salem/Keizer area and follow local motorsports, then the odds are good that you have heard of Rich Bailey.
A talented drag car driver and longtime local resident, Bailey is always front and center at car events, but his biggest talents may be in his attitude, it is infectious with good will, and most of his activities have a hard time containing it.
Read Full Article (Nov-16-2007 05:12)
Tim and Bonnie King`s Hot Wheels in Las Vegas
Bonnie King
Welcome to another side of the owners of Salem-News; take a journey through the heart of the Las Vegas motorworld and a ride back in time for Tim and Bonnie King.
(Salem, Oregon) -
Hot Wheels in Las Vegas was a half hour television program produced by Tim and Bonnie King in 2000/2001 for Las Vegas TV station KFBT Channel 33.
Tim was a News Photojournalist/Reporter for the Las Vegas Fox station when he left to produce this entertainment program with his wife and co-producer, Bonnie King, who worked simultaneously as the Production Manager for KVWB (WB LasVegas) KFBT Channel 33 where "Hot Wheels in Las Vegas" aired.
Read Full Article (Aug-20-2007 12:12)
Penalty Will Increase for Cheating on DMV Test
Oregon increases punishment for residents considered "cheaters" at the DMV.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
The penalty for cheating on the DMV knowledge test will get tougher starting Sept. 4th. Under a pilot policy, applicants who DMV determines are cheating will not be eligible to retake any knowledge test for 90 days.
“Our policy had been to give applicants caught cheating a failing score, which allowed them to retake the test the next business day,” said Stephanie Miles, DMV field services manager. “But we need a stronger deterrent than the one-day wait and having to pay the test fee again.”
Read Full Article (Aug-02-2007 13:57)
Potentially Dangerous Tires Shipped to Dealers in Oregon
As many as 270,000 tires may have been considered substandard or missing “gum strips,” an important part of a tire related to the prevention of tread separation.
(SALEM, Ore. ) -
Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers today warned consumers about potentially dangerous tires manufactured between 2002 to 2006 for light trucks, sports utility vehicles (SUVs), and vans.
FTS distributed over 11,000 of the tires to dealers in Oregon.
Read Full Article (Jun-15-2007 05:15)
Report: South Dakota, Michigan, and Colorado Have Safest Drivers
In Oregon, Eugene had the best drivers coming in at #17.
It's no fluke, residents of Sioux Falls, S.D., maintained their status as the safest drivers in the U.S., according to the third annual "Allstate America's Best Drivers Report™."
The average driver in Sioux Falls will experience an auto collision every 13.7 years.
Parked in the runner-up position for the second consecutive year is Fort Collins, Colo. Motorists in Fort Collins experience a car crash every 13.6 years, on average.
Read Full Article