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Poem: Suppression, I Accept Not

This pro democratic poem is for all of those who want democratic Bahrain.

(KATHMANDU, Nepal) - The following poem by noted poet Bhuwan Thapaliya of Nepal was sent to by Riwan Khan as a response to the article Bahrain Bleeds for Liberty by writer Mamoon Alabbasi.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2011 03:10)

Ashraf (Very Graphic Images)

Have his friends back in Tel Aviv read the news? Do they know that he is dead, that Israeli soldiers didn’t prevent a terrorist attack, but killed their friend, who wanted to go back?

(GAZA ) - When Ashraf Abdellatif Iqtifan was eleven, his 14-year-old brother Rami, who on his slightly yellowed photo smiles cheekily and brightly into the camera, threw a stone at an Israeli soldier, Gaza was occupied by Israel.

A soldier standing next to them saw this, he took his gun and shot Rami between the eyes, the bullet got stuck in the brain.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2011 23:53)

Visiting Nasser

The tents are flapping in the wind, you can see the two thin mattresses on the floor...

(GAZA) - Nasser's Gaza home It’s stormy, the wind is whipping through the trees, and scattered rain drops hit us in the face as we go down the muddy dirt road to Nasser's house. It’s a few hundred yards from the couple of houses around the cemetery, which form the village of Juhor al-Dik, to his small house near the border.

"Goodbye," shouted the driver who will pick us up from this remote area again, and with a look at the path we chose he added laughingly: "Insha Allah - God willing."

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2011 15:23)

Gaza`s Forgotten Children

"We, the children here in the buffer zone," says Heba, the black-haired girl with the blue ribbon from Khuza’a’s school, "we carry our souls unprotected on our hands."

(GAZA) - Children of Gaza On a sunny day in March 2009, Wafaa Jehad Elnagar, now 17 years old, did something that millions of children did on that day, and do on every day: she went home from school.

But unlike other children in this world who do that safely every day, for Wafaa walking home is a serious danger.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2011 14:57)

Jerusalem: an Occupation Set in Stone?

"This forceful documentary...introduces us to Jerusalemites we rarely hear from." —San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

(LONDON) - Jerusalem: an Occupation Set in Stone? This is a tribute to the thousands of Palestinians living in East Jerusalem without access to life's most basic amenities.

Filmmaker Marty Rosenbluth details the devastating effects of Israel's urban planning policies that, according to many, aim to uproot the Palestinian presence in the Holy City. It was made in 1995.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2011 14:02)

Wael Ghonim and Egypt`s New Age Revolution

New names, new labels, new titles, same old business and government as before.

(DUBAI) - Google's Regional Marketing Manager for MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Like he says in the interview posted below…. without the advent of the technical means of modern communication available today, this would not have happened. But, those are but the tools.

Revolutions are founded upon and fueled by the naiveté, spirit and the dreams of innocent young idealists such as he.

Read Full Article (Feb-15-2011 17:02)

I Only Have You

"I am an old man," Nasser Abu Said says, 37-years old, "to me it is no longer important, but what about my children? Don’t they have the right to life, the right to grow up in safety and with some joy?"

(GAZA) - Abu Said Family. Photo: Vera Macht "I only have you to count on. From now on, my children depend on you ". This is the desperate call of a man who sees no way out for himself and his children, and we ISM members who came to his phone call, receive it in helpless silence.

It is not the first time that we visit this family, and every time we go home more horrified.

Read Full Article (Feb-15-2011 16:23)

The Egyptian Blockade of Gaza - March 4, 2011 March to Gaza

To everybody who knows injustice, everybody who knows tyranny, we are all brothers and sisters with the people of Palestine. Let us act like it!

(GAZA) - Tahrir Square Cairo Feb. 11, 2011 Egyptians have just shed their puppet dictator; they rendered his weapons and henchmen impotent. We can now remove one of the most shameful policies of this dictator.

I say shame on us all if we do not march on Gaza with significant numbers. If our lives or the lives of our loved ones depended on it, we would mobilize by the thousands. Just consider the global family as one, for a moment.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2011 18:48)

Mubarak Regime Orchestrated the Church Blast to Please USA and Israel

This uprising in Egypt has exposed the fallacy of a lot of arguments and political convictions and at the same time revealed new surprising findings.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Mubarak - Netanyahu As I was driving my car along the famed corniche of the historic city of Alexandria to join the march calling for Mubarak to step down last week I kept looking- or gazing if you like- at the nearly empty streets.

Except for scattered armed vehicles and tanks squatted beneath the silent buildings on the side of the road and it seemed as if I was driving across a deserted city and not the never go to sleep 5 millions dwellers-city I used to know.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2011 18:18)

US Duplicity in Egypt

Time will tell how this will play out, but make no mistake about it, we will do our very best to insure it is not good for the Egyptian people nor the American public.

(JAMESTOWN, R.I.) - US and Egypt flags While extolling democracy the Obama administration tiptoed through the struggle for democracy in Egypt trying not to offend anyone, but creating the appearance of supporting dictatorship in Egypt.

He justified his lack of action by saying we did not want to interfere in Egyptian affairs, a specious argument because the US has been interfering for the past thirty years by propping up Mubarak and his military.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
