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About Algeria articles Page 6

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Will Democracy in Egypt Benefit the Palestinians?

Unless a majority of Israelis are beyond reason, that could be a game changer which would benefit the region and the whole world, not only the Palestinians.

(LONDON) - Palestine and Egypt and Brothers For decades, and despite much rhetoric to the contrary, American-led Western policy has been to prefer Arab dictatorship to Arab democracy. This preference was determined by two main assessments.

One was that corrupt and repressive Arab regimes were the best possible guarantee that oil would continue to flow at prices acceptable to the West, and, that there would be almost no limits to the amount of weapons that could be sold to the most wealthy Arab states.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2011 13:58)

Gaza`s Egyptian Hope

The people of Gaza would not be the people of Gaza if they let this undermine their joy and their will to survive.

(GAZA) - Gaza celebratio When the news from the overthrow of Mubarak came through, the people of Gaza flowed joyously into the streets.

They celebrate the victory, they celebrate the Egyptian revolution, which has become the symbol of their own ambitions.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2011 23:31)

Neocons` Tepid Reaction to the Egyptian Democratic Revolution

Neocons are willing to consider destabilizing Egypt sometime in the future.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Hosni Mubarak The uprisings currently taking place against the autocratic regimes in the Middle East would seem to be in line with the neoconservatives’ advocacy of radical democratic change in the region.

But there is one significant difference.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2011 21:38)

As Tahrir Square Goes so Goes the Middle East?

The eyes, hope and solidarity of much of the Middle East are on Tahrir Square and the bloodied but unbowed Egyptian people.

(BEIRUT) - The Tahrir Square uprising It is difficult to overstate the potential for Egyptian citizens advancing universal aspirations for freedom, dignity and basic human rights.

These are now spreading from the determination of those who for more than a week have risked their lives while inspiring much of the World at Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2011 20:12)

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat Reporting from Egypt: The Uprising, the Treason and Israel

The dictator- people relationship is primarily of fear and submission. You take that fear and submission out of the equation and the relation is redefined again and so disturbed to the verge of uprising.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Egyptian police forces trying to crush the protesters. History has always been one of my passions. Every passing moment has in a way contributed to our history on earth but only some of those moments made a change of history.

Read Full Article (Feb-01-2011 10:49)

Crunch Time Coming for America in the Middle East?

The implications are profound.

(LONDON) - Barack Obama If more and more Arabs breach the wall of fear that has prevented them for decades from demanding their rights, expressing their rage at the corruption and repression of their governments and at regime impotence in the face of Israel’s arrogance of power, there’s one question above all others America’s policy makers will have to ask themselves.

Who do we need most if America’s own real interests are to be best protected - the Arabs or Israel?

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2011 02:52)

Algeria and the Continuing World Revolution

A look at the current developments and the history that has led to them...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Image shows protesters who have climbed aboard a tank. AFP reports that over 10,000 protesters took to the streets demonstrating against authorities in Algeria's northeastern city of Bejaia Saturday.

Local organisers told reporters that the country's latest rally is inspired by neighboring Tunisia.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2011 17:50)

Anonymous Sends Message to Journalists


(EARTH) - Anonymous You were intrigued by us when we took on the financial sector by attacking Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal as part of Operation Payback.

Many of you became enamoured with us during Operation Tunisia and applauded our efforts.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
