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About Agent Orange articles Page 16

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Health Effects of Vietnam Service

Originally published in 2003.

(MELBOURNE) - Australian Vietnam Veterans AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE PERSONNEL participated in the Vietnam Conflict from 1962 to 1973.

This was the most significant military commitment of Australian Forces since World War II, involving nearly 60000 personnel, of whom over 500 died during service and 3131 were severely physically wounded.

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2011 16:06)

Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society`s Letter to Monsanto RE: Agent Orange

"I would have then taken him to see the living victims of Agent Orange..."

(LONDON) - Thi Hoi bathes her 14-year-old son, Bui Quang Ky. She was exposed to Agent Orange when she was in the North Vietnamese Army during the war Len Aldis of the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society dispatched this letter to Monsanto, posing many questions about the company's ultimate responsibility to people affected by Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (May-24-2011 19:17)

Results Are In: Industrial Agriculture and Medicine versus Organic Farming and Medicine

Time to direct those sickened by industrial agriculture away from its twin - big pharma, toward effective organic medicine.

(LONDON) - Farmers' suicides in India Industrial agriculture is toxic. One has only to look at the Punjab in India which was ground zero for the Green Revolution, to see what "gifts" it has delivered.

Read Full Article (May-24-2011 18:10)

Agent Orange in New Zealand?

Reports indicate toxic chemical used to make agent orange are buried under a dam lake near the town of Fairlie.

(SALEM, Ore..) - disabled child victims of the defoliant Agent Orang As if there aren't enough places in the world contaminated by Monsanto's deadly chemical Agent Orange...

Read Full Article (May-20-2011 20:10)

93% of Unborn Babies Have GMO Food Toxins in their Blood

Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada

(SALEM, Ore.) - Baby with teardrop A new medical study on the impacts of genetically modified (GM) foods, shows that toxins from GM crops designed to strike down pests are actually showing up in the bloodstreams of women and unborn babies.

The new study, "Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada"

Read Full Article (May-12-2011 23:09)

High Cancer Rates for Vietnam Veterans

Our nation’s veterans not getting the service connected benefits rightfully due to them when they are diagnosed with cancer caused by exposure to Agent Orange.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Military tribute The tracking of cancer in the aging population of Vietnam Veterans exposed to dioxin has been neglected.

With pancreatic and brain cancer rates 5 to 7 times higher than the civilian populations and lung cancer twice the rate in veterans that served in country according to the mortality study issued by The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Canberra Nov. 1997.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2011 17:55)

Dark Side of Giving: The Rise of Philanthro-Capitalism

The Gates influence and stranglehold on global institutions and mechanisms in healthcare are quite evident.

(NEW DEHLI) - Gates Foundation in India A few years ago, Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, had a chance meeting with Som Pal, former member of the Planning Commission and earlier minister of state for agriculture, and was bowled over by his sage-like views on developmental issues.

Read Full Article (Mar-29-2011 22:37)

American Veteran Plays Music for Agent Orange Victims

“As long as I’m still alive, I will continue raising fund to help poor people in Quang Ngai and share the pain of AO victims” - Roy Mike Boehm.

(MADISON, VietNamNet Bridge) - My Lai Peace Park Project Veterans and members of the US-based Madison Quakers charity organization on March 27 evening played violin, flute, guitar and mandolin to raise funds for Agent Orange victims in the central province of Quang Ngai.

For the past 16 years, Roy Mike Boehm, a US veteran quietly came to Vietnam’s Quang Ngai province to play violin to pray for the souls of the victims of the My Lai massacre.

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2011 00:59)

Millions Against Monsanto this Saturday

"Rally for the Right to Know" on 26 March across the US: Genetically Modified Foods need to be labeled...

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - It is time to put an end to Monsanto Rallies to raise awareness of the danger of Monsanto are planned around the nation this Saturday, March 26th. They are being organized by The Organic Consumers Association, Millions Against Monsanto campaign.

Read Full Article (Mar-21-2011 16:53)

Agent Orange & Dioxins: the Most Toxic Chemicals Ever Produced

Little can be done for human dioxin poisoning.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Agent Orange Agent Orange; continually in the news since Veterans of Viet Nam began showing up with toxicity symptoms and death.

When poisoning of our Vets first started showing up in the 1970’s the Army Medicos told the troops it was just “jungle rot” from living in the tropical rain forests.

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