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About Agent Orange articles Page 17

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Mar-18-2011 14:58)

Left Out in America`s Wasteland

The cost of Agent Orange’s personal body invasion is stupefying — with its life consuming selfishness and the financial destruction it has caused.

(LOS ANGELES) - Lesli Moore Dahlke I live in soulful frustration along with stunned amazement at how this beautiful country of ours can ignore many hidden American civilians like myself.

In 1970, while traveling with the USO as an innocent, 18-year old volunteer, I was repeatedly and unexpectedly exposed to Agent Orange (I have written about those times in

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 15:40)

Agent Orange - Sprayed & Betrayed/Heroes Destined To Die Petition

Please sign this crucial petition and forward to everyone in your address book.

(LOS ANGELES) - Sprayed & Betrayed/Heroes Destined To Die Petition I am writing for a very important reason. I hope you will support and help all those of us who suffer from exposure to Agent Orange. I know — more than most — nobody wants to talk about this. Agent Orange. “Uh, oh, here comes Lesli, again.”

Agent Orange is not a partisan issue, it is not a blue state or red state issue or even a “which side of the aisle” issue…it is an American issue. This is of great and personal importance to me. And, I hope to all Americans.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2011 11:45)

Researcher: Glyphosate (Roundup) or Roundup Ready Crops May Cause Animal Miscarriages

(PURDUE) - Monsanto is not only the creator of 'roundup ready' food which is proving to be deadly dangerous; prior to that they poisoned Americans and Vietnamese with Agent Orange. A bombshell has been quietly dropped on the website of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. A professor emeritus at Purdue University finds a correlation between Roundup Ready crops and a new, previously unknown organism that may cause of animal miscarriages and infertility.

However, Huber, who has 40 years experience working as a scientist for "professional and military agencies that evaluate and prepare for natural and manmade biological threats, including germ warfare and disease outbreaks," believes this should be treated as an emergency until more research can confirm or disprove these initial findings.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2011 13:04)

VA Links Brain Cancer to Agent Orange Exposure in Recent Court Decision

According to Court documents, Mrs. Sheree Evans had fought for service connection for the cause of her husband’s death for almost eight years, based on a promise that she had made to him before his death.

(OZARK, Mo.) - Mrs. Sheree Evans with her late husband It is notoriously difficult for veterans to get their disabilities connected to their military service
- even when the connection is apparent.

In this unique case, the Department of Veterans Affairs was made to concede a very important connection and gave justice to a struggling widow.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2011 22:09)

Agent Orange: Thailand Military Bases

DoD determined that herbicides used on the Thailand base perimeters may have been tactical and procured from Vietnam, or a strong, commercial type resembling tactical herbicides.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972 Vietnam-era Veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of military bases in Thailand may have been exposed to herbicides and may qualify for VA benefits.

A recently declassified Department of Defense Report written in 1973 contains evidence that there was a significant use of herbicides on the fenced-in perimeters of military bases in Thailand.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2011 00:51)

Monsanto Executive Appointed to High Level Position in the FDA

Monsanto gave us Agent Orange, Aspartame and Cancer Causing Additives in our Food Supply -

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Monsanto In 2010, Veterans Today published a story about Michael R. Taylor's appointment as Deputy Commissioner for Foods at the FDA.

Taylor is a former top executive (VP Public Policy), attorney and lobbyist with Monsanto and has had prior positions with law firms, the USDA and the FDA.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2011 17:47)

Vietnam: for Victims of Agent Orange, the War isn`t Over

FranceNews24 reporters tell the story from Vietnam.

(HANOI) - Agent Orange babies In Vietnam, 30 years after the war, Agent Orange is still claiming victims. Used on a massive scale by the US army to prevent Viet Cong soldiers from hiding, this powerful herbicide permeated the ground.

From encephalitis to congenital deformities and leukaemia, thousands of children are being born severely handicapped due to the chemical.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2011 22:47)

Charity Launched to Help Hanoi`s Agent Orange Victims

At the launch ceremony, the fund received VND815 million (US$41,565) from donors.

(HANOI VNS) - Child with problems from Agent Orange The Ha Noi Fund for Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin Victims was launched today.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2011 01:08)

Abnormal Cancer Rates at Fort Detrick Tied to Monsanto`s Agent Orange

Monsanto's Agent Orange; the gift of death that keeps on killing...

(BALTIMORE, Md.) - Fort Detrick Deadly poisons at Fort Detrick, tied to Agent Orange and the Vietnam War, have led to a warning from public health officials about certain cancers affecting younger people who live near the base.

The AP reported Monday that investigators will probe deeper into the discrepancies involving liver, bone and endocrine cancers.

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2011 23:03)

Four Polygamous Families with Congenital Birth Defects from Fallujah, Iraq

Many known war contaminants have the potential to interfere with normal embryonic and fetal development.

(GENOA, Italy) - Fallujah birth defects Since 2003, congenital malformations have increased to account for 15% of all births in Fallujah, Iraq.

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