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| Next Page (May-10-2014 13:40)

The Obama Administration May Be Our Least----Not Most----``Transparent`` Administration

Traditionally, secrecy has been vital to effective intelligence. But now secrecy is causing some of our most significant intelligence failures.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Obama, worst Pres. ever President Obama promised to provide us with an open and "transparent" administration. In April 2010, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs declared that the The administration was, in fact, the "most transparent" in history.

The current press secretary, Jay Carney, repeated this claim in April and the president himself declared that, "This is the most transparent administration in history...I can document that this is the case."

Read Full Article (May-09-2014 14:27)

Rights Groups Urge Abbas to Let ICC Prosecute War Crimes Committed on Palestinian Territories

Amnesty, Human Rights Watch call on PA to resist U.S. and Israeli pressure and apply for International Criminal Court membership.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday to promptly seek access for Palestine at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2014 12:21)

``Killing George Bush``

This morning's piece on "Mike Palecek & The New American Dream"

(WASHINGTON DC) - George H.W. Bush YOU MIGHT HAVE SEEN that George H.W. Bush still lives. That old snake that we saw sneering in the backroom on the night his son was dishonestly named President of The United States. The one who lied that he was out of the loop. The one who ordered the killing of thousands of people in Panama.

The one who ordered the building of many new prisons to get tough on drugs and criminals in America, and it was all a scam, all to get elected, gain power.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2014 16:33)

NATO War Crimes In Libya: Deformities of Newborns Because of Depleted Uranium Bombs

Just like in West Bank and Fallujah, western forces kill and contaminate simultaneously. There is no doubt that NATO/US broke every agreement imposed by the Geneva Convention.

(TRIPOLI Lybian Free Press) - Soldier with DU weaponry Regarding this depleted uranium report below, we brought in the first sophisticated radiation detectors with us on our fact finding commission in May of 2011.

Libyans knew that depleted uranium was being used by NATO in their bombing raids and they were very concerned.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2014 12:51)

Sri Lanka Under Fire for War Crimes at Human Rights Council

The Rome-based Tribunal is an outgrowth of the original war crimes tribunal created during the war against Southeast Asia by Bertrand Russell and Jean Paul Sartre.

(COPENHAGEN) - U.N. rights boss Navi Pillay seeks international probe into Sri Lanka war crimes. Geo-politically important Sri Lanka is among several countries, including Syria, under scrutiny at the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (March 3-28).

High Commissioner Navi Pillay of the Human Rights Council (HRC) will introduce a resolution recommending that Sri Lanka promote reconciliation and accountability with the minority Tamil people.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2014 11:41)

Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Sri Lanka

Full report from Human Rights Council's Twenty-fifth session.

(GENEVA) - Flag of Sri Lanka Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General Promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka.

The Office acknowledges the progress made in reconstruction and the implementation of some of the recommendations made by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission.

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2014 11:02)

Tamils Worldwide Must Not be Complacent on UNHRC Resolution in 2014

"The Sri Lankan government has refused to address its role in the deaths of tens of thousands at the end of the country’s brutal civil war..." - UNHRC Chief Navi Pillay

(MELBOURNE) - United Nations A careful study of the first 3 links below reveals the International Community (IC) may not go for independent international investigation.

It may not be fully international, as Tamil Net has pointed out that there may be some loopholes in the resolution.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2014 00:33)

Pressure Mounts on Sri Lanka, but Tamils Must be Alert Against US-India Manipulations

"If a referendum can happen in South Sudan, East Timor and Kosovo, why not in Sri Lanka." - Prime Minister of the transnational government of Tamil Eelam, Visvanathan Rudrakumaran

(MELBOURNE) - Richard Burr A Congress resolution calls on the Senate to commend the representatives of the US on their leadership on United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution (UNHRC), adopted March 21, 2013

The intent is to promote reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka.

Read Full Article (Feb-11-2014 15:02)

`Resolution Counterproductive` Hakeem Tells UNHRC Member SA

Anti-Sri Lankan move in Geneva: US woos Japan, South Korea.

(COLOMBO) - Sri Lanka flag The US is pushing two of Sri Lanka’s major investors, Japan and South Korea.

They are being asked to throw their weight behind a third resolution against Sri Lanka at the forthcoming session of Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2014 13:20)

UN - From `Complicity with Evil` to `Dancing with Devils`

The UN failed to protect civilians in the last months of Sri Lanka's bloody civil war, a leaked draft of a highly critical internal UN report says.

(NEW YORK) - Shame A massive genocide has taken place in Tamil Eelam (Island of Srilanka) and it still does not have its rightful attention in the international arena.

If Media's role was the biggest learning from the Rwanda's tragedy, it is high time we used this Media in its highest cause, by swerving the International attention towards giving hope to another human soul.

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