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| Next Page (Mar-21-2017 11:39)

Is it the Time for Texas Brewery Sales?

The lone star state is undergoing "the popularity of brews" growing pains.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Texas breweries Texans have sure come to love their craft beers. Maybe it’s all those immigrants from California, but customers are not so quick to order Shiner or Lone Star. At least that’s true of the new urban Texans.

Texas beverage law is having some trouble keeping up with all the changes. Austin, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio all have guided tours to breweries in those cities and the countryside nearby, but you won’t find such trendy tastings in East or West Texas. And, no Texas breweries have been permitted to sell their products to visitors or walk-in customers.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2014 00:25)

San Antonio - Environmentally Evil .... and More

The San Antonio code was slipped into the city without notice in 2009 but is coming into brutal effect now.

(SAN ANTONIO) - Olmos Creek San Antonio In 2010, the EPA classified milk as oil, threatening the existence of small dairy farmers.

In 2011, the EPA declared hay a pollutant, threatening all family farm agriculture in the US. Now, in 2014, San Antonio, Texas has declared leaves a "hazardous vegetation," threatening all organic food gardening.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 11:35)

Women`s/Human Rights News: A Break in a Dutch Tourist`s Murder

Movement in the murder case was reported Friday, January 24, when Mexican authorities announced they had van Nierop’s probable killer in custody.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Hester van Nierop For more than 15 years, the family of Hester van Nierop has struggled across oceans and continents for justice.

An architecture school graduate, van Nierop was traveling through Mexico when she decided to make a stop in Ciudad Juarez back in 1998. The Mexican border city was the last place the young woman would visit on earth.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2014 13:14)

Here is Tom Brokaw`s `Greatest Generation` in 2014

"I don't know why I have to fight so hard for him to be treated with respect and what I feel he should be entitled to..." - Linda Young, daughter of WWII Vet

(SALEM) - WWII Veteran, Carl Dealis Beam of Carthage, Texas. Linda Young describes herself as a proud daughter of a wonderful man, Carl Dealis Beam of Carthage, Texas, who served his country twice in his lifetime, both in World War Two and Korean War.

She says the pride she feels in her father makes the treatment he is receiving all the more difficult. In fact she says she is, "...also ashamed of the way his government and his country has repaid him for that service."

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2014 16:27)

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month: Let`s Work Together To Help Bring Home Some Of America`s Missing Children

The last eyewitness accounts of Ali state she was walking away from her home towards the road that led to the Burger Barn and her last communication was a text message to a friend at 2:57 PM.

(SPRING, TX,) - Alexandria (Ali) Lowitzer Children disappear from the streets of America every day; in fact, 900,000 a year – that's one every forty seconds! While some are family abductions and runaways, many are not.

Many of these missing children are kidnapped, murdered, or end up in the hellish world of human trafficking and can't understand why no one has come looking for them. We cannot ever give up looking for them – they depend on all of us to bring them home.

Read Full Article (Nov-22-2013 19:25)

Did Zapruder Kill JFK?

President Kennedy and his brother, U.S. Attorney Robert Kennedy, were set on eradicating organized crime from the United States.

(SALEM) - Abraham Zapruder It has been fifty years since U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Since that time, many theories have abounded that seek to resolve the issue of whether Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone or if at least one more gunman participated in the November 22, 1963 murder.

Until now, no clear picture has emerged that would satisfy all parameters, both within the government and without. I believe that I can change that.

Read Full Article (Nov-22-2013 17:20)

U.S. Army Pfc. Eugene Dinkin Intercepted Cable About JFK Assassination

He was 1963's incarnation of Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning; Dinkin intercepted cables in France and tried to prevent Kennedy's death.

(SACRAMENTO) - Image from the Zapruder film The sweeping view from "Garden of the Gods" above Colorado Springs was breathtaking in September. I sat with Robert "Tosh" Plumlee, a former CIA operative, taking in this panoramic scene, listening to his recollection of the day this country lost one of its most important national leaders, President John F. Kennedy.

Tosh was in Dallas that fateful day, 22 November 1963, as part of a CIA team dispatched to prevent the assassination of JFK. The story has always been here, yet few Americans know the dark saga of Private First Class Eugene Dinkin and his prediction of the assassination of President Kennedy.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2013 18:30)

Texas Correctional Officers Join Inmate`s Lawsuit Over Excessive Heat

"These conditions are dangerous to both the employees and the inmates." - Lance Lowry, president of the local American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees

(AUSTIN) - Overheated Texs prison The union that represents Texas' correctional officers will join the lawsuits filed over the heat related deaths of at least 14 inmates in the scorching state prisons.

The union has joined with the inmates demand that the Texas state prisons should be cooled to relieve unbearable conditions.

Read Full Article (Jun-23-2013 21:34)

Poor George, he can`t help it...

It is a superb Texas sweet-talking barbed description, dripping with sarcasm and righteous anger.

(CHICAGO) - Texas Governor Ann Richards “Poor George, he can’t help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

This memorable line from future Texas Governor Ann Richards was aimed at soon-to-be President George H. W. Bush.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2013 12:10)

PTSD is Really Bad
Thousands of New Victims in Boston and Texas
Marijuana is Really Good Therapy

Military combat veterans are not the only victims...

(PORTLAND, OR) - PTSD Despite what the naysayers at the VA Hospital system say, the recent events in B boston and Texas should allay any doubt of the reality of this horrific affliction of the mind, brain and soul.

The Boston citizens were significantly traumatized by a few seconds of overwhelming terror. Everything after that can be classified hopefully, as recovery.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley