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Feb-26-2014 00:25printcomments

San Antonio - Environmentally Evil .... and More

The San Antonio code was slipped into the city without notice in 2009 but is coming into brutal effect now.

Olmos Creek San Antonio

(SAN ANTONIO) - In 2010, the EPA classified milk as oil, threatening the existence of small dairy farmers.  http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2010/06/epa_classifies_milk_as_oil_for.html

In 2011, the EPA declared hay a pollutant, threatening all family farm agriculture in the US.  http://salem-news.com/articles/september022011/american-ranchers-mc.php

Now, in 2014, San Antonio, Texas has declared leaves a "hazardous vegetation," threatening all organic food gardening.

And since the ICC Code San Antonio uses has been installed in most cities in the US, the ICC code threatens all organic food gardening across the country

The San Antonio code was slipped into the city without notice in 2009 but is coming into brutal effect now, with people impoverished and more than ever in need of leaves (compost or mulch) for food gardens because of GMOs and the dreadful, non-nutritious, poisonous state of the food industry's "food."

Comments in brackets after each part.  Look carefully and consider whether if you left so much as a trowel in your yard, you could be in trouble, or whether your shed could be entered without a warrant, or your house, or whether any of this might ultimately result of in loss of one's home.  Emphasis is added.

ANNUAL NOTICE: 107:1  Notice to person responsible – if another violation of the same subsection of this code occurs on or before the first anniversary of this notice, the City, without further notice, may proceed with the prosecution of the said violation.

302.1  Exterior Maintenance.   All exterior property and premises shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition and free of outside placement, hazardous vegetation, or surface hazards.  The occupant shall keep that part of the exterior property which such occupant occupies or controls in a clean and sanitary condition.

[People are being ordered to remove leaves on their property.   Leaves that are a thin scattering over bare soil.

None of this requires evidence of anyone having been harmed, or inconvenienced, or even noticing.  What is "free of outside placement"?  "Hazardous vegetation" is reasonable in the insane context of the DHS having defined "organic" as a biosecurity threat http://www.salem-news.com/articles/september242012/homeland-monsanto-wk.php)?  What are "surface hazards"?  All objects that might be anywhere on the property?]

302.4  Weeds:  All improved premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of 12 inches in height.  All noxious weeds shall be prohibited.  Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees and shrubs provided; however, the term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens of native grasses, perennials and annual plants installed as part of a landscaping design.

[If one looks carefully at this section on weeds (the other sections have serious problems as well, which also relate to gardening), they say people must maintain their property "free from weeds AND PLANT  GROWTH in excess of 12 inches."  That would include a 13 inch food plant and backyard gardens would easily fall under this.  While they say "the term [weeds] shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens of native grasses, perennials and annual plants installed as part of a landscaping design,” notice they left in place getting rid of "plant growth in excess of 12 inches in height,” which is banned.]

302.7.1 Fences:  All fences, facing the street frontage of the premises or adjacent to the public way, shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.  Any of the following conditions shall be corrected.  1) Any fence, or portion thereof, out of vertical alignment by more than 15 degrees; 2) Rotted, fire damaged or broken wooden support posts or cross members shall be repaired or replaced; 3) Broken or fire damaged wooden slats shall also be repaired or replaced; 4) Broken or severely bent metal posts or tron, cut or ripped metal fencing materials shall be repaired or replaced; 5) Any fence, or any portion thereof, having loose bricks, stones, rocks, mortar, masonry, or similar materials shall be repaired or replaced.  The above requirements shall not prohibit a fence, or any portion thereof, from being removed if the remaining portions are safe and in good condition and the erection and maintenance of a fence is not otherwise required by law.

[This section can effectively prevent the fencing of livestock and thus the keeping of any animals at all.  Notice that even if the fence is "safe and in good condition," it can still be removed.]

308.1  Accumulation of Rubbish and Garbage.  All exterior property and premises, and the interior of every structure, shall be free from the accumulation of rubbish or garbage.

[Again, entirely undefined.  This is easily applied to garden implements, pots, bags of soil or manure, rolls of wire fencing, compost piles, etc.  Notice this applies to the inside of people's homes as well ("the interior of every structure)."  The people being attacked by San Antonio are poor and they are being told they must get rid of all kinds of things, including items in their backyard, which in many cases means they are being stripped of their livelihood if they weld or repair motors, as many poor Hispanics do.

But the code says the city can go into people's homes as well and declare anything they wish, as rubbish or garbage.  This is a means to end any and all cottage industry, to say nothing of getting rid of indoor gardens or aquaponics.

People could be penalized for anything at all and it be done to them constantly and they could lose not just their gardens and work but their homes.

San Antonio, Texas, is not only harming its citizens by stripping away leaves crucially needed for food gardens and trashing people's livelihoods, and making money doing so, but it is breaking the law.  The ICC code is international and the city has no right to apply it, no matter what it says.

A legal scholar familiar with local, state, federal and international law, commented:

“The ICC code raises the issue regarding separation of powers, as the authority to enter into international treaty is solely held to the federal government and expressly prohibited to the states.”

And then there is the issue of the massive fraud San Antonio is perpetrating on all its people.

Here's how it works.  The city sends out an enforcement team which terrorizes whole neighborhoods, going up the down the streets looking for violations.  These violations are easy financial pickings for the city and may even be financially rewarding to the enforcements officers.

But what happens to people?  They follow orders that are illegal out of fear of being summoned to court.  They don't know a summons is only an invitation and they can refuse it.  

"Sixteen words written across the face of the summons or warrant; notarized and filed on the Public Record will cure most problems. Those words are:

"I do not accept this offer to contract and I do not consent to these proceedings."


If they do go to court, most don't know that in a civil jurisdiction, common law requires an injured party (the city can't be a injured person), the case would be dismissed since no party is injured by leaves or food over 13 inches tall, etc.

Instead, the people go to court and when the judge says, "Do you understand the charges against you?" if they say they do, they have just said they "stand under" the authority of the court and they are fried.  Why?  Because the court is an Admiralty court, not a common law court that requires one to do harm to another or there is no case.  Instead, if people say they understand or plead guilty or not guilty or no contest, they have just contracted with an Admiralty court which is a corporate court for the sea, the military and international contracts.

But people don't realize how it works.  Here is a very short, very helpful, very amphibian explanation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ4c5atUjsE

Now because it is based on intentionally keeping people from knowing that they can live their lives as they wish so long as they hurt no one, the San Antonio enforcement code is a fraud.  This is on top of being illegal in itself.

And it is fraud that is being used for profit, so it is a crime.

And because the city sends out enforcement officers and runs courts to entrap people into a fraud, the city is not only committing a crime but in organizing it so thoroughly, they are in essence running a organized criminal operation, just a surely as the Mafia does.

San Antonio, Texas, is environmentally evil because it has declared leaves which are essential in the cycle of nature to make food, a hazardous vegetation.

The city is also heartless beyond its evil environmentally.  It is blatantly anti-poor and anti-jobs, as it sends out enforcement people who are ordering people to destroy their own livelihoods.

It is way past time for people to wake up to the ICC code and expose what San Antonio is doing to its own poor and to the necessity for organic food gardens.  There are common law grand juries going into place across the country and those who administer these felonious codes and those who go out and enforcement them against people, will be charged and imprisoned for the criminal racket they are running.

A common law legal system which will be going after the abuses of the "other" system (the Admiralty law system) is being reborn across the US.

IN A US SUPREME COURT STUNNING 6-TO-3 DECISION, JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American Grand Jury is neither part of the Judicial, Executive nor Legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights and has the power to enforce law and remove people from office. http://fija.org/forums/index.php?topic=1856.0

ICC codes administrators and enforcers across the country would do well to realize they will be held accountable.

And men and women who wish to sign onto common law juries and stop this outrage, might want to listen to how this is working now and how rapidly those grand juries are forming across the country.  Start at 71:31

And for those who prefer to write laws to stop such abuses, they might listen here.

San Antonio, Texas, would do well to leave leaves alone, and its own people.



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