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5 Steps for Making a Legally Valid Will

Writing your own will is not a difficult task, just begin.

(SALEM, Ore.) - write a will There are more misconceptions about wills than just about any other personal finance topic. The good news is that it's pretty easy to write your own will with a few downloaded forms and a short guidebook.

In the case of a standard will the process is fairly simple. No matter how old you are, what your employment status is, whether you're married or single, or what your net worth is, you can create a binding, legally valid will in under an hour.

Read Full Article (May-30-2018 09:47)

Choosing the Right New Pet

A pet has its pros and cons, so look before you leap!

(SALEM, Ore.) - guinea pig If you’ve ever thought of bringing a new pet into your household, you should think twice before making your final decision.

Not all species are so easy to take care of, and since this is a decision that comes with a commitment, we’ll make a list of those you might find more convenient and comfortable to interact with.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2018 21:20)

Every Child Needs a Rose!

A compassionate neighbor reaches out and changes a life.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Rose and John When I was a very little girl, I lived in a town outside the City of New Brunswick, N.J. In those days there were TV shows each week that depicted the ideal family life.

My days were lonely and many times scary. I attended a Catholic School in New Brunswick and corporal punishment was not frowned upon in the education system as it is today.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2018 12:28)

4 Ways a Physical Disability Can Take a Toll on a Marriage

Regardless of how strong-willed you may be, money and constant care can create problems.

(SALEM, Ore.) - wedding Marriage vows are something most people take very seriously. When your spouse is in a personal injury accident, a lot of worry and stress will enter into your life. In some instances, the damage done to your loved one’s body will last a lifetime.

Most people fail to realize just how hard it can be for a married couple to deal with sudden and long-term physical disabilities.

Read Full Article (Mar-21-2017 17:20)

Take the Family Fishing in Oregon in 2017

ODFW free fishing events make it easy, especially for mom & dad!

(SALEM, Ore.) - family fishing The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife invites Oregon families to come fishing at one of 28 free Family Fishing events scheduled throughout the state this spring and summer.

The season will kick off April 1 (no joke) at Canby Pond and events will continue almost weekly into the summer.

Read Full Article (May-11-2014 10:58)

World Indigenous Domestic Violence and Indigenous Health Conferences Slated for December in Queensland

Calling for papers - second and last round reopen until May 31st

(QUEENSLAND) - World Indigenous Domestic Violence and Indigenous Health Conferences Slated for December in Queensland Greetings to the Indigenous Peoples of the World from Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, the fist people Australia. Indigenous Conference Services is proud to host two great world conferences the 2014 World Indigenous Health Conference and the World Indigenous Domestic Violence Conference.

Both conferences will be held in the heart of tropical Queensland, Australia at Cairns Pullman International Hotel, gate way to the Great Barrier Reef. We wish to extend a formal invitation to you and your organisation to take part in this extraordinary chance to present on a national and international stage.

Read Full Article (May-06-2014 11:21)

American Intactivist Urges Denmark to Respect Male Human Rights

All over the world, boys, girls, and intersex children share stories like mine. The context varies, the method of mutilation varies, the language varies, but one thing thing cuts across all of these stories – we resent what was done without our consent. Moral leadership is key to standing strong on the issue.

(COPENHAGEN Copenhagen Post) - M Thomas Frederiksen The Danish people should know that the world is watching your debate on underage ritual circumcision.

This is deeply personal and important to me, as I am myself a victim of this vile practice – due to my misfortune of being born in the United States. Although my young mother was not keen on the idea, a doctor insisted on doing it, and she relented.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2014 10:44)

The Struggle for Humanity

Are you sane enough to consider the evidence and to join (or recommit yourself to) the fight for human survival?

(TASMANIA) - Oppression Sociologists, political scientists, activists of various persuasions and many others often describe social stratification in terms of such measures as class, race and gender.

There is much talk in the academic and other literature about the working class, the middle class and the ruling class, for example. And about relationships defined by such factors as race, gender, religion, employment, income and other measures.

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2014 12:37)

Please Help Orphans and Vulnerable Children Organization (OVC Rwanda)

It has rained so much here, pray for our orphans who have no place to sleep... be blessed

(KIGALI) - OVC Rwanda The organization Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Rwanda, currently named OVC Rwanda, is a non profit organization which cares orphans and other vulnerable children, disabled or living desperate.

OVC Rwanda was created in 1995, just one year after the genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in Rwanda where many children were living in trouble out of dignity. Emmanuel Uwamahoro, himself as a former orphan, greatly contributed to its foundation and its development.

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2014 15:22)

Isabella County Michigan Sheriff Responds to Salem-News Article About Government Theft of Veteran`s Home

Isabella County Sheriff Responds Over Visner Case

(SALEM) - Sheriff Leo Mioduszewski and Ted Visner Many readers have been following the story of Ted Visner, the Michigan man who was buying a home from a sheriff's office employee in Isabella County, only to return from a weekend outing with his family to find a padlock on his door, and his property vanished.

Ted Visner says the Isabella County Sheriff's Office and the sheriff himself, Leo Mioduszewski, are directly complicit in the theft of his family's property...

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley