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Sep-26-2010 16:47printcomments

Should the Pulpit be Held to Higher Standards Than Elected Office?

On many occasions this rise to power through religion happens without even a high school diploma; even fresh out of jail for a multitude of crimes. From the outhouse, to the Penthouse.

Courtesy: www2.med.umich.edu

(CLEVELAND) - Religion and the preaching of it can divide or conquer Not just America- but the world. It is separated by two entities, language and religion or belief in the Almighty... but the Almighty what or who? God, Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, Buddha and who knows how many others.

Then there’s Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, Jehovah’s Witnesses and from here the list is almost endless. However, those preaching in churches, synagogues, temples, whatever, have considerable influence and the power to match. It was a preacher that almost cost President Obama the election.

Preachers Jim Jones and David Koresh were responsible for the death of many in their congregations. Then there are Mormon sects believing in multiple wives right here in America.

In some areas of the world, adult Muslims marry girls under the age of ten. Preaching the gospel (good news) is a multi-billion dollar industry and unlike elected officials it’s not one and done. It’s almost like being appointed to the Supreme Court, yet not by the President. It takes nothing to start a church and take it from a handful of parishioners to thousands, even millions around the world.

On many occasions this rise to power through religion happens without even a high school diploma; even fresh out of jail for a multitude of crimes. From the outhouse, to the Penthouse.

So, unknown whether or not the, “call to the ministry” is real or not, how do you choose? Even the great & mighty Catholic Church is in turmoil over sexual abuse that as it turned out even the Pope was aware of. Although he was just a Cardinal at the time he did nothing for the, “good of the church.” Many are calling for him to step down as pickets surround the Vatican.

Is attending church actually overrated? Television ministries rake in billions as worshipers never have to take off their pajamas. You can even DVR a service only to watch it at a more opportune time. Competition between some churches is more cut throat than a pennant race. Yep, there really is no honor among thieves.

Thank God there is a road map with exact directions to salvation. No, it is not Rand McNally neither is it Map Quest. It’s the, “Bible” and if you fail to read it, relying only on the driver from who knows where you’ll likely end up in a place with an entrance but no exit.

Should the Pulpit be Held to Higher Standards Than Elected Office?

Not all with a license know how to drive,
Is every pilot in the cabin certified to fly?
Surely not every doctor is able to mend,
and will all lawyers successfully defend?

Do not let pleasantries before your eyes,
Allow your feelings to erroneously decide,
Listen before it is too late to run and hide,
Be sure the pulpit's spiritually circumcised.

The devil is definitely working overtime,
Believe me this guy never takes a break,
Remember the song about Santa Clause?
I surely do, "So be good for goodness sake."

A few years back, Ted Haggard’s fall from grace,
Beautiful mega-church, lot more than just a shock,
How could such a popular & gifted church leader?
Forget and leave his spiritual heart unlocked.

Curiosity opened the door; sin crawled in his head,
Although by the Blood of Jesus to sin we are dead,
Lucifer launches attacks on the greatest to the least,
Be on guard always for temptations from the beast.

With a faithful 14,000 member congregation,
Why did he succumb to Satan’s confrontation?
This preacher should’ve know at the very least,
You simply cannot mix holy water with grease.

I am not trying to judge or diminish Ted’s name,
This only goes to show that we are all fair game,
Hunting season is open; Satan uses all his tools,
The devil has no regulations & there are no rules.

President of a religious sect 30 million strong,
Now resigned after he admitting doing wrong,
It certainly didn’t take the wolves very long,
One dance with the devil, now is it all gone?

One third of the angels that lived in heaven,
Now call the pit of a burning hell their home,
The reason Jesus was sent in the first place?
The evil one will never leave you alone.

Yet neither will God ever leave or forsake,
However, the choice is still ours to make,
With His blood Jesus already paid the cost,
Was buying meth worth all that is now lost?

Neither will I criticize about an alleged affair,
Since I nor the sharks in the media were there,
Letting one who is without sin cast the first stone,
Means Ted Haggard will be judged by God alone.

Sunday 11/05/06 I read that Ted Haggard did confess,
Now I am wondering what is going to happen next,
Just when you think you’ve seen and heard it all before,
Bam! Another unbelievable situation knocks at the door.

Let this be a reminder to all who live and breathe,
That anyone of us can be mislead and deceived,
The butcher, the baker, the candle stick maker,
On Judgment Day all will answer to the Creator.

Just to get a new congregation of souls to be purified and saved,
Haggard had to be tested in the furnace, there was no other way,
It was that experience making him the one for this current flock,
However, God can’t proceed if you’re staring back at the clock.

Although it looks like the damage is irreparable it’s temporary harm,
2010, Ted’s ministering to hundreds of sinners in his backyard barn,
So, because he went through the storm and didn’t quit in the middle,
God is restoring his ministry just like the bible says, “little by little.”

September 2010, has the evil-one struck another pastor on the face?
Bishop Eddie Long in Atlanta apparently has sweetness in his taste,
Not one, or two, nay three but four have come forward to filed a suit,
Did he pay tuition, free housing, an endless supply of spending loot?

Cell phone pix have surfaced although clothed Bishop seems to pose,
Unlike Haggard shall this be one of those cases where God only knows?
Not hardly because many in the congregation of his church are aware,
Senior Eddie likes not to partake in panties but loves men’s underwear.

Well, supposedly not what’s inverted but hanging loose on the outside,
One thing or should that be four things, that many is impossible to hide,
In fairness it is Saturday 09/25 tomorrow will be his first time in church,
Since the allegations surfaced and in those pix he wore very tight shirts.

Pastor Eddie, please rebuke the sinners and kindly show them the door,
Hey, do not be like Tiger with another dozen or so tirades, maybe more,
He claims his problem was that he stopped chanting to Buddha, sure ok,
But you Mr. Long preach, teach the gospel and in Jesus’ name you pray.

Yeah, for sure a roaring lion will easily find and laughingly devour a lamb,
But, from 300 members to a congregation of 25,000 you were, “Da-Man!”
On Sunday I took pleasure in, “Taking Authority” your sermon on the Word,
Sexual misconduct was the farthest thing, still can’t believe what I’ve heard.

Randy & Paula White divorced no scandal but what about Zachary Tims,
Holy! Not with a man just a stripper in Paris, France his infidelity begins,
Pastors and Ministers wherever the church or whatever the case may be,
Much higher standard when speaking from the pulpit is required of thee.

The Atheists are smiling, wagging their finger, you're proving their point,
Hold up in a Paris hotel room, a stripper, red wine, cocaine and a joint,
Back on the spiritual podium, center of attention, joint custody of kids,
It's acceptable that you effectively spread the word after what you did?

Ah, Paula pretty Paula,oh yes my dear selling cosmetics looking fine,
While you are singing the praises of vitamin-D, just purchase online?
Flying all over the world not commercially but on your own private jet,
Sow a seed, the first fruit offering, that's right honey, all you can get.

Nothing wrong with spreading the gospel when you're above reproach,
However, incidents and those like them make religion out to be a hoax,
I do not attend church much as I use to because I would hate to be rude,
At home when a preacher tells a lie I just change the channel on the tube.
by Luke Easter

Luke Easter is a poet who writes about things that are very close to the heart of Salem-News.com. Another former U.S. Marine, Luke heals the world with an approach that reaches people on a different level, one known for centuries, yet too often forgotten in the one we live in.

We live in a world of social & economic injustice. The main reason for founding America in the first place was to relieve the oppression of the King of England. Patrick Henry said it best, “give me liberty or give me death.” And yet, all too often death seems to be the only way out. Why is there such a high suicide rate especially among teens, in the land of the free & the home of the brave? What makes headlines? Good news? Ha! More depressing stories than anything else. I feel poetry takes an edge off the hurt of bad news while still delivering it but in a, “glitzy” sort of way. Giving a different perspective. Kind of like slap in the face as opposed to a knife in the back. At least with the slap you’ll live to see another day and you will know whom it’s from. I wasn’t here for the beginning of the world but at 59, I just might be here for the end.

Even though it’s still a knife, rhyme poetry helps to dull the blade. And that’s my job. You can write to Luke Easter at: lyricsfromlucas@aol.com

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