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Sep-22-2012 20:35printcomments

Independent Investigation Reveals Additonal Suspects in Aurora Mass Shooting Case

Part 1 : The police radio tapes

Colorado shooting at theatre
Courtesy: swampland.time

(SALEM) - The morning of July 20th we were told by Aurora Police chief, Dan Oates, that he did not have any evidence to suggest there were additional suspects in the Aurora massacre at The Dark Knight Rises premiere.  A limited amount of evidence is available to the public, and it tells a startlingly different story.  Let's take look at the police radio transmissions from the night of the incident...

The first mention of other suspects comes over the radio around 10 minutes and 10 seconds after the recording begins at 12:39am.  Let the reader be mindful that it is at 12:39am is when the first 911 calls went out soon after the shooter began firing. www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHzT0SPlsgk

According to the police booking report, and from the Aurora PD Chief's official statement, James Holmes was apprehended at 12:40am that night.  None of the actual 911 calls have been released from the incident, but that didn't stop some major news outlets from reporting that:  Not only had the 911 calls been released, but they were acting as though the audio taken from the police scanner were the 911 calls.  While this may seem trivial, it is indicative of how unprofessional the mainstream media has been with regard to their investigative reporting on this case.

911 calls from Colorado movie theater shooting released

Audio: Just-Released 911 Calls Reveal Hysteria Following Movie Theater Shooting in Aurora, Colorado

Batman Shooting 911 Calls Are Chilling (VIDEO, AUDIO)

Once again, James Holmes was apprehended immediately, already outside the theater, in or at his car according to the authorities, at 12:40am. This is one to one and a half minutes after the first 911 call. The following quotes are from the minutes following the time of his official apprehension:

5:33 I need officers on the east side to block it

[Is this even James Holmes they are talking about here? James Holmes was apprehended immediately, already outside the theater, (behind the theater) according to the authorities]

6:27 I need a marked car on the sable side, suspect in a gas mask

8:42 Making entry into 9

10:10 - 321- One of the shooters might be wearing a white and blue plaid shirt

10:17 Copy outstanding shooter possibly wearing a white and blue plaid shirt

10:30 Victor 49 I need a car at Sable

10:36 Copy need a unit to respond to Sable as well

10:39 Correction I need a car at exposition and Abeline

11:56 - Suspect saying he's the only one but I'm getting conflicting suspect descriptions from the witnesses out here

16:07 Get (close, or post) on the hallways, I don't want anyone coming out we mighta missed

17:55 Cruiser 49 I'm already identifying parties who saw the entire thing, as it unfolded. So cars, continue to stop people and ask questions as to what they saw

19:10 Lincoln 25 Everybody inside realize that behind the screens, those are open venues, so you need to check behind those screens also

20:18 ...the screens because there's recesses behind em, they're huge

20:25 Yeah we've got 5 possible employees in here we're searching em now

24:30 One of the construction workers said somebody just came, booking out of the parking lot, male red backpack is all they saw, was heading towards Alameda

24:44 Arapahoe Baker 81, I'm on Alameda right now

24:47 Baker 81 we have an RP advisory male dressed with a black backpack going toward the north east

24:55 Copy all units on Blue SE, Denver Tac 21's stating a male with a red backpack and another one possibly in black clothing heading towards Alameda

25:07 In just a little bit more Aurora officer's gonna give you a little more of an update right here

25:13 Ok, the suspect is gonna be a male, unknown race, black camo type outfit, believed to be wearing a vest, gas mask and multiple long guns

25:25 Copy all units responding to the theater, suspect is a male unknown race, black camo outfit, possible vest, gas mask and multiple long guns

28:03 I want no cars leaving this lot I want this lot blocked down, no cars leaving

30:30 Get CSI over here when you have the chance

30:49 What are the facts in uh...Moline?

30:58 (One of the officers is asking something about Moline)

31:00 Copy, if you could at least check the area for us, I have no further information

31:07 What was the address?

31:09 1690 South Moline Street. Hundred block in Moline is 11500

31:22 Denver radio to TAC 37 go on ahead with your update

31:26 Ok there's a suspect in all black, black tactical vest, black tactical helmet, dark goggles , gas mask, some type of gear, at least one handgun, tactical shotgun, and possible one other long gun

30:31 Police Aurora Any unit. Unknown problem. 1690 South Moline st., 1690 South Moline st. We have a report of an unknown problem, at least three people dragging a person into an unknown description vehicle and last seen northbound on the street

31:00 1690 South Moline Street

31:45 Denver 316, I've just been told we still have employees in the break area inside the theater

31:50 Denver 316 clear, employees still in the break area, in the theater

32:00 Per our cars on scene we gotta report of hos(tages), eh employees still inside the break room inside of the theater

32:10 Denver 316 it'll be in between theaters 14 and 15 I believe. If you face the theater it's on the right hand side

(For some reason this live police radio does a loop right here and repeats the last 2 statements)

32:28 per our cars on scene we're getting a report of hos(tages) eh employees still inside the break room inside of the theater

32:38 Denver 316 it'll be in between theaters 14 and 15 I believe. If you face the theater it's on the right hand side

35:24 Copy they just called for bolt cutters for one of the theaters

41:53 Denver is your air one available?

42:00 Air one is down, we can call em out

42:04 I'll verify if we need em, break- Arapahoe County if you can send the 2 transport vans, we would appreciate it.

42:17 Come back over here with me we need to clear this to the east

43:59 ...(staff?) in front of the theater. They're asking if our Air One is up and need a flyover over the theater

44:05 Clear. We're calling air one out right now, they will be...called out from the airport

44:18 And Denver be advised, air one does have capability to patch into our channel one, and that is patched into the other channel so they'll be able to feed in directly to our command staff

44:25 (Fire) All units, all AFE units, please...that are in your divisions, just meet with your division leader and sit tight. All ambulances that are not being used, I need you to report to staging at Exposition and Sable

45:06 Metro 10 any unit on the back, I know we cleared it out, but I need somebody to reconfirm the white vehicle outside the door's plate

45:20 The plate will be 119 Robert Ocean Charles

45:30 Confirm 119 ROC?

45:35 119 Robert Ocean Charles

45:40 Metro 10 to people with those key witnesses that were inside the theater, we need to start, quickly as possible, getting suspect descriptions, because we intially got some conflicting information. I wanna make sure we're not looking for anybody else

46:20 Yes ETA is about 25 minutes now. And we told them to respond to the east side of the theater

46:30 All units on the scene, if you run across a victim, do not tell them to leave, tell them to proceed to the north side of the parking lot by the fire trucks, where people will take their information

54:13 Is there one supervisor that is dealing with all of the witnesses? Or at least organizing all the witness?...

54:26 Lincoln 25 have you designated which supervisor is handling all of the witnesses?

54:33 uh uh...Denver's kinda tryin to coordinate that for me, the other juristictions are trying to coordinate that for me

54:40 Radio I need...I know we can merge our channels, you need to get ahold of Lakewood or somebody to figure out how we can merge Denver and Aurora channels so we can start talking to each other

54:50 Copy we'll try and figure that out

56:15 (Silva Dejobzar)

56:20 Cruiser 11 go ahead

56:23 Where exactly are you?

56:25 I'm at the rear, I've got the theater, securing that...securing the suspects vehicle. I'm back here on the east side, theater 9

56:50 Three 21 I had another witness say green camoflauge pants

56:58 Everybody hold your communications until we get patched here...Dispatch are we done?

56:03 No its not working...I'm having a supervisor figure it out right now

57:45 (Fire) ...so I'm gonna keep that crew that just went intact as a pronouncement group, for lack of a better term, simply because there's a secondary device, reported to be in one of these SUV's at the front of the building. The pronouncement team's on the other side of engine 8 for safety. We still have truck 2's crew inside, waiting for word from police on ventilation. And I think that's why we have the resources right at the theater

58:08 [whispering] We have an open door at the mall...it's gonna be on the east side, next to the food court

58:15 (Fire) Command also to let cha know, police have assured me that they've swept the theater 3 times, shouldn't be any other patients in there that we haven't discovered

58:20 Copy Aurora copies open door at the mall, east side at the food court

58:27 Denver (SAC 8) All of our (TAC?) cars are out on that...if you could get ahold of one of our K-9's, or if Aurora has a K-9, so we can start a search

58:36 Any available K-9 on Blue SE that can help search the mall? Again east side, open door at the food court

58:50 (Fire) Mark I'm gonna assist command, you're gonna be police liason, and assisting with staging

58:55 (Fire) Negative on the staging, a watch commander came out and wanted a chief officer present with him. He had a degreee of urgency, so while I was still getting briefed, so I spun off and left Chris in command, and came up here to find out what was going on. I don't know if you heard my last transmission, police told me they surveyed the theater 3 times. They've swept it 3 times with personnel. They think all victims are accounted for. We've got 10 black patients inside, and we're not gonna send another team in further, per the original request to survey if any of em are salvagable. Possible secondary device here in front of the theater, in an SUV. As well as reports of possible device inside the theater. I've got truck 2 inside, standing by, because originally police wanted them inside for ventilation

58:55 (K-9 unit) Where do you need me?

59:00 East side next to the food court, they have an open door

59:13 Copy any units not holding a perimeter or at the command post, please go to the east side of the Aurora mall, for an open door at the food court

1:01:27 Officers be advised the media is on the scene

1:01:35 Metro 24 we got media walking around, on the far east side of sable behind the theater

1:01:40 (Fire) [Extended solid horn heard blaring in background]

[Now this is an interesting statement. This officer has been talking to people for probably a little over an hour and taking statements from witnesses. He is coming to the conclusion, based on the information he's gathered over the time since the shooting has occured, and he seems fairly confident of his working theory at this point. This officer is drawing the conclusion, from what he knows, that it sounded like a coordinated attack]

1:16:30 "I'm not sure if this information's already been put out, but I've been talking to people who've been giving statements, it sounds like we have possibly 2 shooters, 1 that was in Theater 8 seated, another one that came in from the outside into Theater 9. Sounded like it was a coordinated attack."

1:16:50 Aurora Mall we do have the main entrances covered, we have a perimeter set up. Denver K-9 is coordinating the search of inside the mall at this time

1:17:00 I just wanted to share if we didn't have the information out, there is possibly 2 shooters

1:17:06 That is new news, break, Every unit on Blue SE, possible second shooter still at large

1:17:15 ...message to keep the media away from them

1:38:22 Location?

1:38:26 We're in the mall by the Best Buy mobile...top floor

1:52:10 We have a siren and a red light outside Sears

1:52:15 Copy, let me double check with my primaries

1:52:25 Looks like we did have one alarm, an hour ago at Macys. But since you were all inside, it has been cleared out

Unfortunately, there was plenty of people that got out of that parking lot of Century 16 right after the incident, in cars and on foot, dressed in all black, running...with backpacks, and driving away. By the time the police got the information pointing them towards additional suspects, it was most likely too late. Multiple witnesses from Century 16 describe walking or driving away without being even stopped by the police on their way out of the area.

As reported by ABC news early Friday morning, the police were still searching for a suspect.


This report from International Business News explains how the police were conducting a manhunt at the nearby mall for an Indian male.


This is by no means a comprehensive analysis of the entire police radio recording, I encourage you to do your own further research on the radio recordings.

So what we have here is a small sliver of the evidence that we have for multiple suspects. This should initially raise some suspicions of multiple suspects escaping from the scene in the early morning hours of July 20th, 2012. Wait till you see what else there is.

Christian Petersen

Editor: Thomas Brinkley

Executive Editor: Tim King

Christian Petersen

Christian Petersen is a proud Oregon resident (off and on) of over 15 years. He currently hangs his hat right here in Salem. Chris is a natural independent investigator who specializes in domestic issues involving corrupt behavior and conspiracy of all kinds, top to bottom. He understands that the only way anyone could take down the United States is from within, and vigilance is the key trait for any patriot. So he labors tirelessly for his country in the interest of the people to ensure that their happiness and the pursuit of Liberty are being protected, as is guaranteed to each and every American in the legally binding founding documents. Their satisfaction with the deal they are getting for their tax money is one of his key concerns. Christian believes that the US should lead the movement for freedom around the globe by providing a true example of what a free and just nation should be like, and act like. Then our way of life will inspire others to willingly follow our lead, according to his beliefs.

Christian is constantly looking for new information and leads. He runs the Historical Reference Vault youtube channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/HistoricalRecordsVLT/videos?view=0 and can be contacted through PM on there.  He can also be reached on Facebook. 

Thomas Brinkley

Thomas Brinkley graduated from the University of Florida with a B.A. in philosophy in 2008. Thomas began as an eccentric youtube personality, known for taking a critical look at various headline events. Thomas is quick to point out curious facts often overlooked by the mainstream media.

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Meesh September 24, 2012 3:40 pm (Pacific time)

And Thomas too(-: Keep on this case, were getting closer every day!

Meesh September 24, 2012 12:30 pm (Pacific time)

Christian, great work! I miss your insight on Willy Loman)-:

Sheilaaliens September 23, 2012 8:47 pm (Pacific time)

Yay great job getting this published, Christian and Thomas. It's an honor to be working with you both !

LVD September 23, 2012 8:09 pm (Pacific time)

Please look at the "James Holmes is innocent" Facebook page PLEASE there's so much more to this, we need to get this out and more people asking questions, they are lying to us all

EF Marsden September 23, 2012 11:23 am (Pacific time)

I have been wondering when somebody is going to bring this out, nice work and keep it up, you guys know obviously that this is the tip of the iceberg.

Elmer September 23, 2012 8:56 am (Pacific time)

The same people who were the other shooters have committed other similar acts, they have background and practice, you guys are absolutely on the trail.

Hank H. September 22, 2012 11:05 pm (Pacific time)

I only fail to understand how the cops have gotten this far, and how they are able to live with themselves, I saw the strange photos with items disappearing right in front of our eyes at the time, good evaluation, thanks Christian and Thomas

Sandy Lee September 22, 2012 9:23 pm (Pacific time)

You guys nailed it, that is pretty hard to steer around!  There had to have been more shooters, thanks!

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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